Natalya Andreychenko

Natalya Andreychenko


Natalya Andreychenko


Жизнь взаймы
Very Russian Detective
A retired detective is trying to catch a serial killer who uses Russian letters to find his victims.
Quiet Flows The Don
With World War I, the Bolshevik Revolution, and the Russian Civil War as backdrop, it's an old-fashioned, blood-and-guts narrative, filled with earthly humor and a wealth of colorful characters. The story concerns the fluctuating fortunes of Grigory Melekhov, a young Cossack who is both a hero and a victim of the uprising.
Already a middle-aged but still unrecognized artist, Arkady Sinikhin, on the very eve of New Year, was expelled by his wife from home. While wandering the streets, Sinikhin accidentally finds the receiver of a mobile phone, which he threw out of the militia, a bear thief. Thanks to someone else's phone, Arkady finds out the place where the thieves' booty is hidden, and finds himself at a high-society party. Here he meets the owner of the art gallery Apollon Kostanakis. Having drunk fairly, a couple of new friends decided to appropriate the gangster stash and arrange an exhibition-sale of Sinihin's paintings. But the first visitor to this exhibition is a robbed bear-thief who is eager to get his money back ...
Down House
The plot is set in modern Moscow, in the 1990s, with "New Russians", Hummer H1 SUVs, bribery, violence, truck fulls of tinned stew as a dowry, etc.
Give Me the Moonlight
The popular TV journalist Sergei Kupriyanov recently became the country's main television personality and began to make his own program. But success, money, and fame cannot fill the void in a marriage relationship. Sergei's wife Irina lacks his love and warmth, and Sergei himself is looking for novelty, which he finds in the arms of his charming colleague Lena when Irina leaves for St. Petersburg.
8 ½ $
Gera, a respected director of TV commercials, thinks he's capable of creating a fiction movie masterpiece. Predictably, he ends up with owning money to a mafia and no film to show for. To make his life even crazier he falls in love with a girl who belongs to the boss of mafia.
Revenant (Vampiros modernos)
El conde Drácula se encuentra en Los Ángeles y se halla contrariado a causa de que una rebelde vampiresa, Nico, simulando ser una mujer de la calle, esté cometiendo asesinatos que pueden atraer la atención sobre su secta vampírica. Tampoco le agrada que Dallas, un antiguo discípulo, se encuentre en la ciudad. Cuando Nico toma a Dallas por una víctima, ambos descubren su carácter vampírico y se convierten en más que amigos.
Operación Aurora
Francesca Zaborszin (as Natasha Andreichenko)
There have been two mysterious plane crashes in only 48 hours. The aircraft suddenly lose control and crash, killing everyone aboard. A woman of Russian descent, Francesca Zaborszin, the daughter of a slain Federal investigator, claims responsibility for the crashes. She believes her father was killed by the FBI as part of a cover-up operation and wishes to avenge his death by threatening to down more aircraft using the same electromagnetic pulse method. She also intends to crash a stolen military jet into the White House. There's no time to ground the planes: just enough time to try to stop her.
Cuestión de sangre
Joshua, un asesino profesional, vuelve a su ciudad natal por cuestiones de trabajo. El retorno a la población de inmigrantes rusos donde pasó su juventud despierta en él recuerdos dolorosos y confusos.
It Doesn't Work
Candles in the Dark
Marta Velliste
Candles in the Dark es la historia de una niña que viene a visitar la tierra natal de su padre, la República Soviética de Estonia. Después de su llegada, descubre que su padre es parte de la clandestinidad antisoviética disidente. Pronto se ve envuelta en la lucha con su padre y muchos nuevos amigos, y la KGB la persigue.
Lady Macbeth of the Mtsensk District
Katerina Izmailova, a beautiful and uneducated merchant's wife, feels lonely and bored somewhere in the Russian provinces while her older husband is often away. Years go by in her childless marriage, without an outlet for her youthful energy, resulting in constant idleness and frustration. Along comes Sergei, an unscrupulous young worker who is happy to improve his lot by seducing Katerina as he has done with others before. Katerina falls for Sergei, and this love quickly becomes her only reason for living, turning to destructive passion and ultimately to tragedy for many.
Forgive Me
How can change your life if someone tells you that your husband is cheating on you?
Two Under One Umbrella
‎Juggler Dan is beautiful and carefree and not too eager to become the circus main star. However, the meeting with Olga, who has no doubts about his talent, makes Dan think about a creation of anew circus show.
Inspector Losev
A classic mystery story based on Arkadi Adamov novels.
War-Time Romance
This melodrama revolves around the post-war meeting reunion an intelligent front-line officer, now happily married, and a woman street vendor. This encounter reawakens in them submerged feelings of gratitude and tenderness as the officer recalls how they met during the war and what she used to mean to him. Now he learns that she is alone with a small daughter, the girl's father having been killed at the front.
Adiós, Mary Poppins
Mary Poppins
A family hires a babysitter who seems to possess magical powers.
The Man, Who Closed the City
Nina Lazareva
A fire causes mayhem in a seaside residence. Alexei Rogov investigates the incident and finds out that the fire was caused by negligence. But he is in love with the person in charge of the residence...
Ladies Invite Gentlemen
Anna Pozdnyakova is already over 30 years old and, despite the fact that she is kind and pretty, she cannot find herself a man with whom she could find family happiness. Already it seems like a suitable candidate in the person of a prominent military man, Viktor, has taken a liking, but at first sight he falls in love with Anna's friend Raisa and marries her. Then Anya takes out a vacation at her own expense and goes south to Sochi.
Horses Aren't Changed at the Crossing
A story about a process of building a huge car factory in USSR.
Свадебная ночь
Прилетал марсианин в осеннюю ночь
Anastasia Solomina
Elan es una remota aldea de Siberia donde viven los Solomin y los Ustuizhanin, ricos los primeros y pobres los segundos. Siberiada es un épico relato de los cambios experimentados en la Unión Soviética, desde principios del siglo XX hasta los años sesenta del mismo, tomando como base la aldea de Elan y sus habitantes. Premios 1979: Festival de Cannes: Premio Especial del Jurado
Торговка и поэт
When leaving, leave
Незаметный, скромный бухгалтер Сулин часто попадает в полусмешные-полугрустные ситуации — часто робеет, боится идти наперекор хоть кому-то. Пока однажды случай не помог ему вспомнить, что и он был когда-то решительным и отважным.
Поединок в тайге
The Steppe
A boy in Russia, circa 1900, makes a daunting trip from his home village to a school in the city.
Our debts
An interesting life was lived by Ivan Krutov. He served in the Navy, was a fisherman on trawlers, and visited many countries. For the first time, having felt the approach of old age, I remembered my native village. And when he arrived, it turned out that the mother died three years ago, beloved Katerina got married and brings up his daughter. Ivan realized that he had not made a single person happy, and realizing this, he tried to start another, new life ...
A Lullaby for Men
A single mother for years had an amazing relationships with her son. But all ended when a young girl joined the family.
Stepan's Remembrance
The heiress of a gem mage travels to St. Petersburg to fulfill her father's dream and her destiny.