Melissa is an experienced, exemplary prison guard. But a dangerous spiral is set into motion when she transfers to a Corsican jail, where she accepts help and protection from inmate Saveriu to get her bearings. Upon his release, he contacts Melissa expecting to collect.
The sophomore feature from French Burkinabé actor Cédric Ido centres on a mysterious planetary event that upsets both the gravity and the fragile equilibrium of a Parisian suburb, which is ruled by a cosmically-connected crew of young “entrepreneurs.”
Baptiste, 29, is in a relationship with Samia, when he meets Cookie Kunty, a young Parisian drag queen. Driven by the idea of a photo project with her, he immerses himself in a universe in which he discovers everything, until he begins a relationship with Quentin, the young man behind the drag queen.
Following the success of his first feature "Django", Étienne Comar confronts with "Singing Jailbirds" the life in a prison for women with music and its capacity to unite people and a repertoire of international songs.
Nora, a cleaning lady in her fifties, looks after her small family in a housing estate in the northern part of Marseille. She is worried about her grandson Ellyes, who has been in prison for several months for robbery and is awaiting his trial with a mixture of hope and anxiety. Nora does everything she can to make this wait as painless as possible.
Nora, a cleaning lady in her fifties, looks after her small family in a housing estate in the northern part of Marseille. She is worried about her grandson Ellyes, who has been in prison for several months for robbery and is awaiting his trial with a mixture of hope and anxiety. Nora does everything she can to make this wait as painless as possible.
Lina, is getting ready to go to the Baumettes' prison to attend her very first visit with her lately incarcerated boyfriend. His daughter Sofia tries to dissuade her. Their life is better without him.
Farah / Leila 22 ans
For thirty years, French-Algerian sisters Zorah, Nohra and Djamila have been living in the hope of finding their brother Rheda, abducted by their father, and hidden in newly decolonised Algeria. Their relationship is shaken when Zorah, the eldest sister, decides to write a play based on the traumatising events of their childhood that haunted them their whole life. But when they learn that their father is dying, the three sisters decide to go to Algeria to seize their last opportunity to have him reveal where their brother is. When the past catches up, the three sisters have no choice but to put their differences aside.
París, años 60. La influencia de Madame Claude va más allá de la prostitución... hasta que una joven acomodada amenaza con cambiarlo todo.
Herself - Actrice, réalisatrice
Lila has just broken up with her cheating boyfriend and is disappointed, frustrated and hurt. Looking for love and intimacy, she engages in a series of short-term relationships, while her friends offer up bad advice and her ex tries to win her back.
Lila has just broken up with her cheating boyfriend and is disappointed, frustrated and hurt. Looking for love and intimacy, she engages in a series of short-term relationships, while her friends offer up bad advice and her ex tries to win her back.
Lila has just broken up with her cheating boyfriend and is disappointed, frustrated and hurt. Looking for love and intimacy, she engages in a series of short-term relationships, while her friends offer up bad advice and her ex tries to win her back.
Lila has just broken up with her cheating boyfriend and is disappointed, frustrated and hurt. Looking for love and intimacy, she engages in a series of short-term relationships, while her friends offer up bad advice and her ex tries to win her back.
José Nunes and Maxime Charasse are friends and minority partners in a struggling construction company. Faced with the need to protect their interests, they make a radical decision and find themselves bound by a dark secret.
It's the end of summer vacation for Amin. The young photographer spends cozy evenings with Charlotte, the ex-girlfriend of his Casanova cousin. She talks to him about literature, he photographs her. Nobody knows that they see each other, especially not Ophélie, his childhood friend, who instead confides her troubles to Amin : her father wants her to take over the family farm, her fiancé Clement will return soon from Iraq for their wedding, she is pregnant with Tony’s baby, and Tony wants to keep their affair secret instead of having a serious relationship. Ophélie constantly contemplates her choices : would it be better to get an abortion in secret and marry Clement or to follow her maternal instinct and keep the child, perhaps seeking refuge with Amin in Paris?
Las vacaciones de una joven mujer musulmana en la ciudad de Nueva York se tornan en pesadilla
El detective François Visconti es el encargado de resolver la desaparición de un adolescente. El señor Bellaile, el tutor de francés del chico, se presta a ayudar en la investigación, pero en realidad no hace más que disparar las sospechas hacia él mismo. Romain Duris y un Vincent Cassel en modo Colombo protagonizan este noir, firmado por Erick Zonca y basado en la novela de Dror Mishani.
Hafsia, student
Sweet works in a hospital as a nurse. A new patient has just been admitted. Her mysterious side and her literary tastes fascinate the young woman. Delphine, executive in the same establishment, welcomes a German photographer who came for a report. The attraction is immediate between the two women. Hafsia, who wears the veil and could be refused an exam, meets an exuberant young man whom she falls in love with. She must hide this relationship from her father ...
