Wilhelm Grimm

Nacimiento : 1786-02-24, Hanau, Germany

Muerte : 1859-12-16


German author, the younger of the Brothers Grimm.


Original Story
Adaptación de imagen real del clásico de Disney de 1937.
Gretel & Hansel: Un oscuro cuento de hadas
Original Story
Hace mucho tiempo, en un campo lejano de cuentos de hadas, una niña lleva a su hermano pequeño a un bosque oscuro en busca desesperada de comida y trabajo, solo para tropezar con un nexo de terror escalofriante.
Blanca como la nieve
Original Story
Claire es una joven que trabaja en el hotel de su difunto padre, que ahora dirige su madrastra Maud. De gran belleza, Claire provoca sin querer unos celos incontrolables en Maud cuando su joven amante cae rendido ante los encantos de su hijastra. Maud decide entonces desprenderse de Claire, pero ésta encontrará refugio en una granja donde tendrá la oportunidad de olvidarse de la estricta educación que ha recibido conociendo a siete príncipes.
La joven chica sin manos
Basado en uno de los cuentos menos conocidos de los hermanos Grimm, "La niña sin manos" es un trabajo de animación entre la estampa y el teatro de sombras, tintado de poesía, con un uso fauvista del color, manchas delicadas y expresivas rayas que recuerdan la caligrafía japonesa.
La leyenda de la bella durmiente
Thomas Kaiser hereda una mansión ancestral que ha estado en su familia durante generaciones, sólo para enterarse que también ha heredado una antigua maldición que se remonta a la época de las Cruzadas. En su nuevo rol como "protector", el guardián designado para mantener a los demonios malignos a raya. Thomas hace equipo con una ambiciosa agente inmobiliaria y un sacerdote paranormal para desentrañar el misterio de la casa, mientras lucha por despertar a la hermosa Briar Rose, que está cautiva en un inframundo aterrador visto previamente en sus sueños.
Engelbert Humperdinck - Hänsel & Gretel (Wien 2015)
Original Story
Since its premiere in 1893, Engelbert Humperdinck's fairytale opera »Hansel and Gretel« has awakened a passion for music theatre in generations of children. Even his great contemporaries – such as Richard Strauss, Gustav Mahler or Johannes Brahms – were delighted by this work. It is the successful combination of seemingly folkloric simplicity and the complex musical language of Wagner’s direct successor, of simple melody and artful orchestration, and of socio-critical realism and atmospheric magic that makes the music to the Brothers Grimm’s famous story so captivating. And so the Vienna State Opera's production speaks to both children and adults alike, leading through wondrous projections of a magic lantern into the middle of the fairytale storyline.
La bella durmiente
Original Story
En esta película vamos a ver el cuento de La Bella Durmiente, escrito por los hermanos Grimm en el siglo XIX, pero actualizado para que guste a los jóvenes de hoy en día, que poco tienen que ver con los de hace doscientos años. Como pasa en le cuento original, una princesa muy guapa ha sido víctima de una maldición, por la cual va a tener que dormir durante toda la eternidad. Un príncipe se entera de lo que pasa y no se puede quedar de brazos cruzados. El príncipe, junto con su ayudante, tendrá que hacer un viaje largo y complicado para llegar hasta la princesa, pero no les será fácil. Primero se tendrán que enfrentar con una reina malvada, que fue la que maldijo a la princesa. Por si esto no fuese suficiente, además de a la reina, el príncipe y su ayudante se van a tener que ver las caras con cientos de muertos vivientes, que se interponen entre ellos y la princesa.
Blancanieves (Mirror, Mirror)
Original Story
Nueva versión en clave de comedia del cuento de Blancanieves narrado desde el punto de vista de la malvada madastra. Siete valerosos y rebeldes enanitos ayudarán a Blancanieves a reclamar sus derechos al trono, que le pertenece por nacimiento, y a conquistar al Príncipe con el que pretende casarse la temible Reina.
Flynn Rider, el más buscado -y encantador- bandido del reino, se esconde en una misteriosa torre y allí se encuentra con Rapunzel, una bella y avispada adolescente con una cabellera dorada de 21 metros de largo, que vive encerrada allí desde hace años. Ambos sellan un pacto y a partir de ese momento la pareja vivirá emocionantes aventuras en compañía de un caballo superpolicía, un camaleón sobreprotector y una ruda pandilla de matones
Who's Hungry?
Two children accept free ice cream from an ice cream vendor and end up being captured. With that, they try to find a way to escape so as not to become a meal.
