Philippe Nahon

Philippe Nahon

Nacimiento : 1938-12-24, Paris, France

Muerte : 2020-04-19


Philippe Nahon (24 December 1938 - 19 April 2020) was a French actor. Nahon is best known for his roles in French horror and thriller films, including I Stand Alone, Humains, Calvaire, Irréversible, The Pack and Haute Tension, and he has been featured as a nameless butcher in three films by Gaspar Noé – Carne, I Stand Alone, and Irréversible (cameo).


Philippe Nahon


After the attacks that bloodied Paris, everyone is worried about terrorist acts. A man is running in the middle of the night. He has blood on his face. He arrives at the radio station and explains to his colleagues that he was investigating a cell of terrorists but that one of them has just committed suicide in front of him. Just before he told her that a bomb was on the 11 p.m. Paris-New York flight. It's scheduled for four in the morning: in one hour. Should they disseminate the information?
Moi, maman, ma mère et moi
Benedict missed Mother's funeral. He was stuck in the Eurostar. In the offbeat as always, and a little pitiful, he joined the family home to find his brother, his two sisters - and in a merry bazaar, many memories. There, in the remnants of his childhood, in the intimacy of his room, he sees her - She is waiting for him. And she will not let go.
Owner of the Fornacis Bar
Anya, a mourning woman, drives to the unknown in her vintage car, a 1961 Facel Vega. Her only traveling companion is a mysterious urn. Consumed by sadness and loneliness, Anya falls into a confused world, where the memories of her lover, Frida, and her fantasies are blended. In the middle of the night, Anya decides to make a stop at the FORNACIS, a godforsaken dive bar, to get some rest. In this atypical cellar, she meets Wolf. The two lost souls get along immediately, the night belongs to them for only few hours...
Me and El Che
The photograph
GO is not just an aging college teacher. He still is the young 18 year-old idealist who dared to engaged in social and political action to defend his principles. As a matter of fact, he was one of El Che’s last companions. It was somewhere over there, in Bolivia, in 1967. At least, that’s what he tells everyone...
The Cat's Regret
A ten-year-old boy who hates his little brother is punished by his mother and has to spend an afternoon with a scary old man. The boy will learn a lesson about life when he discovers the old man’s terrible secret.
Besoin Dead
Father Daniel
In a church, a future bride dresses in secret. Just before meeting up with her, the best man and the priest discover the city has been invaded by the living dead. They grab whatever weapons they can and go to her rescue.
Mi querido hermano
Guy Fourvier
Etienne Leroy debe tomar una rápida decisión cuando su hermano más joven Mathias admite haber matado accidentalmente a su joven amante. La decisión urge, pues el cuerpo está en el suelo de la sala de estar de Etienne. Ha protegido a Mathias desde la muerte de su madre, siendo niños. Poco a poco Etienne va viendo que las cosas no son como su hermano le había contado, ya que no fue un accidente, sino un asesinato. (FILMAFFINITY)
Una semana en Córcega
Le voisin
Dos viejos amigos llevan a sus hijas adolescentes a unas vacaciones en la playa y se tendrán que enfrentar a una situación muy incómoda: uno de los dos comienza una aventura con la hija del otro... Remake de un film de mismo título original dirigido en 1977 por Claude Berri, y que a su vez tuvo otra versión norteamericana en 1984, dirigida por Stanley Donen y ambientada en Río de Janeiro, con Michael Caine y Demi Moore.
Anton Tchekhov 1890
Summer 1890. In order to make some money to feed his family, Anton Chekhov, modest physician, wrote short stories for newspapers to sign Antosha Tchékhonté. Important characters, writer and editor, just make him aware of his talent. His situation is improving and Anton Chekhov gets the Pushkin prices and admiration of Tolstoy. But when one of his brothers died of tuberculosis, Anton saw it as a personal failure and wants to escape his fame and his love.