Amel is a young photographer. When she loses her husband, her life changes. Encouraged by her father-in-law, she takes a taste of life by photographing street boys. Without fear of being scandalous, she makes the choice to look at men as men look at women.
Verano de 1994. Amin (Shaïn Boumedine), un joven aspirante a guionista y fotógrafo, regresa a su pueblo costero en el sur de Francia después de vivir un año en París. Nada más llegar descubre que su primo Tony (Salim Kechiouche) mantiene un romance secreto con la joven Ophélie (Ophélie Bau), que está prometida. Amin pasa el tiempo en la playa mientras se reencuentra con sus amigos y familia, todos de origen tunecino. Conocerá a varias chicas que disfrutan del verano, especialmente la liberal Céline (Lou Luttiau) y la cándida Charlotte (Alexia Chardard), seducida por el mujeriego Tony. Por la noche todos salen de fiesta a divertirse. Siempre discreto y reservado, Amin observa los juegos de seducción a su alrededor, anhelando vivir su propio romance como en las películas, pero cuando se trata de amor, solo el mektoub ("destino" en árabe) puede decidir.
Two small time crooks brothers fall apart when they both meet very different women
Situada en el mundo de las escorts de lujo en Londres, cuenta la historia de Virginie y de Rupert, un hombre que rescata a las chicas de la trata de blancas.
Thomas is seduced by Julie and tells her stories in which he was involved or that he witnessed. All of them pose the question of what links and binds us to each other. But are we capable of perceiving this singular and poetic mystery?
Una tarde, Amra, una joven argelina que vive en Francia, atropella accidentalmente a un peatón. Acribillada por la culpa y la certeza de que perderá sus documentos de identidad franceses, Angélique, una bella pelirroja que es tan abierta y sin complejos como Amra es insociable e introvertida, demuestra milagrosamente su inocencia. Las dos jóvenes se hacen amigas, pero la actitud de Angélique se vuelve cada vez más extraña, incluso inquietante.
Kenza Boukamache
Lee es una fotógrafa de guerra que sufre Desorden de Estrés Post-traumático tras haber sido secuestrada en Libia. Desde entonces, los fantasmas de su terrible experiencia no dejan de atormentarla. Por eso, para olvidarse de la terrible experiencia, decide no volver a casa, a Nueva York, donde la esperan sus familiares y amigos, sino que decide marcharse a Sicilia. Allí se hospedará en un hotel, sin hacer caso de las llamadas de aquellos que se preocupan por ella. Es en Italia donde vuelve a reecontrarse con Albert, su antiguo mentor y amante. Allí también se cruzará con Hafsia, una inmigrante tunecina que necesitará su ayuda. Así, poco a poco, Lee encontrará una forma de evadir por fin su angustia.
In 1983, in France experiencing intolerance and racial violence , three young teens and the priest Minguettes launching a largely peaceful march for equality and against racism, over 1,000 km between Marseille and Paris . Despite the difficulties and resistance encountered, their movement will bring about a real boost of hope in the way of Gandhi and Martin Luther King. They unite with their arrival more than 100 000 people from all walks of life and give France its new face.
Ben, un chico de 17 años (Samuel Schneider), va a pasar las vacaciones de verano con su padre (Ulrich Tukur), un célebre director de teatro que se encuentra en un festival en Marrakech. El lugar le resulta tan extraño como su progenitor, al que apenas ha visto desde que se divorció de su madre. Como la distancia entre ambos va en aumento, Ben se deja arrastrar por el exotismo del país. Así es como se enamora de Karima (Hafsia Herzi) y la sigue hasta su remota aldea, en el Atlas. Tras varios días sin tener noticias de su hijo, Heinrich empieza a buscarlo.
The French Trilogy showcases a series of 62 photographs taken by Philippe Terrier-Hermann with 25 actors in 6 French regions echoing his previous project, The American Tetralogy. Questioning the relationship between cinema, landscapes and representations, this project features a song by Edward Barrow and was visible in public space in France during the summer of 2013, through a distribution system borrowing from advertising strategies.
Hafsia Chouchane
Hafsia, a student in Art History, is going to have to remove her hijab for an oral exam. She goes to the Louvre to view the painting that she has to comment on.
Una mujer (Catherine Deneuve) harta de la vida que lleva decide un día abandonarlo todo, ponerse en carretera y huir sin rumbo definido.
A Palestinian family living in the north of Galilee gathers to celebrate the wedding of one of their daughters, as war rages between Israel and Lebanon. Internal conflicts explode between the family - secrets are revealed and lies are unmasked. The battles between different family members become as merciless as the outside war once their father falls into a coma and inches toward death.
Djamila Boupacha
Based on a true story, this beautifully-shot epic traces the life of Sarah, from her early years in a Catholic orphanage in 1970s Belgium, through her rebellious, poverty-stricken teens in a village in the Atlas mountains of Morocco.