German TV adaptation of Grimm‘s fairy tale “Sleeping Beauty“.
The Metropolitan Opera: Hansel and Gretel
Original Story
This deliciously dark take on the beloved Brothers Grimm fairy tale, appealing to audiences of all ages, was part of the Met’s popular English-language holiday series. Alice Coote and Christine Schäfer star as the famous siblings lost in the woods, who battle the ravenous Witch—a zany portrayal by tenor Philip Langridge—while the Met orchestra, under the baton of Vladimir Jurowski, glories in the rich, folk-inspired score.
German TV adaptation of Grimm‘s fairy tale “Rumpelstiltskin“.
Hansel and Gretel
Based on the classic Brothers Grimm fairy tale, Hansel and Gretel is a dark and stylized, black and white, German Expressionistic silent picture featuring detailed design and an eerie musical score.
Caperucita roja
¡Una abuelita practicante de yoga!. ¡Un lobo mas bueno que el pan! ¡Una atrevida niña con botas de color rojo fuerte! ¿Crees saber todo de el cuento de Caperucita Roja? ¡Piénsalo otra vez! Prepárate a descubrir grandes emociones en una totalmente nueva versión de la clásica fábula...
Hänsel und Gretel
Blancanieves (Kristin Kreuk, "Smallville") es la hermosa hija del rey John y la reina Josephine, que se queda huerfanita a la muerte de su madre. Un día, las lágrimas del rey hacen despertar a una criatura fantástica llamada Green-eyed. En agradecimiento, este ser concede al rey tres deseos: alimento y protección, un reino donde vivir, y una mujer con la que compartir su vida. Esta no es otra que Elspeth (Miranda Richardson), una reina malvada que envidia la belleza de Blancanieves.
Hansel y Gretel
Durante la celebración de la Feria, Hansel y Gretel se escapan y llegan al bosque siguiendo a unos amigos raptados por un temible troll. Unos trolls bondadosos y algunos animales del bosque les ayudan en la búsqueda hasta que llegan a un claro del bosque en el que se encuentra una asombrosa casa construida con caramelos, chocolate y galletas de genjibre. Pero la casa está habitada por una perversa bruja...
Blancanieves y los siete enanitos
El buen corazón de una hermosa joven triunfa sobre la maldad y los celos en esta espléndida versión animada del más celebrado cuento de todos los tiempos. Blancanieves, la chica más bonita de la tierra, vive en un castillo con su malvada y orgullosa madrastra, una reina que no soporta su deslumbrante belleza sobre todo después de que el misterioso espejo mágico le dice que la más bella del reino es Blancanieves. La malvada reina intenta que uno de sus vasallos le quite la vida a la joven para volver a convertirse en "la más bella del reino". Afortunadamente Blancanieves logra escapar del plan de la Reina y se interna en el bosque donde conocerá a los Siete Enanitos. Sin embargo, la Reina consigue dar con Blancanieves y la engaña para que coma una manzana envenenada que la sume en un profundo sueño. Pero como en los grandes cuentos, un apuesto príncipe consigue con un hermoso beso que se despierte y vivir felices para siempre.
Snow White
A queen is so vain she needs the magical mirror the Black Knight forged to tell her daily she's the belle of the realm. When it adds Snowwhite, the king's heiress, has grown even more beautiful, the queen orders him and the shivering jester Andreas, who secretly loves the girl, to murder her step-daughter. However the knight fakes her death and seven dwarfs take her in at their magical mine. The dwarfs tell her various secrets, including true identities, and plot to save her, the disguised queen to murder her once the mirror betrays she's alive.
The Frog Prince
Original Story
When a young princess, instead of being fully dedicated to her love, persists in running around like a tomboy and roaming the forests with her gang, and a young prince refuses to give up all his vices and mischief, an aquaphobic fairy takes their fate into her hands. The princess then falls in love with the prince, who declares eternal fidelity to her. When he however breaks this promise, the fairy turns him into a frog. With which the loyalty of the princess is being tested as well.
Briar-Rose or the Sleeping Beauty
Original Story
On her fifteenth birthday the princess finds a diary written by her mother when she was young. The diary tells of the Queen's secret, early love. The Princess goes into the forest to meet her mother's former lover. When she looks into his eyes, she realizes why her mother had fallen in love...
Extraterrestrial Cat in Boots
A Cat from outer-space comes to earth and befriends a Miller's Son and together they set out to defeat an evil wizard.
Sleeping Beauty
Original Story
A beautiful princess born in a faraway kingdom is destined by a terrible curse to prick her finger on the spindle of a spinning wheel and fall into a deep sleep that can only be awakened by true love's first kiss.