La storia di Cino
Le Chercheur D’or
ADN, l'âme de la terre
Akim is a young uneducated Tunisian born with the gift of healing. Confronted by an unscrupulous pharmaceutical company who seeks to profit from his gift, Akim realizes that his unique blood chemistry can either be used as a weapon of mass destruction or to help save his people from a global pandemic.
En 1781, Henry Fuseli pintó su cuadro La pesadilla, en el que el sueño de una joven era atormentado por un incubo y por un aterrador caballo blanco. Estas visiones parecen inspirar Fièvre, en la que una estudiosa de los sueños cae enferma de una terrible fiebre y empieza a experimentar unos sueños lúcidos que la transportan a un mundo siniestro y alucinante.
Colt 45
Police Prefect Pradier
Vincent Miles es un supervisor de armas y un experto instructor de tiro de la Policia Nacional. Con solo 25 años recibe interesantes ofertas de todas partes, pero él rechaza entrar en los escuadrones de élite más prestigiosos. Sin embargo, cuando conoce al agente Milo Cardena, se dejará arrastrar a un infernal remolino de violencia: atracos, asesinatos y una despiadada guerra interna de la policía. Atrapado en esa situación, Vincent se verá obligado a matar en defensa propia.
Business trips are trapped by multiple temptations, such as a well stocked hotel bar. But this time salesman Pastor might have overdone it a bit. He wakes up in the middle of a field without any memory at all of how he got there. Even stranger is the ugly scar on his back. But what really drives him out of his mind is that the stitches from the operation are still fresh. Has he become the victim of on organ theft? Is he missing a kidney? Pastor starts to put everything in Question; being a father, a husband, a salesman... The only thing he wants is to find out what has happened to him and nothing and nobody will stop him.
14 Million Screams
Le mari
The movie is called 14 Millions Screams because 14 millions young girls are forced to be married every year. As of today 700 Million women were married before the age of 15. I hope that with this movie everybody can imagine their own children and realize how those screams are not bearable anymore.
La maldición de Julia
La vida de Julia , directora de una empresa familiar en la región de Lille, se ha convertido en una pesadilla. Su hija es sospechosa de asesinato. Quizás la respuesta a estos ataques múltiples es mirar al pasado oscuro de Julia. Para salvarla, ella debe enfrentarse a un pasado doloroso y desentrañar un antiguo crimen del que es la principal sospechosa.
The Marchers
René Ledu
In 1983, in France experiencing intolerance and racial violence , three young teens and the priest Minguettes launching a largely peaceful march for equality and against racism, over 1,000 km between Marseille and Paris . Despite the difficulties and resistance encountered, their movement will bring about a real boost of hope in the way of Gandhi and Martin Luther King. They unite with their arrival more than 100 000 people from all walks of life and give France its new face.
Our Heroes Died Tonight
France in the early 60s. Simon, a wrestler, wears a white mask. In the ring, he is known as "The Specter". He suggests to his friend Victor who has just returned from combat to be his adversary in the ring and wear a black mask, and be known as "The Slaughterer of Belleville". But for Victor, still shaken from his experience in combat, this is too much; for once in his life he would like to be the good guy, the one people cheer on. Simon then suggests they switch masks. But it proves less easy to fool the rest of the wrestling crowd...
Le ministre
A banker strikes up a sadomasochistic relationship with a mistress.
Autopsy des délices
Gary (voice)
Gary, breathless, is about to die. In his last confession, the old man begins a painful journey through the darkness of his cruel and morbid past.
In the Name of the Son
Père Taon
Elisabeth, a Catholic mother and a loving wife, dedicates her life to the service of others. Her life changes when she discovers that her son is being molested by a priest.
