Director of Photography
Prompted by their youngest granddaughter, four generations celebrate family and what Christmas was like in the '40s, '60s, '90s, and present day.
Director of Photography
17 year-old Lucy who has been painfully isolated from her peers for years, refusing to let anyone near her house in order to hide her family secret – the overwhelming mountain of items filled in every crevice of space in her home. She quietly plans her escape to college while managing her mother Joanna’s hoarding disorder. Outwardly, a highly functioning nurse, Joanna maintains the dysfunction in their home with an obsessive grip but after a tragedy, Lucy must decide if she will hide her mother’s secret, or expose it to the world.
Director of Photography
A murder investigation is reignited in a house that is considered haunted by the Lawrenceton locals and where years ago Aurora and Sally, as teenagers, discovered a body.
Associate Producer
Firefighters in the United States and Canada form a controversial motorcycle club to cope with the crippling effects of post-traumatic stress disorder.
Director of Photography
While on a “pre-honeymoon” getaway, Aurora and Nick discover a body, and as they get closer to finding out what really happened, danger knocks on their doorstep.
Director of Photography
Just days before Aurora’s wedding, a body is discovered, and she fears her father may be a suspect. She and Nick race to solve the cold case before they walk down the aisle.
Director of Photography
When Aida Teagarden's real estate client is found murdered, her sleuthing daughter Aurora sets out with her fiancé Nick and the Real Murders Club to solve the murder.
Director of Photography
Una tormenta de nieve interrumpe los planes de Lina y Max en Navidad, ahora deberán trabajar juntos y en armonía para encontrar el camino a casa.
Director of Photography
Alguien muere en la vigésima reunión de la escuela secundaria de Aurora. Muchos sospechosos. Sin testigos.
Director of Photography
When a priceless crown is stolen during a benefit gala held by the Lawrenceton library, Aurora and the Real Murders Club must investigate who would kill to get their hands on it.
Director of Photography
Una mirada cruda y sin complejos a los disparos de la policía, el racismo y las conexiones que comparten. Sin decir que sabemos las respuestas, pero sin tener miedo de hacer preguntas directas.
Director of Photography
Attorney Claire Darrow defends an old colleague of her mother's for murder. Things get complex when Claire's romantic interest, Miles, is named as prosecuting attorney on the case.
Director of Photography
En una reunión de fanáticos del misterio y el crimen verdadero, el sobrino de Aurora Teagarden, Phillip, es acusado de asesinato cuando termina un apagón no planeado en el escenario durante la obra en la que está actuando, revelando a Phillip sosteniendo el cuchillo ensangrentado que acaba de matar a uno de los otros artistas.
Director of Photography
Cuando la rica tía de Sally, Gladys, muere por envenenamiento durante una boda familiar, Aurora Teagarden promete llegar al fondo del crimen, especialmente cuando su madre, una amiga de la acaudalada mujer, hereda la mayor parte del testamento.
Director of Photography
Una intrigante pista que alguien le deja a Aurora en una reunión da lugar a un juego del gato y el ratón entre ella y un misterioso criminal que comete delitos cada vez más graves que inquietan a todo el pueblo.
Director of Photography
La Segunda Guerra Mundial ha terminado y Hanna todavía está de duelo por la desaparición de su esposo. Cuando el Cometa de Navidad aparece por primera vez en 70 años, Hanna se ve atrapada en una terrible tormenta y queda inconsciente. Cuando ella se despierta, está en 2016.
Director of Photography
It's 1949. Marco Dejardin (36) is a waiter at the bustling Starlight Room. He’s handsome, funny, and compassionate. But he lets people walk all over him. All Marco really wants is to marry Elizabeth and create a life together. But he has crippling numbness and stabbing pain in his hands from a degenerative condition. He’s been putting away for a surgery to save the use of his hands, and storing the cash in the company safe. But when Marco needs the money, his bosses can’t pay him out. They’re overextended and need the loot to pay the mob. So aided by his fiancé, Marco decides to rob the safe during the New Year’s Eve party, and take back his surgery fund. Otherwise, he’ll become permanently crippled when his bosses use his savings to pay off the mob.