The Goose Princess
The story of the goose princess and her faithful horse Falada.
Rapunzel, or The Magic of Tears
Adaptation of the classic fairytale.
Hansel y Gretel
Original Story
Adaptación del cuento escrito por los Hermanos Grimm. Narra la historia de dos hermanos que se ven atrapados en la casa de una bruja que tiene, como objetivo, comérselos.
Iron Hans
In a king's kingdom there is a forest so dangerous that every man who goes into it is never heard from again. Iron Hans, who is responsible for the deaths, is found at the bottom of a lake and locked up in the king's palace
The Frog Prince
Henriette is a princess; she is playing with her ball, but drops it into a well. A talking frog replaces it with a golden ball, on condition that he can eat and drink with her, and rest in her bed. She accepts, but then is repelled at the thought of the frog eating and drinking with her, etc., but her Father makes her do so. In her bedroom, the frog turns into a handsome prince, and she falls in love with him, but he leaves immediately because of her broken promises. She pines and eventually seeks him out, braving various tests of her truthfulness in the process.
Snow White
A prince, seeking the greatest treasure, stumbles upon seven little men guarding a coffin. They tell him the story of Snow White, a beautiful princess who was forced to run away from home after her jealous stepmother tried to have her killed. When she realizes that the girl is still alive and living with the dwarfs, she sets out to destroy her only rival once and for all.
The Golden Bird
"Kin No Tori" is an adaptation of the homonymous fairy tale "The Golden Bird" by Brothers Grimm. A golden apple is stolen from the King's garden. The King orders his three sons to guard the apples in turn and to find out who is the thief. When the youngest son, Hansu, presents a feather that he got from the golden bird that stole the apple the king sends his three sons to bring this bird to him and so Hansu journey begins.
Jorinde und Joringel
Der Bärenhäuter
La dama de las nieves
La dama de las nieves y Jacobo presencian la boda del padre de Isabela y la injusticia que vive con su madrastra y hermanastra.
Berg Simeli
El rey Pico de Tordo
Short Story
When a selfless king learns of a beautiful princess in a neighboring kingdom who callously turns down every suitor with an insult, he tries his luck to no avail. So, he hatches a plot with her father in which the princess is married to him, in disguise as a beggar, so he can teach her lessons about humility and compassion.
The Boy Who Left Home to Find Out About the Shivers
Short Story
An intelligent, fearless boy living in a superstitious Transylvanian village goes out into the world to figure out what everyone else is afraid of, "the shivers." A king hires him to rid his castle of ghosts and evil spirits, expecting him to die like all who have tried before him, but the boy is more fearless than he could have known.
Blancanieves y los 7 enanitos
El buen corazón de una hermosa joven triunfa sobre la maldad y los celos en esta espléndida versión animada del más celebrado cuento de todos los tiempos. Blancanieves, la chica más bonita de la tierra, vive en un castillo con su malvada y orgullosa madarastra, una reina que no soporta su deslumbrante belleza sobre todo después de que el misterioso espejo mágico le dice que la más bella del reino es Blancanieves. La malvada reina intenta que uno de sus vasallos le quite la vida a la joven para volver a convertirse en "la más bella del reino". Afortunadamente Blancanieves logra escapar del plan de la Reina y se interna en el bosque donde conocerá a los Siete Enanitos. Sin embargo, la Reina consigue dar con Blancanieves y la engaña para que coma una manzana envenenada que la sume en un profundo sueño. Pero como en los grandes cuentos, un apuesto príncipe consigue con un hermoso beso que se despierte y vivir felices para siempre. (FILMAFFINITY)
The Farmer's Clever Daughter
Puppet animated film based on a fairytale by the Brothers Grimm.
Gorshochek Kashi
Original Story
Automated porridge production system provides the city with food for 3 years.
Hansel y Gretel (Cuentos de las estrellas)
Adaptación del cuento popular, de dos hermanos que llegan a una casa de chocolate en la que les aguarda una bruja con malas intenciones. Sexto episodio de la segunda temporada de la serie "Faerie Tale Theatre".
Schneeweißchen und Rosenrot
Schneeweißchen and Rosenrot, two very sweet girls give shelter to a bear in distress one night. In the spring the bear wanders off again, but rips his fur on the door on the way out, which makes the girls notice a shimmer of gold shining through. Later, the girls help out a dwarf in the woods, who has got his beard caught in first a fallen tree, then his fishing gear, and the third time they rescue him from a bird of prey.
