William Lebghil

William Lebghil

Nacimiento : 1990-07-09, Villeneuve-Saint-Georges, Val-de-Marne, France


William Lebghil
William Lebghil


Los buenos profesores
François Cluzet (Intocable, Pequeñas mentiras sin importancia), Adèle Exarchopoulos (La vie d’Adèle, Passages) y Vincent Lacoste protagonizan esta reivindicación de la profesión de la educación y su papel como pilar fundamental de cualquier sociedad. A través de un sobresaliente trabajo de interpretación coral que dan vida a un grupo diverso de docentes, nos ofrece un retrato realista de los profesionales que nos acompañan desde nuestra infancia poniendo especial énfasis en los valores que forjan la vocación de maestro.
January 13, 2018. 8h08. Hawaii is in a state of alert: ballistic missiles have just been launched in the direction of the island, there are only a few minutes left to find a shelter. Like every year, a group of friends has come to spend a week's vacation in the hotel of one of their friends, who has left to live in Hawaii. As they think they are living their last moments, years of unspoken words come back and degenerate into a settlement of accounts. Fortunately for them, it's a false alarm. Unfortunately, they still have eight days of vacation to spend together.
Les Complices
Max, a ruthless fifty-year-old hitman, discovers he has a problem: he now faints at the drop of blood. With his future in the profession in jeopardy, he's going to have to retrain... But not so simple when his only professional skill is to kill people... They are helped by a couple of young neighbors, Karim and Stéphanie, who do not imagine for a moment who they are dealing with... Max becomes attached, in spite of himself, to the young couple, until his past catches up with him.
Grand Paris
Leslie, a young and idle suburbanite, drags his best friend Fox into a shady scheme across the Île-de-France. On a construction site for the future metro line of the Grand Paris, they discover a mysterious artefact. Another opportunity to make a little money. But along their journey, the Parisian suburbs become the scene of strange phenomena.
Thick and Thin
Thomas, a frustrated reporter who works for a local newspaper in North of France, is assigned to write a portrait of alternative musician and recent mayoral candidate Usé. After the interview, the two men happen upon the inanimate body of a man lying in a desolate alley. To their surprise, the man – Jojo – rises before them like a zombie. He appears to be fine, but has lost his memory. Some clues lead them to Jojo’s little sister Marilou. Through a series of unexpected events, the newfound friends forge bonds and embark upon a surreal journey.
Adiós Jérôme
Jérôme (voice)
Recién llegado al paraíso, Jérôme empieza a buscar a su mujer, Maryline. Al cabo del tiempo, se sumerge cada vez más en un mundo surrealista y colorido, en el que nadie parece poder ayudarle.
Old Fashioned
Paul Château-Têtard, a 45-year-old bachelor from the best of Parisian nobility, has – for the first time in his life – to take the Metro, and even buy a ticket. It is with extraordinary luck that the beautiful young Ava happens to be sitting at the counter: a spark ignites and wedding bells begin ringing in the distance.
Grand Paris Express
Leslie, a young and disillusioned suburbanite, drags his best friend Fox into a messy scheme all across Paris’ suburbs. On a construction site of the Grand Paris Express – the train of the future! – they discover a mysterious artifact. Just what they need to cash in a little extra.
Las fantasías
Will (sketch 'Hypophilie')
Enfrentadas a sus fantasías más ocultas, seis parejas intentan explorar las facetas más oscuras de su vida íntima. Seis puestas en cuestión sobre el acceso al placer. Desde los juegos de rol a la abstinencia, pasando por el exhibicionismo, seis historias distintas alrededor del mismo cuestionamiento sobre lo que es el deseo hoy en día.
The Blood in the Vein
Simon and Zoé meet on Tinder. They live in the same suburban town and Zoé, wasting no time, invites him right over to her house. Simon can’t believe his luck! But once he arrives, he quickly understands that his date may prove more complicated than expected.
Up the Mountain
Hugo, Stan and Bérénice grew up together then grew apart. They were inseparable. Fifteen years later, they meet again as adults. But life has been tough on them. Will they reignite the crazy sparks of their childhood ?
All About Yves
Jérem Roudet
Jerem decide instalarse en casa de su abuela para componer su primer álbum. Allí conoce a So, un misterioso investigador que trabaja en nombre de la startup Digital Cool. Ella convencerá a Jerem para que pruebe Yves, un nuevo tipo de refrigerador inteligente dotado de IA.
Kiss & Tell
