Larry Maxwell


Public Access
Jeff Abernathy
Brewster seems to be an almost too perfect example of idyllic small-town America, with everyone living in peace and harmony. So when newcomer Whiley Pritcher starts up his own local cable TV show with the question "what's wrong with Brewster?", there surely can't be any deep dark secrets in the town that are just waiting to come to the surface - or can there? And when the question becomes "who's wrong with Brewster?" things start getting seriously nasty.
Dr. Graves
Una especie de cuento gótico que narra la historia de un niño de siete años que huye después de matar a su violento padre. Rodada en blanco y negro como una parodia de las películas de ciencia-ficción de serie B de los años 50.
Psykho III: The Musical
Stanley Toole
Psykho III: The Musical is an intriguing play on the tension between “authentic” and “pop” camp. This celebration of artifice was originally written, directed, and produced by Mark Oates as a stage musical parody following the release of Psycho II in 1983, and was performed at the East Village’s most notorious nightspot — The Pyramid Club. In 1985, after a wildly successful run, Oates reached out to longtime friend and Downtown video artist Tom Rubnitz to produce a video adaptation of the stage musical.