Carleen Beadle


Amenaza terrorista
Production Accountant
Ewan es un agente del Servicio Secreto cuya misión consiste en capturar y eliminar a Ash, un terrorista suicida, y a la célula a la que pertenece. Mientras tanto, Ash se enfrenta a un dilema moral.
Takes a look at gay and straight love among the new millennials. Everything from secret crushes to homophobic attitudes are revealed by the rambunctious students taking Drama and Dance from Loris. None of the teens are what they seem at first glance, with gay hearts lurking behind tough exteriors and straight kids expressing themselves in many ways.
Watch Dad adjust to the news that his teenage son Kwame plans on losing his virginity to a girl! A comedic interplay ensues between father and son over the lack of hetero role models and male identity.