Tobias Oertel

Tobias Oertel

Nacimiento : 1975-10-18, Werneck, Germany


Tobias Oertel


Una noche a tope
Noah, un fanático de la música de 24 años, cuida a su bebé durante la noche por primera vez.
The Protector
Jan Schäfer
Jan Schäfer is a personal security officer at the BKA. Fiona Weibel, the key witness currently under Schäfer’s protection, has to testify before the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea in Hamburg. Particularly delicate: Fiona works in the management of a Swiss shipping company and is said to be using insider knowledge to heavily incriminate her own employer. The shipping company is accused of illegally transporting toxic substances, disguised as fertilizers, to Syria, where they are used to produce toxic gas. To keep Fiona safe until the trial, Schäfer and his colleague Yannick take her into their custody. But as soon as they pick up the witness at the airport, they realize they are being followed. Through a clever diversionary maneuver, they manage to escape the pursuers. But is that enough to get Fiona to safety? The trio threatens to be discovered and the operation exposed. Is the witness playing a double game? Or is there even a leak in the ranks of their own colleagues?
Jenseits der Angst
Harald Fechner
Renowned fashion designer Lisa Hembach irritates her surroundings with her behavior. She looks erratic, unfocused and feels persecuted.
Der Sohn
Katharina and her son Stefan (16) live in a small town where everybody knows everybody. Stefan has been born with severe asthma. Katharina has ceased to count the nights that she has spent at his bed listening with fear, his breath. Their care and care have accompanied the child's growing up. Very deeply in Katharina is a doubt whether she really loves her child. Stefan's burgeoning sexuality finds its way in a disturbing way. He scares women during nightly journeys through the city, escorts prostitutes in front of a brothel, and watches couples in sex. When a young woman is found dead, the suspicion grows in Katharina that Stefan can be the culprit. He winds more and more out of Katharina's clasp and is increasingly aggressively seeking his own space. When a second woman is found murdered, Catherine's suspicion becomes evident. The relationship between mother and son implies a tragedy.
Immer Ärger mit Opa Charly
Thomas Lorenz
Dresden Mord - Nachtgestalten
Fabian Wiedlitz
Die Wallensteins - Dresdner Dämonen
Fabian Wiedlitz
Lola auf der Erbse
Lola, who lives on a houseboat with her mother, makes friends with a Kurdish boy, a new pupil in her class.
Bella Dilemma
Sebastian Berg
Bella is in a dilemma: She lives with her ex Martin and her new boyfriend Sebastian in a shared flat. Neither does she dare to pour Martin pure wine, nor to quit. Just when Bella has come to an end to the secrecy, a bad news arrives by phone: Two very good, mutual friends of Bella and Martin have been fatally injured. They leave Tom, a two-year-old boy. Bella does not hesitate: Martin and her will take care of the boy. But how should that work in the WG? And what about Bella's relationship with Sebastian?
Verratene Freunde
Two married couples, in their mid-40s, have been friends for a long time. Until one husband believes he has to bring an indiscretion to the public about the other and the respective life plans and moral concepts are called into question. Matthias Brandt, Barbara Auer, Heino Ferch and Katja Riemann can be seen in the leading roles of this outstanding, chamber play-like television film.
El mensaje
Susanne escribe una carta, que introduce en una botella, en la que pide un deseo: encontrar el amor. Al poco tiempo, a través de un correo electrónico, conoce a un hombre que le parece interesante. (FILMAFFINITY)
Bamberger Reiter. Ein Frankenkrimi
Stefan Breu
Men Do what Men Can
Confirmed bachelor Paul falls for Iris, who’s unfortunately as good as married. Although his friends have women problems of their own, and all end up moving into Paul’s apartment, they concoct a daring plan to help Paul save Iris from marrying the wrong man.
Bissige Hunde
Arved Minks
Bella Australia
Sebastian Berg
Bella enjoys her life in Berlin after separating from her husband Martin. She buys her daughter Lena a dress for their Abifeier and proposes a joint trip around the world. However, Lena has her own plans. Why else would she drop a meeting at the mall with the handsome cop Sebastian Berg, who still raves about bubbly Bella? But Bella's mind is not on men - she has Lena, that's enough for her.