Director of Photography
A businessman gets caught up in an assassination plot when he travels to Cuba.
Director of Photography
Megan Shephard, de quince años, y sus padres harán cualquier cosa para salvar su granja en apuros. Cuando descubren un semental salvaje en un bosque cercano, comienzan a preguntarse si esta podría ser la respuesta a sus oraciones.
Director of Photography
Thriller de terror que tiene a la naturaleza como villano. Crash Site se centra en una familia de vacaciones en el bosque en donde la pareja deberá luchar por volver a la civilización enfrentándose a criaturas escalofriantes y animales salvajes después de que su Jeep tenga un accidente.
"B" Camera Operator
La Tierra sufre la colisión de materia proveniente de un agujero blanco, con lo que la rotación natural del planeta se modifica. Un grupo de agentes del gobierno trabaja para salvar el planeta.
Steadicam Operator
Laura (Heather Locklear), una agente inmobiliaria de Seattle, cree que lleva una vida idílica. Pero la sospecha de que su marido la engaña, la deja desolada. Mientras intenta salvar su matrimonio, empieza a salir a flote su pasado convirtiéndola en una mujer paranoica y violenta.
Camera Operator
Una expedición científica en el Ártico descubre un parásito mortal que lleva oculto en el hielo desde la prehistoria. Cuando el virus es liberado, infecta a varios miembros del grupo, convirtiéndose en un peligro para la humanidad si no se detiene antes de que llegue a la civilización.
Director of Photography
Cami is a dedicated student of entomology that is researching insects in her sorority house. When her sorority sister Josi sprays insecticide on her bugs, Cami becomes upset. But sooner she learns that the insects had grown bigger and bigger and she and her sisters are under siege by the insects. Further, Josi is the host of the breed of mutant insects that are very hungry.
Camera Operator
Cami is a dedicated student of entomology that is researching insects in her sorority house. When her sorority sister Josi sprays insecticide on her bugs, Cami becomes upset. But sooner she learns that the insects had grown bigger and bigger and she and her sisters are under siege by the insects. Further, Josi is the host of the breed of mutant insects that are very hungry.
Director of Photography
Mark A. Lewis's tragic-comic adventure ILL FATED plunges the viewer into the boxed-in world of Jimmy, a small-town teen who seeks a better life but who sees dead-end signs at every turn out of town. His vague plan to leave and "look into college" is complicated by a revolving door of small-town complications - the demands of his lumpen best friends, his troubled girlfriend, his promiscuous stepmother and cuckolded stepfather. But the biggest complication of all is the return of his womanizing biological dad Earl, who'd fled in Jimmy's infancy after impregnating the wife of a violent convict (also his best friend). Earl's return is a catalyst to disaster, and a palette for director Lewis to paint a hyper-realist picture of small-town dystopia.
"B" Camera Operator
Una señal de socorro misteriosa conduce a un equipo de investigación a desenterrar a una criatura extranjera inactiva sostenida por siglos debajo de las profundidades. Una vez desenterrada comienzan a suceder una serie de hechos perturbadores.
Director of Photography
Una señal de socorro misteriosa conduce a un equipo de investigación a desenterrar a una criatura extranjera inactiva sostenida por siglos debajo de las profundidades. Una vez desenterrada comienzan a suceder una serie de hechos perturbadores.
Lanalee, creia que su hermana Blue habia salido de su vida para siempre. Pero una visita inesperada, le dice que no es así. Los secretos del pasado llaman de nuevo a su puerta, Blue ha vuelto. Lanalee afronta la situación invitando a Blue y a su novio a un fin de semana en pareja con el fin de reconcilarse. Lo que parecia el inicio de una feliz relación, pronto deriva en un enfrentamiento más crúel y despiadado si cabe, poniendo al descubierto secretos inconfesables... (FILMAFFINITY)
Director of Photography
Un joven matrimonio se muda a una nueva casa. La pareja de la casa contigua les da la bienvenida y los invita a cenar. A Lori le parece que el anfitrión es un hombre rudo y detestable que tiene sometida a su esposa. Como su marido no parece darse cuenta, cuando ella tiene que ausentarse unos días, no duda en dejarla al cuidado de un vecino.