Nothing Sacred
A pair of twins named Blue and Delilah, separated at birth, meet for the first time at their mother's death bed. Their mother tells the twins that it is their fate to fulfill a secret prophecy. The prophecy foretold long ago that they would avenge her death by killing the dark sorcerer Chambers. The only problem is that Chambers is their father - and in a month from now, he'll have the last gruesome ingredient he needs to become immortal. As time runs down, the twins chase Chambers across the world from the corpse-filled catacombs of Paris to the most sacred rituals of the Muskogee Indians in Oklahoma. Along the way, they have to do battle with Chambers' vast army of followers, bringing them face to face with the Mayor of Paris, the Greek god Hermes, a street magician whose frightening tricks are real, and an immortal king with a castle hidden high in the mountains of Belgium.
War Horse (Caballo de batalla)
French Auctioneer
En un pueblo inglés, Albert, el hijo de un granjero, ve nacer un potrillo. Poco después, su padre lo adquiere en una subasta, y el chico le pone de nombre Joey. Pero la familia se arruina y no tiene más remedio que vender el caballo justo cuando estalla la Primera Guerra Mundial (1914-1918). Ése es el punto de partida de un viaje en el que tanto Albert como Joey lucharán por sobrevivir a la contienda y volver a estar juntos.
Belleville Tokyo
Un couple se dirige vers un train en partance pour Venise. Sur le quai, Julien annonce à Marie qu’il part en rejoindre une autre et s’en va, la laissant seule à Paris, enceinte. Bouleversée, Marie se refuse à être victime de cette situation. Elle trouve du réconfort dans son travail auprès de ses deux « cow-boys » de patrons, Jean-Jacques et Jean-Loup, qui dirigent un cinéma du quartier latin spécialisé dans les films classiques américains…
Kill Me Please
M. Antoine
El Dr. Kruger (Aurelien Recoing) es un pionero decidido a hacer entrar el suicidio en la modernidad. Su clínica recibe un subsidio del gobierno para que el suicidio ya no sea una tragedia, sino un procedimiento médico asistido. (FILMAFFINITY)
Le père
A lonely man finds a beautiful young woman unconscious and covered in blood while walking through the woods. He starts to fall for her but learns of a terrifying secret.
The Pack
En mitad de una zona nevada y deshabitada, Charlotte recoge a Max, un autoestopista. Al cabo de un rato, paran en un restaurante de carretera y, cuando Max no vuelve del baño, Charlotte empieza a buscarle sin resultados. Durante la noche, Charlotte decide regresar al restaurante, pero termina siendo secuestrada por la dueña del mismo, La Spack, quien resulta ser la madre de Max y que necesita alimentar a sus hijos, la manada, una terrorífica jauría de pequeños cadáveres sedientos de carne humana. Ahora Charlotte debe enfrentarse a la terrorífica realidad: esos monstruos ya están muertos… y muy hambrientos. Sola y en mitad de la nada, pronto se da cuenta de que ella es el próximo plato del menú.
Comme les 5 doigts de la main
Five brothers similar yet different, raised by a mother widowed too early. One of them had left the family when he returns, pursued by a gang of smugglers, he find shelter in his family while reveling them a dark secret. The five brothers, together, will find the energy to defend themself and the means to avenge the memory of their murdered father...
Le directeur gâteux de l'hospice
Mammuth (Gérard Depardieu) trabaja en un matadero, es gordito y tímido, y acaba de cumplir sesenta años. Para celebrar su jubilación, sus compañeros organizan una fiesta de despedida. Desde los dieciséis años, Mammuth se ganó la vida en los más diversos trabajos sin faltar ni un solo día, ni siquiera por enfermedad. Pero cuando cree llegado el momento de descansar surge un problema de difícil solución: para poder cobrar la pensión tiene que acreditar documentalmente su caótica vida laboral, y resulta que Mammuth no puede hacerlo.
Adèle y el misterio de la momia
Professeur Ménard
En 1912, mientras la intrépida periodista Adèle Blanc-Sec viaja a Egipto para enfrentarse a un grupo de momias, París se ve acosado por un misterioso pterodáctilo de 136 millones de años de antigüedad. Basada en un personaje de cómic del dibujante Jacques Tardi.
