Once directores, once historias, once puntos de vista sobre el atentado contra las Torres Gemelas y el Pentágono el 11 de septiembre del 2001, un suceso que cambió la historia del siglo XXI.
Durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial (1939-1945), con el objetivo de huir de los nazis y evitar el exterminio, un grupo de judíos de un pueblo de Europa del Este organiza un convoy simulando que se trata de un tren de prisioneros. Algunos de ellos no tendrán más remedio que hacerse pasar por soldados nazis.
Leaving Europe to look for Akiko, Jean-Noël discovers her city, the exotic Tokyo. A documentary on everyday life in Tokyo, its KABUKI theater, its nostalgic TAKENOKOZOKU dances, its thousands of suit-and-tie executives, its geishas, its Western style marriages, its tranquil green areas, its pulsating nightlife...
The antiques shop Gerard owns should help him to get rid of his financial problems. He dreams of writing the most important Dutch novel ever. Unfortunately he spends money like water. As a result he is constantly broke. His sister Ingrid is married to Pierre. She wants a child but he refuses. While Gerard is willing to consider leading a normal life, a wish mainly expressed by his parents, Ingrid's marriage falls apart.
The antiques shop Gerard owns should help him to get rid of his financial problems. He dreams of writing the most important Dutch novel ever. Unfortunately he spends money like water. As a result he is constantly broke. His sister Ingrid is married to Pierre. She wants a child but he refuses. While Gerard is willing to consider leading a normal life, a wish mainly expressed by his parents, Ingrid's marriage falls apart.
Berthe, a pretty young woman, has suffered from a mental disease since she was a child. A doctor has tried for years to understand her behavior and to teach her some basic notions such as those of time and emotional expression. But he also tends to use her as a guinea-pig and does not oppose her parents when they decide to marry her as a way to solve her problems. Unfortunately the cure proves worse than the disease as Berthe's husband, who soon tires of her, abandons her and leaves her more helpless than ever... —Guy Bellinger
Mathieu Grégoire es un escritor que vive felizmente en Spa con su mujer Jeanne y su hija Marie, que está a punto de contraer matrimonio. Circunstancias fortuitas lo llevan a descubrir a una joven que se esconde en la linde de los bosques que bordean la Fagne, unas llanuras baldías y desoladas batidas por el viento y donde las tempestades son muy fuertes. Mathieu deduce que la mujer, que no comprende ni una palabra de francés, ha debido de atraversar de forma ilegal la frontera belga. Dado que ignora su verdadero nombre, la llamará Belle. Con un ritmo rápido, la historia se desarrolla ineludiblemente, unida a los árboles, a las nubes, a la lluvia, al barro, al viento. Un extranjero llega a la Fagne, un compatriota de Belle. La presencia de ese hombre, que Belle acoje con temor, desencadena el drama.