Sequel to 2002's "Summer Things" (Embrassez qui vous voudrez). This French comedy follows various people in two families. Bertrand and his wife, Elizabeth, are a wealthy couple who plan to vacation near the same coastal town as their friends, Jerome and Veronique, who are secretly struggling with financial problems. Meanwhile, Bertrand and his daughter, Emilie, have each been hiding a secret, and these deceptions are bound to have repercussions.
Mentes brillantes
Benjamin Sitbon
El primer año de Universidad suele ser el más complicado para los estudiantes, especialmente si están estudiando medicina. De esto se da cuenta rápidamente Benjamin (William Lebghil), un alumno de primer curso que sueña con ser doctor a cualquier precio. Benjamin conoce allí a Antoine (Vincent Lacoste), un joven que va más atrasado que el resto de su promoción. Juntos, se proponen conseguir superar el año, sacando muy buenas notas, sin importar el sacrificio que tengan aportar. Los dos jóvenes entablarán una amistad entrañable mientras luchan por hacer sus sueños realidad.
Vincent and Nefeli just moved in together. They're best friends and swore to never fall in love again. That is until Vincent meets Julie.
C'est la vie
Una boda de lujo en un castillo francés del siglo XVIII se les va de las manos a sus responsables. La película narra los entresijos de la boda desde la perspectiva del personal de catering, el fotógrafo y el DJ.
Some Like It Veiled
Armand and Leila, students at Science Po, are a young couple. They plan to go to New York to do their internship at the United Nations. But when Mahmoud, Leila's big brother, returns from a long stay in Yemen, which radically transformed him, he is opposed to his sister's love relationship and decides to remove him at any cost from Armand. To enter Mahmoud and see again Leila, Armand has no choice: he must slip the integral veil! The next day, a certain Scheherazade with a veiled face rings at the door of Leila, and she will not leave Mahmoud indifferent ...
La Fine Équipe
Omen is an unconditional fan of Stan, a black female singer of devastating rap. He is no doubt one of the last fans, given how the group she sings in is tanking! The day he accidentally crosses paths with his idol, Omen offers to be her "multi-purpose handyman driver." Against her group's advice, Stan takes this little white guy on board. It's true he often seems half-asleep, bordering on a total screw-up, and she seems to be the only one to glimpse his (well hidden) talents.
Après Suzanne
Joachim comes back in his family after a heartache. In spite of the excessive tenderness of his parents and his sensation of strangeness, he learns to desire to live again thanks to his friend Allan, his potential new love Esther, and all the pretty girls randomly crossed.
SODA : Le rêve américain
Slimane « Slim » Elboughi
Las nuevas aventuras de Aladino
La víspera del día de Navidad Sam y su mejor amigo Khalid se visten de Papá Noel con el objetivo de robar todo lo que puedan en las Galerías Lafayette. Pero Sam es rápidamente acorralado por unos niños y se ve obligado a contarles una historia: el relato de Aladin... la particular versión de Sam en todo caso.
Quién de los dos
La primera cita nunca es fácil, pero la primera cita con la chica de tus sueños es aún más complicada, y más cuando no tienes ni un duro.
Soda : Un trop long week-end
Slimane « Slim » Elboughi
Los recuerdos
Romain tiene 23 años y vive con un compañero de piso cuyo único objetivo es seducir a las mujeres. A él le gustaría ser escritor pero de momento trabaja como vigilante nocturno en un hotel. Su padre tiene 62 años, está jubilado y nada parece importarle. Tras el fallecimiento de su abuelo, Romain y su padre deciden meter a su abuela de 85 años en una residencia para ancianos aunque no es lo que ella quiere. El problema surge cuando la anciana desaparece.
Love at First Fight
Entre sus amigos y el negocio familiar, el verano del joven Arnaud parece que será tranquilo... hasta que conoce a Madeleine, tan bella como arisca, un bloque de músculos tensos y catastróficas profecías. Él no espera nada, ella se prepara para lo peor. Él se toma la vida con calma, con una sonrisa. Ella sólo piensa en hacer el curso para entrar en el ejército ¿Hasta dónde podrá seguir Arnaud a Madeleine, cuando ella nunca le pidió nada? Es una historia de amor. O de supervivencia. O ambas.
Les aoûtiens
Jacky in the Kingdom of Women
The film is set in a world, the Popular Democratic Republic of Bubunne, in which women hold the power and men are forced to wear veils and stay at home.
Fuck UK
Michel suffers from a strange pathology. A perfectly old-fashioned and rare type of racism: the hatred of Englishmen. This obsessional fault, led him to create an association (which the only members are, except himself, his brother and a friend) and to lead commando operations (covering of English terms with stickers, and street hawking of a violently anti-British review).
Les Mythos
La Vie de ma mère
Le Vampire du soleil levant