Père François
Paris, April 1994. Young freelance journalist Antoine Rives is making a report on Westerners who have been repatriated from Rwanda, fleeing the massacres. He meets Clément, a student of Hutu origin whose Tutsi fiancée Alice hasn’t been able to leave Rwanda. Antoine convinces Clément to go back with him to look for Alice, and to let him film the journey. Their pact soon becomes untenable as they find themselves thrown into chaos. This is a journey through horror during which a young man’s First World illusions are stripped away as he wakes up to human tragedy.
En chantier, monsieur Tanner !
Tanner's father
Je, François Villon, voleur, assassin, poète
Guillaume de Villon
Separated at the birth of his mother who has only time to entrust to a member of his family, Guillaume de Villon, when he should have been killed, François will as well go to the ill-known taverns of the Latin Quarter that the Court of the Duke of Orleans, passing by the benches of the university. This marvelous poet at the same time as a scoundrel of morality will have a life where fights, robberies, imprisonments and final banishment will be linked. Leaving Paris, Villon will disappear.
Wandering Streams
Emile is a 70-ish former horticulturalist who once raised bonsai trees "because they don't take up too much room." Indeed, his whole existence is safe and uneventful to a fault, somewhat juiced by friendship with raucous fishing companion Edmond. Still, they trade pleasantries rather than confidences -- so Emile is shocked when it turns out his elderly pal watches porn, paints nudes and shags women who are his contemporaries that he meets online.
Professeur Schneider
A team of several researchers travel to the Swiss Alps to investigate a scientific discovery on human evolution. The trip, however, turns into a deadly fight for survival when the team crash into a gully and find themselves falling prey to someone...or something.
Contre nature
The patriarch
Aix’s Island, 1930’s. An impossible love story: two cousins, Igor and Claire. Victims of pressure from the community who lives on this isolated Island, they’re going to watch their family’s unity sever and a painful past resurface.
Lady Blood
Jo Lamier
15 years after giving birth to a bloodthirsty monster, Yanka is attempting to move on with her new life. But a series of inexplicable murders will lead a criminal investigation into her bloody past.
Le Collectionneur
Yvan finds a burglar in his house. After some consideration, Yvan decides not to call the police and to drop the lad near the nearby city but he ends up giving him a lift home to his parents. Together, they travel through Belgium and meet some extraordinary people and find themselves in ditto situations.
Cazadores de Dragones
Le Seigneur Arnold
Adaptación a la gran pantalla de una serie de televisión homónima. Zoe es una niña que cree en cuentos de hadas... no porque sea ingenua, sino porque le gustan los cuentos de hadas. Por eso, para ayudar a su tío Lord Arnold a deshacerse de un terrible dragón, Zoe decide que tiene que encontrar a los héroes apropiados. Cuando conoce a Gwizdo y Lian-Chu -una pareja del tres al cuarto, irresponsables cazadores de dragones, decide que va a creer en ellos de todas maneras.
MR 73
Charles Subra
Louis Schneider es un policía atormentado a quien la suerte parece haber abandonado. Sus intuiciones para hallar a un asesino en serie no están siendo certeras y le están poniendo en serios aprietos ante el arrogante inspector Kovalski, actual estrella del departamento de homicidios. Años atrás Schenider alcanzó la fama después de arrestar al peligroso Louis Subra, el cual, detrás de una fachada de redención religiosa va a ser puesto en libertad, sin embargo, todo apunta que está haciendo un papel y que en realidad planea asesinar a aquellos que le metieron entre rejas.
Vous êtes de la police?
Francky Garcia
A former policeman resentfully enters a retirement home. To deceive his boredom, he will investigate the murder of another resident.
