Eric Defosse

Eric Defosse


Eric Defosse


Savage Days
Nowadays, in Paris, a student who occasionally prosti- tutes, a freshman drug dealer, a trader who makes a ton of money... Money, pleasure and ambition are the cement of their relationship. In today’s world, they love and hurt each other.
The Other Night Factory
Helpless and confused, Andrea goes back to the factory where she used to work. Clinging on her past, she tries to survive. But, the violence of reality will shatter all of her illusions
Le Mac
A mild-mannered banker is forced to masquerade as a notorious gangster and pimp.
Coluche, l'histoire d'un mec
Maurice Tadjman
Asuntos pendientes
Rolf Winterstein
En París hace varios meses que una banda de atracadores actúa con total impunidad, haciendo gala de una violencia poco habitual. El director de la Policía Judicial, Robert Mancini, les plantea la cuestión con claridad meridiana a dos comisarios: Léo Vrinks, jefe de la Brigada de Investigación e Intervención, y Denis Klein, jefe de la Brigada de la Represión de la Delincuencia: el que consiga atrapar a la banda le sustituirá y se convertirá en el gran jefe del 36, Quai des Orfèvres, sede de la Policía Judicial. Esto significa la guerra entre los dos policías, otrora amigos.
Largo domingo de noviazgo
Cuando la I Guerra Mundial (1914-1918) se acerca a su fin, para una joven francesa está a punto de comenzar la más cruel de las batallas. Mathilde ha recibido la noticia de que su prometido Manech es uno de los cinco soldados heridos que, tras haber sido sometidos a un consejo de guerra, han sido enviados a la tierra de nadie que hay entre el ejército francés y el alemán, lo cual supone una muerte casi segura. Mathilde, que se niega a aceptar esa situación, emprende un extraordinario viaje para conocer el destino de su prometido. Las noticias que va recibiendo sobre Manech son desalentadoras. Aún así, animada por una fe y una esperanza inquebrantables y también por un gran optimismo, sigue su investigación hasta el final. A medida que se acerca a la verdad sobre los desafortunados soldados y su brutal castigo, se ve más envuelta en los horrores de la guerra y en las marcas indelebles que deja en quienes la han vivido.
My Father Saved My Life
Novelist and filmmaker Jose Giovanni turned to the remarkable true story of how his father helped him escape a date with the guillotine for this drama, which is based closely on events from his own life. During World War II, Manu (Vincent Lecoeur, as a character Giovanni modeled after himself) fought with the French Resistance, but near the end of the war he fell into a life of crime, and in 1947, 22-year-old Manu was arrested for his part in a bungled robbery that left a man dead. While Manu did not pull the fatal trigger, he refuses to say who did, since it would mean implicating his uncle, one of the few members of his family who has stood by him; Manu's brother is dead, and he turned his back on his father Joe (Bruno Cremer) years ago. Manu is sentenced to death, and while he protests his innocence, his attempts to escape from prison do little to convince anyone that he's telling the truth.
L'île au bout du monde
A young couple comes to spread on Easter Island the ashes of a brutally deceased brother. They are held back by a strike on this earth, the most isolated in the world. The couple breaks up and is rebuilt in contact with this sublime island.
Los profesionales
Una joven que acaba de salir de prisión decide averiguar quíen es su padre biológico. Dos son los posibles candidatos: un restaurador, que en realidad es un hábil ladrón de joyas, y un mecánico aficionado a coleccionar coches de lujo.
Le tuteur
Nina, nine years old, loses her parents Hélène and Jean in a car accident. A few months later, in front of the reunited family, the guardianship judge opens the will that designates Thomas, Hélène's brother, as Nina's guardian. But Thomas, 35 years old, shares his apartment with Hervé, an architect, with whom he has been in a relationship for 5 years.