Marine, la femme de ménage
Julia, arquitecta aparentemente feliz, decide contratar a una asistenta. Pero la chica se da cuenta enseguida de que Julia padece un cáncer terminal y que lo que necesita, en realidad, es compañía para pasar los últimos días de su vida. Surge entonces un vínculo tan fuerte y profundo entre las dos mujeres que vivirán juntas esos últimos y terribles momentos.
Loubna / Esmeralda
En un pequeño pueblo de Oriente Medio, la tradición exige que las mujeres vayan a buscar agua, bajo un sol ardiente, a la fuente que nace en lo alto de una montaña. Leila, una joven casada, propone a las demás mujeres una huelga de sexo: no mantendrán relaciones sexuales hasta que los hombres colaboren con ellas en el transporte del agua hasta la aldea.
París, principios del siglo XIX. Está ambientada en un lupanar, en el que un hombre desfigura el rostro de una prostituta. La cicatriz resultante dibuja en su cara una sonrisa trágica que la marcará de por vida.
Zlabya, the Rabbi's Daughter (voice)
Tras comerse un periquito, el gato de un rabino adquiere la capacidad de hablar, y no sólo eso, sino que se vuelve un estudioso de las creencias de su amo, criticándolas como sólo un gato podría hacerlo, y entablando una fuerte amistad con la hija del religioso.
Jimmy Rivière is a young Gypsy, has a sunny but nervous disposition. Sometimes too nervous. Under pressure from his community, he converts to Pentacostalism and renounces his two passions: Thai boxing and Sonia. But how can he refuse the new fight that his trainer proposes? And how can he resist the powerful desire that draws him to Sonia?
José acaba de pasar 20 años en prisión. Después de ser liberado, solo tiene una obsesión: hacer un último robo. Para realizar esta obra maestra, necesita un cómplice. No puede confiar en nadie, así que decide preparar a Julie, de 20 años. La confusión y la incertidumbre, sin embargo, se interponen entre estos dos seres tan opuestos ...
Sabrinette, vitim of the crisis, looks for a flat. Not easy to find when we are a temporary worker, young, with untidy hair, or too much this, or not enough that. An injustice made for one is a threat made for all. When we look with the plan of Monopoly, we necessarily hope to fall on the lucky square.
A teenager unwittingly reveals a terrible family secret to her new neighbors.
Armand Lacourtade es un vendedor de material agrícola de 43 años que ya no soporta su vida de gay solterón. Cuando conoce a Curly, una valiente adolescente de 16 años, tira la casa por la ventana. En contra de todos, defenderán este amor prohibido hasta el final, pero... ¿es este el verdadero sueño de Armand?
The Mesopotamian Marshes, at the delta of the Euphrates and Tigris rivers, in the south of Iraq. This is where Mastour and Zahra grow up. Shortly after their marriage, Mastour and Zahra are forced to separate when the Gulf War breaks out. On the battlefield, Mastour befriends Riad, a young soldier from Baghdad. Mortally wounded, Mastour makes Riad promise to protect Zahra when the war is over. When Riad arrives in the village, he falls deeply in love with Zahra. But unable to bear the loss of her husband, Zahra shuts herself off. In this completely foreign environment that is hostile to this newcomer, and as a new conflict is on the verge of inflaming the whole area, Riad will do the impossible to find his place.
An elderly gentleman and his dog find themselves out of a home with little means.
Director Abdellatif Kechiche’s reedit of Rym’s belly-dancing sequence in THE SECRET OF THE GRAIN, a visual and aural interpretation of that film’s passionate climax. NOTE to TMDB and Letterboxd editors: this is not the same film as THE SECRET OF THE GRAIN and should not be merged with that film's record.
Sofia - adult
Sillman, un divorciado padre de familia, vive una situación muy delicada cuando es despedido de su trabajo en los muelles del puerto marítimo. Su futuro y el de su familia se presenta incierto, y su hijo le recomienda que vuelva al norte de África. Sin embargo Sillman tiene otras ideas: abrir su propio restaurante en un viejo barco oxidado del puerto. Las autoridades no le pondrán las cosas fáciles.
Scenario Writer
Lucie a police officer is fond of her new neighbors a young couple. Soon she discovers that Yann, the father has a heavy criminal record. Lucie's moral conflict between her professionalism and her desire to help this family.
The unlikely friendship between two women whose husbands are in prison. A meeting between a courageous young mother and a refined bourgeois woman. What brings them together? The hardships? Loneliness? One will help the other. Or maybe it’s the other way around
It’s the end of summer vacation for Amin. The young photographer spends cozy evenings with Charlotte, the ex-girlfriend of his casanova cousin. She talks to him about literature, he photographs her. Between Amin’s encounters with these women and his dreams of cinema, many choices open up to him.