Supernatural drama set in the British trenches of WW1. Along with the rest of his platoon, young Private Edwin Childs fears imminent German gas attacks. As the dreaded attack begins, how much will Edwin give of himself in the ultimate act of compassion towards his fellow men?
E. Nesbit's classic children's book "The Railway Children" follows Roberta (Bobbie), Phyllis and Peter, three sheltered siblings who suffer a huge upheaval when their father is falsely imprisoned. The children and their mother, now penniless, are forced to move from London to rural Yorkshire, into a cottage near to a railway line. The story deals with themes of justice, the importance of family and the kindness of strangers. York Theatre Royal's award-winning theatre production of The Railway Children is written by Mike Kenny, directed for the stage by Damian Cruden and directed for the screen by Ross MacGibbon. This stage-to-screen version, filmed at the National Railway Museum, features the steam train from the much-loved original feature film.
An evocative and imaginative exploration of the racial tensions in Othello and how the themes in Shakespeare's play still resonate today.
From its sell-out run at Manchester's Royal Exchange Theatre comes a film version of this unique and critically acclaimed production of Hamlet with BAFTA-nominee Maxine Peake in the title role. This ground-breaking stage production, directed by Sarah Frankcom, was the Royal Exchange's fastest-selling show in a decade.
An open-air staging by Aldeburgh Music of Benjamin Britten's Peter Grimes, on the beach that inspired the opera. A small seaside community struggles to accept a fisherman.
Sherry, una joven que intenta escapar de su vida anterior, conoce a un grupo radical callejero, los SPARK (Street People Armed with Radical Knowledge - Gente de la calle armada de ideología radical), cuando está viviendo en las calles de una ciudad europea. Decide montarse en la furgoneta de los SPARK y recorrer el continente, reclutando gente de los grupos callejeros.
Margaret Williams directs this 2001 production of adaptation of Benjamin Britten's television opera based on a short story by Henry James. Performers featured include Gerald Finley, Peter Savidge and Josephine Barstow. The conductor is Kent Nagano. As pertinent now as then, OWEN WINGRAVE was composed by Benjamin Britten at the height of the Vietnam War. The opera poses the question: Is pacifism an act of cowardice? Or rather a desire to escape from the spiral of war and create world peace? To what extent do we determine our own futures? Should we let past events inform the decisions we make? Britten’s characters grapple with timeless issues in this gripping psychodrama.