Gaspard Meier-Chaurand

Gaspard Meier-Chaurand


Gaspard Meier-Chaurand


The Storyteller
Al otro lado
Una joven aprendiz de relojería es encontrada muerta al pie de un acantilado. Parece un suicidio porque Manon, de 23 años y la única chica de su clase, se habría resquebrajado bajo la presión.
A lunatic guy saves a party thanks to his imagination.
At Dawn
During their graduation party on a beach, three teenage friends take a ride into the darkness on a stolen dinghy. They wake up the next morning, lost at sea, with no food, water or shelter.
Not Everyone Will Survive
Tom is 17 years old and in love with Léa, a one-legged young girl fascinated by survival skills. The problem is his friend Quentin loves her too. When Léa challenges them to butcher a rabbit, competition starts to set in between the two boys.
Mention particulière
Laura, 21, is determined to earn her High school diploma, just like anyone else. Except Laura is a bit different. She has Down syndrome. As she faces her own difficulties, she must also deal with the doubts of her loved ones and the occasional cruelty of her peers. Overcoming challenge after challenge between emotion and laughter, Laura battles for every inch of an opportunity that life tries to keep from her. Like a movie in which disability brings a fresh perspective on life challenges and the pursuit of happiness.
Noticias de la familia Mars
Philippe Mars es un divorciado, padre de hijos adolescentes, que sueña con ser astronauta. Su vida, ordenada y conformista, cambiará cuando un amigo se escape del psiquiátrico y pida asilo en su casa. (FILMAFFINITY)
Ce monde est fou
Monsieur Papa
Monsieur Papa is a moving portrait of a modern family, centering around 12 year-old Marius Vallois. Born in a wealthy family, Marius is the son of Marie Vallois, a successful CEO. Marie loves her son unconditionally, but Marius has never known his father and suffers greatly from it. When Marius starts shoplifting and doing badly at school, Marie decides to recruit a father figure for him. One day in her office building, she meets Robert Pique. Robert is a peculiar man who has a background in finance, but makes ends meet ironing clothes for his neighbors. Reluctant at first, Robert agrees to be paid to meet Marius and pretends to be his father. Marius immediately understands that Robert is not his dad, but very quickly, a deep bond develops between them.
La redada
Lucien Timonier
En la noche del 16 de julio de 1942, 4.500 gendarmes del gobierno colaboracionista del Mariscal Pétain, que había firmado un pacto con Hitler y aceptado la ocupación de Francia por el ejército alemán, procedieron en París a una gigantesca redada, en la que 13.152 judíos fueron arrestados y posteriormente encerrados, en condiciones infrahumanas, en el Velódromo de invierno. Estaba previsto detener a 27.391 judíos, pero, aunque la mayoría de los franceses fueron colaboracionistas, una minoría participó en la Resistencia, tanto pasiva como activa, frente al invasor. La desobediencia civil de muchos ciudadanos y de algunos funcionarios permitió escapar a buena parte de los que habían sido previamente fichados y marcados con la estrella amarilla.