Danie Joubert


Five Star: The Final
Five star (hotel) is a sarcastic reference to the Pretoria prison which is central to the plot. An inmate Skollie (A nickname meaning delinquent) escapes from jail with one desire, to be united with his son again. Life outside is much different to what Skollie remembers. Still behind bars are inmates Pappa, Priester and Polka, who are doing everything to prevent Skollie from being reunited with his son, even if that means they have to kill. Skollie discovers that Pappa might be responsible for the death of his mother and he vows revenge.
Grensbasis 13
Capt. Mike Steenberg
A story about a fictional South African police base on the border between Angola and the former South West Africa. While patrolling, a mail convoy is ambushed and most of the soldiers are shot. The captain is rescued, but one of his constables is taken prisoner. The constable’s sister is also the captain’s girlfriend. GRENSBASIS 13 (Border Post 13) tells the story of the captain’s suspenseful and action-filled rescue attempt in order to bring his sweetheart’s brother home.