In this action thriller set in post-Katrina New Orleans, business owner Jack Vermillion (Laurence Fishburne) is struggling to run a legitimate shipping company while bad guy Ernest Pike (Karl Urban) is struggling to get his family's illegal gun collection out of the country. When their paths collide, Jack realizes that exposing Pike might get him just the sway he needs to persuade law enforcement officials to treat his imprisoned son kindly.
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Call-center workers receive a phone call from God.
Call-center workers receive a phone call from God.
A romantic coming-of-age story in which the kindness bestowed by a glamorous model is returned 30 years later by the young man in whom she inspired the first stirrings of confidence and love.
Dos hermanos de clase burguesa se encuentran en una situación desesperada y necesitan conseguir dinero sea como sea: Andy (Philip Seymour Hoffman), un ambicioso ejecutivo adicto a la heroína le propone a su hermano Hank (Ethan Hawke), cuyo sueldo se va casi íntegramente en pagar la pensión de su ex mujer y su hija, dar un golpe perfecto: atracar la joyería que sus padres tienen en Wetchester (Nueva York). Nada de pistolas, nada de violencia, pero las circunstancias y el azar se conjugan para que nada salga según lo previsto.