Hansel & Gretel - The Met
Original Story
The Metropolitan Opera's performance of "Hansel and Gretel" features music by Engelbert Humperdinck and is conducted by Thomas Fulton. The Met's storybook production cheerfully evokes a magic world of woodland sprites and candy dreams and yet brings as well the entire apparatus of Wagnerian music and drama to bear on a German fairy tale. This production is sung in English, and features the Metropolitan Opera, Chorus, and Ballet.
The Prince Beyond the Seven Seas
Original Story
The merchant's daughter Constanze, begs her father to ask a lion for a favor. Her father approaches the lion who agrees to his request with one condition: that he send the first person he meets upon his return home to the lion's den. It is Constanze. Against her father's will she goes to the lion and discovers that he is an enchanged prince and that only a woman's love can release him from the spell.
Desperate to save her life, a miller's daughter makes a bargain with a strange character - After which, she must find a way to get out of this dangerous bargain.
Gevatter Tod
The Goose-Girl at the Fountain
A young blacksmith, searching for happiness in a series of dreams, realizes that he must find a rejected princess and hold her hand. A fairytale after the Brothers Grimm.
Snow-White and Rose-Red
In an enchanted forest, the princely brothers Michael and Andreas get lost and are transformed, by a mountain spirit who jealously guards his underground treasure, into animals until the unlikely event of sincere love from a human. The only persons who may be able to give such love are the local commoner sisters Snow-white and Rose-red, who are kind and helpful by nature and stand to harvest unimagined rewards.
The Youth Who Wanted to Shiver
a young boy named Jack fears nothing. So, he sets out to learn how to shiver.
The Dancing Princesses
Short Story
A made-for-TV retelling of the story "The Twelve Dancing Princesses," directed by Ben Rea, featuring Jim Dale as the Soldier, Freddie Jones as the destitute King, and Gloria Grahame as the Witch. Significant changes were made to the story, including reducing the number of princesses to six, and the soldier ultimately declining to marry any of the princesses due to their deceitful nature.
Der Meisterdieb
The Worn-Out Dancing Shoes
Television adaptation of the Brothers Grimm fairytale.
Who's Afraid of the Devil
Based on a fairy tale by the Brothers Grimm: Jakob is a poor farmer′s boy. Because of his timidity that even makes him run away from mice, he is often ridiculed by other people. Even the king is ill-disposed towards him. One day he sends Jakob to the devil to rob him of three golden hairs. This is supposed to be Jakob′s certain death. But naïve Jakob gets going and on his way even promises the oppressed subjects of the king to ask the devil for a way out of their misery.
Once Upon a Brothers Grimm
While traveling to meet with the Hessian King, the famed Brothers Grimm, Jacob and Wilhelm, travel through an enchanted forest where they find themselves trapped in the world of their fairy tales.
Los cisnes reales
Original Story
Una joven muchacha debe estar seis años realizando trabajos para salvar a sus seis hermanos, quienes han sido convertidos en cisne por una malvada hechicera. Pelicula que se enmarca dentro de la serie "Sekai Meisaku Douwa" que realizó la Toei entre los años 1977 y 1982, y que constaba de cinco peliculas a una por año, siendo la del año 1980 la que nos abarca, y correspondiendo las otras cuatro a Los Cisnes Salvajes "Hakuchou no Ouji" (Año 1977), Pulgarcita "Oyayubi Hime" (Año 1978), El Lago de los Cisnes "Hakuchou no Mizuumi" (Año 1981), Aladino y la Lampara Maravillosa "Aladdin to Mahou no Lamp" (Año 1982), todas editadas en España a principios de los años 80.
Hans in Luck
When Hans wakes up one morning, he realizes that he is longer than his bed, his feet sticking out over the edge of the bed. The young man remembers his happy childhood. Hans knows it's time to leave home.
The Blue Light
Hans the farmer is drawn into war as a soldier. Returning from the front, having been defrauded of his pay by his own king, he makes his way home. On his trip, he encounters a witch who asks him to fetch the light from a spring. He keeps it when the witch tries to deceive him and he discovers her foul magic. When the light is ignited, a little man appears who must serve the owner of the light, but it only has power if the owner has faith in himself. His courage bolstered, Hans goes to the king once more to demand his wages be paid.
Sechse kommen durch die Welt
The King of Malabunt has won another war, after decorating himself and his three wooden marshals, he dismisses his army with a low wages. One of his soldiers protest this and is thrown into jail, but he swears to someday return and take all the wealth of the king.