Le borgne
The Second Wind
Inspecteur Fardiano
Segunda adaptación de una novela de José Giovanni. La primera, "Hasta el último aliento", es de Jean-Pierre Melville. Manouche y Gustave se enamoran. Él, un delincuente relacionado con la mafia, es buscado por la justicia. Ella le propone huir a Italia para olvidar el pasado. Lo malo es que él, antes de retirarse, pretende dar un último y provechoso golpe. (FILMAFFINITY)
Bloody Current Exchange
A well dressed old man was waiting on a bed. A telephone rang. A glamorous young lady entered the room. They vaguely introduced themselves and made love. A bloody current exchange in a way.
Michou d'Auber
le cafetier
Set in France during the struggle for Algerian independence, Messaoud's mother is terminally ill and his father, needing to work long hours in the factory, can't look after him, so decides to put him and his older brother Abdel in foster care. Sent to the countryside, Abdel has to work on a farm, but Messaoud is taken in by a childless woman, who conceals his Arab origins from her fiercely Gaullist ex-army husband. Re-named Michel/Michou, and with his hair comically dyed blond, the young boy quickly steals the hearts of both foster-parents, and eventually is instrumental in saving their troubled marriage.
Les prédateurs - Les rois du pétrole
André Tarallo
Les prédateurs
In 1988, after much cunning political maneuvering, Loïk Le Floch-Prigent and Alfred Sirven become the chief executives at Elf. They discover a company that runs on kickbacks: in exchange for the oil rights, Elf makes handsome but discreet payoffs to the leaders of African nations. With the tacit complicity of President Mitterrand, and with eventual political and personal interests in mind, the new management takes charge of the slush fund. Within months, Sirven, Le Floch-Prigent and his wife Fatima Belaïd fill their pockets with more than they could ever have imagined.
Every week, Virgil makes his father Ernest dream by telling him about his boxing exploits during a visit. Every week, Virgil comes to dream by meeting the eyes of Margot, a young woman who is also visiting. This week, Ernest tells her that he is going to get out and that he will finally be able to see Virgil in the ring. There's just one problem: Virgil hasn't boxed in three years.
Doo Wop
Ziggy is a freedom loving Parisian often in debts and usually misunderstood by fellow citizens. Though there's a pretty unique karma he has it when seducing girls due to his carelessness. But on the contrary all the girls disappear after moments spending with him, realizing he's still waiting for "Coppola" to come back to Paris.
Un amor de altura
Le père de Ludo
Como instructor de una compañía aérea, Yann Kerbec evalúa la capacidad de los pilotos para realizar vuelos en condiciones extremadamente peligrosas. Pero, paradójicamente, Yann les tiene un miedo cerval a los aviones, un miedo que le impidió seguir a la mujer de su vida al otro lado del mundo. Con nostalgia y cierto sentido del humor examina su trauma y hace un triste recuento de las historias de amor que su fobia ha hecho fracasar.
Philippe Nahon, de l'acteur fétiche à l'icône
Since the beginning of the 70s, committed and willing, Philippe Nahon has been exploring the strangest roles and became at the dawn of the 90s, with "Carne", a rising star and a source of inspiration for a generation of young directors such as Gaspar Noé, for whom he has become a favorite actor. At fifty, he has become an emblematic figure for a new generation of filmmakers. Even today, he is still in full rebellion against age and invests in short films and first films of young directors with an enthusiasm still intact. Through the testimonies of his first partners, filmmakers of several generations, relatives and fans, this documentary sketches the portrait of a committed man, an actor unknown to the general public, an icon for film lovers.
Robert Orton
Unos días antes de Navidad, el artista itinerante Marc Stevens está atascado al anochecer en un lejano bosque en la pantanosa región de Hautes Fagnes en Lieja, con su furgoneta a punto de estallar. Un tipo raro que está buscando un perro perdido lleva a Marc a una posada cerrada ...
Le dépanneur
A deserted secondary road under a blazing sun. A 50 year-old peasant driving a very dirty pick-up truck. The discovery of four corpses along the road.
Short movie
Handsome Jack
For years, Alain and Madeleine, in their fifties, have consecrated all of their time to their small bistro. Devoted to serving their clientele, they are liked by everyone. The arrival of a new customers, a young worker passing through named Jacques, turns their lives upside down...
