Mlle Polson
Esta es la historia de tres ancianos que han elegido retirarse del mundo y vivir en los bosques de Canadá. Al tiempo que un gran incendio amenaza la región, alguien llega hasta su escondite: una joven fotógrafa que busca a un tal Boychuck. Y no es la única. Poco después, una mujer de más de 80 años aparece como una brisa ligera que alborotará sus vidas. Mientras intentan comprender la historia de Boychuck a través de sus pinturas, algo extraordinario surgirá entre todos ellos.
According to the text of Stéphane E.Roy Nine slices of life. Nine stories that intertwine. A satirical comedy. Marc Gauthier, creator of the new "Dare Communic-Action ©" alleged communication guru, offers a new approach. But there will always be a gap between theory and practice ... Between nine earthy situations and absurd misunderstandings, everyone will try to grow up
Esta emotiva historia de madres e hijas explora con belleza, la adicción y la familia. Hace la pregunta - ¿es posible cambiar su destino?
Simone Malenfant
In this melodrama, Marie and Pierre (Danielle Proulx and Marc Messier) are a comfortably middle-class couple who want the ultimate accessory: a baby. Their efforts to conceive naturally have been unsuccessful, so they decide to try using the newest artificial methods of conception. Unfortunately for them, the clinician they contact for help is also given to conducting unauthorized experiments on the human lifespan, cloning, etc. Eventually the fertilization effort is successful, and Marie has conceived quadruplets. The couple discusses this situation while driving, and are killed in an auto accident.
Agnès à 40 ans
In Quebec 40s, orphans or abandoned children are placed in a gigantic psychiatric hospital where children were locked. Were they sick? No, they simply had no family. To escape this oppressive universe, they created a parallel world: the institution's basement where, in a maze of tunnels, they founded an independent company, with its rituals, spells. A young girl, Agnes, reigns over this underground world that adults seem to tolerate.
A group of friends reunite after thirty years of separation.
Madeleine Tremblay
Robert decides to drop everything and go back to his homeland, accompanied by his daughter and a couple of friends.