The Big Black
Una voz del pasado
Jochen Weber
Una mujer asiste a una cena en casa de un médico, colega de su marido, junto a otra pareja, pero nada más oír su voz reconoce al hombre que en su día fue el médico de la cárcel donde estuvo presa por motivos políticos en Alemania del Este. El daño moral y psicológico sufrido ha dejado una huella imborrable en su memoria y ahora cree revivir la pesadilla. Repentinamente decide visitar al médico en su consulta con la intención de desenmascararle, pero él niega ser quien dice y se muestra sorprendido, incluso preocupado. Por ello no duda en comentar a su marido su visita. (FILMAFFINITY)
Schandmal – Der Tote im Berg
Rainer Gollnick
Meine Familie bringt mich um
Liebe, Babys und ein Stückchen Heimat
Kurt Mitter
380.000 Volt - Der große Stromausfall
Bella Vita
Sebastian Berg
No hay futuro sin pasado
Lucas Gillespie
Hace años , el chef Lucas Gillespie dejó el Valle de Hudson y a su esposa, Perdita Dylan , que se quedó a llevar adelante una granja orgánica y se divorció mientras él se unió a la cadena hotelera , en Nueva York .Allí se convirtió en el novio de Claire, una rica heredera. Ahora la pareja regresa para volver a abrir un famoso club , el Grantly, con un restaurante de una estrella . El arquitecto Roger Owen es contratado para diseñar los campos de golf , para los cuales deben adquirir una finca colindante.
Volker Ahrens
Als sie den Angeklagten Robin Böhme (Simon Licht) zum ersten Mal Auge in Auge sieht, bricht die Staatsanwältin Esther Dorwald (Ann-Kathrin Kramer) unter Schock zusammen. Sie hat in ihm den Mann wieder erkannt, der sie vor etwa zwanzig Jahren im Park überfiel und schwer sexuell demütigte und nötigte. Damals waren die Ermittlungen im Sande verlaufen, jetzt ist der Geschäftsmann wegen Waffenhandel und Mord angeklagt. Die Staatsanwältin will ihn zur Rechenschaft ziehen lassen, muss jedoch feststellen, dass die Tat verjährt ist. Der aktuelle Prozess gegen ihn droht ebenfalls zu platzen. Verzweifelt setzt Esther alle Hebel in Bewegung, riskiert den Bruch mit ihrem Mann Lukas (Klaus J. Behrendt) und schreckt auch vor illegalen Maßnahmen nicht zurück, um Robin Böhme dingfest zu machen.
Richterin ohne Robe
Dirk Jahn
Bettina Hinrichs, who owns a flower shop, has been nominated to act as Schöffin (a german version of jury member) at court. Robert Wrengler is accused to have murdered his wife with a letter bomb. Bettina Hinrichs has mixed feelings about her duty: How can she decide who is telling the truth? Should she believe the tears of the bereft widower or the accusations of his brother-in-law? Her life is turned upside down even more when she finds out that a detective is following her and her daughter, uttering threats in case she makes the wrong decision. And what about Peter, the nice guy she met by accident right after the trial started - is he really on her side? Weighed down by doubt, she finds Wrengler guilty - but that's not the end of it all.
Frauen wollen mehr
Ben Heisenbrück
Vorne ist verdammt weit weg
Max Kienze
Instinto perverso
Stefan Seydlitz
La hija de una conocida escritora cree que su madre es la responsable de la muerte del padre. A partir de entonces la relación entre ellas se enfría cada vez más, llegando al punto de que la joven no invita a su madre cuando se casa. El marido, lejos de fomentar la buena relación entre ambas, aprovecha para alejarlas aún más, cosa que ve la madre y empieza a sospechar de él cuando recibe una nota que amenaza de muerte a su hija.
GG 19 – Deutschland in 19 Artikeln
Clemens, Art. 16
Schuld und Unschuld
Oliver Behnsen
La tormenta del siglo
Bewohner an der friesischen Küste (uncredited)
Susanne, una meteoróloga de Hamburgo, ha detectado indicios de una incipiente tormenta marítima que podría asolar la ciudad. Aunque da la voz de alarma, las autoridades locales no escuchan sus advertencias. Para asegurarse de la magnitud del maremoto, Susanne decide trasladarse a una plataforma petrolífera situada en alta mar, donde comprueba que sus terribles predicciones se van a convertir en realidad, ya que la tormenta alcanzará pronto la costa, poniendo en peligro la vida de miles de personas.
Experiment Bootcamp
Anja Parz
An Erotic Tale
Sonja, an attractive blonde, picks up a man with a foreign accent in a bar. He quotes the Persian poet Hafiz to her and tells her he's a writer working on an erotic story about a man and woman who meet in a bar. She invites him to go home with her for the next part of the story - and everything goes wrong.