Local Kid
This tale of childhood and adolescence is told through brief sequences that take place in the life of a modest family from the Pas-de-Calais region during the forties, fifties and sixties. Paul, the main character, who we meet when he’s 5, 13 and 18, is the throughline of this tale told in a fragmentary way well adapted to the scattered nature of memories. Encounters, joy, fear, first love, friendship, disappointment, the relationship between brothers and parents, the discovery of the vocation of acting and writing: all these elements weave together to create the irreplaceable fabric of an ordinary life whose particularities guide spectators back to their own personal stories.
Nickel and Dime
Jacques is coming home after a long stretch behind bars. The boys are waiting, especially hi longtime friend Francis and new kid on the block Didier. They have a job lined up. but Jacques wants out of the life, Francis would rather be on the stage and wannabe mobster Didier has loser written all over him. Looks like someone's heading for a fall.
Alta tensión
The Killer
Marie, una joven de 20 años, es invitada a pasar unos días en la casa de los padres de su mejor amiga. Allí, en una granja aislada, rodeada de campos de maiz, Marie y su amiga piensan encontrar la tranquilidad necesaria para estudiar. Pero no será más que una ilusión; la primera noche llega a la casa una furgoneta conducida por un implacable asesino que masacra uno por uno a los miembros de la familia. Marie decide actuar para salvar a su amiga. Empieza un trepidante duelo entre ella y el asesino.
El código
Dris (Samuel Le Bihan) ha estado varios años en prisión, y ahora pretende volver con los suyos. Pero quiere hacer tábula rasa en su vida, y así empezar de nuevo. Así que se ha mudado a vivir con Lisa (Marie Guillard), una chica responsable que lo ama de verdad y que no podría soportar perderlo otra vez: le ha estado esperando todos estos años para emprender una vida juntos. Él ha encontrado un trabajo para el que se levanta cada mañana al amanecer y en el que descarga camiones de verdura. (FILMAFFINITY)
Irreversible. Porque el tiempo lo destruye todo. Porque algunos actos son irreparables. Porque el hombre es un animal. Porque el deseo de venganza es un impulso natural. Porque la mayoría de los crímenes quedan sin castigo. Porque la pérdida del amado destruye como un rayo. Porque el amor es el origen de la vida. Porque toda la historia se escribe con esperma y sangre. Porque las premoniciones no modifican el curso de los acontecimientos. Porque el tiempo lo revela todo: lo mejor y lo peor.
Thirty-year-old Alexis is a retarded teenager and has no desire to commit himself either professionally or romantically. He succumbs to the charm of Laura who uses her diabolical gifts to push him to work, marry him and have children.
El pacto de los lobos
Jean Chastel
Gévaudan, en la Francia del siglo XVIII. Una monstruosa criatura devora salvajemente a los habitantes del lugar. Recién llegado de América, Grégoire de Fronsac recibe el encargo del rey Luis XV de identificar y encontrar a la fiera. Sin embargo Grégorie y su misterioso hermano de sangre, un indio llamado Mani, intentarán descubrir qué hay detrás de estos sucesos...
The Outcasts
Damien and his friends are garbage collectors in a small provincial town. One day, Damien finds a decomposing corpse in the dump where he works, but also a knife that turns out to be his. Because of his personal and social environment (an omnipresent mother, humiliating friends, an unenviable situation) and because he arrives at a moment in his life when he realizes that he is nothing to anyone, Damien wants to prove that he is capable of doing something with his life, of becoming someone, by finding the murderer who is prowling around the dump. In the course of his investigation, he meets Julie, a young divorced woman who is a little lost and who moves in across the street from him. But as his investigations progress, Damien wonders if he is not the killer he is looking for.
The Château
Two brothers go to France to claim the chateau they have inherited.
