Růžena Merunková

Růžena Merunková

Nacimiento : 1940-03-21,


Růžena Merunková


Pure Devilry
Two clumsy devils Popelák and Uhelák, punished by the ruler of hell, embark on a journey to bring two sinful souls from earth.
P.F. 77
Tajemství mořské panny
Matylda, máma falešné princezny
Dick Whittington
Klíček ke štěstí
Pernikářka a větrný mládenec
Rakovina vůle
Lambl's sister
Emperor Francis Joseph I is about to arrive in Prague, and among those who came to Stromovka to welcome him is Veronika Pavlitová. She wants to submit a request for clemency for her imprisoned father to the emperor, because she is barely able to support herself and her siblings on the meager salary of a seamstress. By chance, the girl meets Božena Němcová, whom she admires immensely. She becomes her friend and confidant for a while. However, police director Paümann, who has been following Božena Němcová for a long time, takes advantage of the naivety of the young girl. Veronika, in her simple-mindedness, tells him many things. Only later will she understand how she was abused.
Malý vodní had
Perly a růže
O Honzovi a princezně Dorince
Angolský deník lékařky
Královna bludiček
Sedm kilo pro Králíčka
Parádní číslo
Hodina pravdy
How to Catch a Tiger
Boy (voice)
Short movie by Bretislav Pojar
Akce Býčí oko
About the Thick Fog
Boy (voice)
Short film made by Bretislav Pojar
Dům doni Bernardy
Night of Orange Fires
Petr Rynes (Svatopluk Matyás) is celebrating his forty-fifth birthday in the company of his friends. He is happy with his wife, and his abilities at work have been rewarded with the medal For Outstanding Work. But a few short seconds are enough to change his life when he makes the ill-judged decision to take his car to bring a friend's wife to the celebration, and hits a pedestrian on the way. He has of course been drinking at the party and is consequently sentenced to sixteen months in prison. Being in jail is not an easy thing for a honorable communist. He soon gets into conflict with several violent inmates, who think they can break his spirit by violence.
Bláznova smrt
Věra Krempová
Jak Anče s komtesou k modrému z nebe přišly
Román lásky a cti
Madame Sans-Gène
All My Good Countrymen
El título "Todos mis buenos compatriotas" no está exento de ironía, ya que esta historia épica de la vida de un pueblo checo, poco después del final de la Segunda Guerra Mundial, se concentra en las actividades de un grupo de amigos a los que no se les puede reprochar ponerse del lado de un político corrupto régimen para el avance material. ¿Son estos los "buenos compatriotas" del título o se refiere al resto de la aldea que desprecian a esta pequeña figura de autoridad con desprecio silencioso?
Jak se Mette chtěla stát královnou
Láska jako trám
Tři chlapi v chalupě
Boženka (voice)
Tři chlapi v chalupě
Okno místo dveří
Čas jeřabin
Anca Buresová
Okamžik, spojím!
Lidé jako ty