Sin familia
Vitalo Pedrotti es un artista callejero que se apiada de Remi, un niño supuestamente huérfano que fue abandonado por su madre. La mujer es una condesa que tuvo un romance con un soldado prusiano.
Los ríos de color púrpura
Homme à la station service
Dos investigaciones criminales. En el mismo día, a 300 kilómetros de distancia entre uno y otro, dos casos muy particulares asignados a dos policías. Pierre Niemans (Jean Reno) es un hombre con experiencia que tiene un instinto infalible para los casos criminales, pero que esconde grandes temores. Viaja a Guernon, una ciudad universitaria en los Alpes donde se ha llevado a cabo un violento asesinato. El joven, avispado y solitario Max Kerkerian (Vincent Cassel), un antiguo ladrón de coches que entró en el cuerpo de policía debido a su amor por el peligro, está investigando un cementerio profanado en Sarzac durante la noche, en particular la tumba de una niña que murió hace 20 años. Pronto, las dos investigaciones se ven entrelazadas.
Save Me
Agatha is a beautiful young woman from Romania who had a brief but passionate love affair with a French surgeon when he visited her country as part of a charitable medical team. Agatha has decided to come to France to rekindle their romance, but when she arrives in the city of Roubaix, she discovers he didn't take their relationship nearly as seriously as she did. With nowhere to go, Agatha is befriended by Mehdi, a cab driver who helps her find a place to stay. Mehdi is attracted to Agatha, and she returns his interest, but as it turns out Mehdi is already seeing someone -- Cecile, who is having an affair with Mehdi while involved with his close friend Marc. Hoping to move away from Roubaix with Agatha and start a new life, Mehdi gets a job as a bill collector, while Marc impulsively walks off his job and an angry Cecile gives him his walking papers.
Prison à domicile
The bowling alley boss
Leonie Koutcharev, a top civil servant at the Ministry of Interior, proposes an ideal solution to the problem of overpopulated prisons: put model prisoners in the homes of carefully screened families. Jules and Norma Klarh, a childless couple, expect to receive an inoffensive juvenile delinquent but end up with the psychopath Marcus Steckner in their suburban home. The film centers on social criticism of the gap between reality and the bureaucratic assumptions of what reality should be.
The Carriers Are Waiting
Le responsable
Roger Closset is a man who obviously loves his family, though that doesn't always make them feel better. Dad is an obsessive type with a short fuse and a long list of curious ideas, and his wife and children must often bear the brunt of his eccentricities. Roger works as a reporter, a job he doesn't like which doesn't pay especially well, either. One day, Roger learns an area business association is sponsoring a contest for a family that can break a world record, with the grand prize being a new car. Suddenly, Roger gets a brainstorm -- if his son can open and shut a door 40,000 times in 24 hours, the car will be theirs. 15-year-old Michel, however, is not at all happy to have been drafted into this new responsibility, especially when dad builds a practice door in the backyard and finds a trainer to teach Michel how to open and close it with greatest efficiency.
Melody for a Hustler
L'inspecteur du Havre
French novelist Vincent Ravalec made his directorial debut with this French drama about small-time crook Gaston (Yvan Attal) who poses as a millionaire after he picks up hitchhiking 16-year-old Marie-Pierre (Virginie Lanoue). Actually living in a seedy apartment, Gaston deals in stolen goods, but he soon climbs to bigger heists, including car thefts. Concealing his illegal activities, Gaston operates his company, Extramill, out of upscale, posh offices, while he and Marie-Pierre move into a sedate upper-middle-class neighborhood. Life is sweet, but the onset of paranoia, kinky sex activities, and police probes eventually culminate in violence.
The Octopus
Bar boss 2
Gabriel, dit Le Poulpe (The Octopus) is a laid-back private investigator who works on cases for his own pleasure. He is drawn to the fictional Loire Valley port of Angerneau, with his lover Clotilde who has been summoned by the police concerning the defacement of a deceased relative's grave. Since Angernau is her home town, she wants to leave it as soon as possible to avoid old acquaintances, but Gabriel stumbles on intriguing events concerning the cargo of a ship in port.
Solo contra todos
The Butcher
Francia, 1980. Un carnicero (Philippe Nahon) vive solo con su hija tras ser abandonado por su mujer. Un día la niña tiene su primera regla y corre hasta la carnicería de su padre que, al ver la sangre, cree que la pequeña ha sido violada. El carnicero sale enfurecido de la tienda y acaba agrediendo a un inocente. La niña es internada y él encerrado en prisión.
Los visitantes regresan por el túnel del tiempo
Le gérant du supermarché
Secuela de una de las comedias más populares del cine francés sobre las aventuras del caballero Godefroy y su escudero a través del tiempo. En esta segunda parte, tras conseguir regresar a la época medieval, Godefroy deberá viajar de nuevo hasta nuestros días para recuperar las joyas sagradas de la familia.
Un spectateur
Cortometraje sin diálogos de contenido explícito, realizado en 1998 en el marco de la lucha contra el sida y en asociación con el Ministerio Francés de la Salud.
Un héroe muy discreto
The Général
Durante los últimos meses de la II Guerra Mundial (1939-1945), un hombre decide convertirse en héroe de un conflicto en el que no ha participado. Para ello, se inventa una vida admirable, más viva y rica que la suya, falsificando papeles y urdiendo artimañas que le presentan ante las autoridades francesas como un activo miembro de la Resistencia
Happiness Is No Joke
What there is of a plot in this drama serves mainly as a vehicle for the exploration of character. In the story, Michel (Bernard-Pierre Donnadieu) is a recent widower. As the story opens, he and his friend Andre (Philippe Nahon) are sharing a drink on Christmas Eve. He takes a yellow scarf from a woman he knows (Laura Morante) and teasingly refuses to return it. Throughout the remainder of the film, the scarf reappears, as does the woman, until they wind up in bed together at the end of the film. Before that happens, Michel wanders around Paris, viewing the festivities with a jaundiced eye which serves to heighten the unattractiveness of those he observes. Later he has dinner with a group at Andre's house, and his poor opinion of human nature is amply supported by the events that occur then.
El odio
Roof Police Chief
Tras una caótica noche de disturbios en un suburbio marginal de París, tres jóvenes amigos, Vinz, Hubert y Saïd, deambulan desocupados esperando noticias sobre el estado de salud de un amigo común que ha resultado gravemente herido al enfrentarse a la policía.
It's a grim world of prostitution, drug dens, transvestites, junkies and murderers. The seediest side of urban life is examined in this tragedy. The film follows the complex, interwoven lives of four characters as they live their harsh and gritty nocturnal lives on the city streets. The main characters are Fifi a pickpocket who is simultaneously involved with Divine, a transvestite hooker and Vera a peep show dancer who refuses to be a hooker. Vera lives with her would-be pimp Jesus le Gitan, a small-scale drug dealer. When the area riff-raff become embroiled in hostilities, two of main characters are slowly killed in horrible ways. Fifi is then left to avenge their deaths.
The Butcher
Historia de un carnicero de carne de caballos francés que queda encargado de velar por su hija, una joven que sufre de autismo, cuyas vidas siguen una rutina monótona aparentemente infinita.
Touched in the Head
Jean-Paul, l'ouvrier-boulanger
Baker's apprentice Chris is sacked from his job for being late. Unwilling to give up the flat that goes with the job, he and his friends resort to squatting. Liv, a Swedish girl moves in and is soon followed by Léon the car mechanic and Rosette, a girl from the bakery.
El confidente
Tras salir de la cárcel, Maurice Faugel asesina a su amigo Gilbert Varnove. A continuación prepara un atraco para el que necesita una serie de herramientas que le proporcionará Silien (Belmondo), un individuo sospechoso de ser confidente de la policia. El robo sale mal, y Maurice, que sospecha que Silien lo ha traicionado, decide ajustar cuentas con él.