Der arme Müllerbursch und das Kätzchen
There once was a poor miller who had no children but only three apprentices to work for him. The two older boys were lazy, mean and stupid, but youngest was hard-working, friendly, and cheerful. When the miller grows too old to work, he send the boys out into the world. Whoever brings back the most beautiful horse will inherit the mill.
Sleeping Beauty
On the occasion of their daughter's birth, the king and queen give a lavish feast. Among the guests are twelve fairies who endow the infant in the cradle with all good qualities. As the king loathes diligence, he does not invite the thirteenth fairy - the fairy of diligence. A captain lets her slip into the castle and she casts a spell on Sleeping Beauty, wishing death upon her. The twelfth fairy transforms and mitigates the spell. On the day she turns fifteen, the princess is to sink into a hundred-year sleep after pricking her finger on a spindle.
Tischlein deck dich
Die sieben Raben
Story Theatre
Brothers Grimm tales like "The Golden Goose," "The Bremen Town Musicians" and "The Blue Light" come to life in this stripped-down stage production, which forgoes elaborate sets and costumes in favor of creative acting techniques and storytelling.
The Bremen Town Musicians
A musical film about the adventures of the wandering musicians from Bremen such as Troubadour, Donkey, Dog, Cat and Rooster. In one of the towns Troubadour falls in love with a Princess and makes up a plan how to get the King's confidence.
The Farmer's Clever Daughter
A farmer receives land from the king and discovers a buried golden mortar. He decides to give it to the king out of gratitude, but his clever daughter warns him that the king will surely want him to bring a corresponding pestle as well. When the king throws the farmer into jail for fraud, he bemoans the fact that he did not listen to his daughter.
Das Waldhaus
Der gestiefelte Kater
King Thrushbeard
A fairy-tale about a beautiful but very haughty princess Anna who cruelly mocks each of her suitors. Finally she is forced by the king to marry a beggar. The poor life, hard work and love teach the princess a lesson and turn her into a loving and kind person.
The Golden Goose
The Brave Tailor
The story of how the young worker was bored with life.
Das tapfere Schneiderlein
Frau Holle
The widow has an ugly and lazy daughter, Pechmarie, and a beautiful and hard-working step-daughter, Goldmarie. Because Pechmarie is her real daughter, the widow clearly favors her and makes Goldmarie do all the work. Poor Goldmarie must also sit and spin all day by the well until her fingers bleed. When she tries to rinse out the spindel, it drops into the cold water. Her unsympathetic step-mother tells her to jump in after it. Goldmarie does as she is told, and then wakes up in the middle of a beautiful field of flowers. This is the land of Frau Holle, who welcomes Goldmarie and invites her to stay, as long as she will help with the housework. Marie stays and serves Frau Holle gladly, until she suffers so terribly from homesickness that she asks to go home. Before bringing her back, Frau Holle rewards Marie with a shower of gold. Upon her return, Goldmarie and her gold are welcomed by her greedy step-sister and -mother. Hoping for the same kind of reward, the step-mother sends ...
Little Red Riding-Hood lives together with her parents in a house on the edge of the forest. Her friends are a bunny, a squirrel and a bear. The little girl is always prepared to help, friendly, innocent and even unsuspecting, for she does not hold anyone capable of doing anything bad. Little Red Riding-Hood often visits her grandmother who lives in the depths of the forest. But her way there is a dangerous one: the wolf and its lackey, the fox, terrorize everyone with their evil deeds. One day, Little Red Riding-Hood is caught in their net.
Hated by her jealous and bloodthirsty stepmother, Snow White flees a murder attempt and seeks shelter in the woods with seven kindly dwarfs. Feeling she is safe from harm, Snow White welcomes the disguised queen into her home...with fatal consequences.
Das hölzerne Kälbchen
On a pasture in a small village stand the cows and calves of the herder Bürle. Since many years, there is also a wooden calve standing among them. One day, all calves are stolen, even the wooden one. Although they are innocent, all poor villagers are brought to trial. Thereupon, the farmers join forces and discover who really is responsible for the theft.
The Dwarf Magician
East German adaptation of Grimm‘s fairy tale “Rumpelstiltskin“.
Vom mutigen Hans
El pequeño gigante (Pulgarcito)
La Reina del Bosque concede un niño del tamaño de un pulgar a un matrimonio de leñadores que no ha tenido descendencia. Pronto, el diminuto niño es raptado por unos delincuentes que planean utilizar su reducida estatura para sus pérfidos planes.
Jorinde und Joringel
The Singing Ringing Tree
A brave prince must seek the fabled singing, ringing tree in order to win the heart of a beautiful princess.
The Brave Little Tailor
When Prince Vain got his shirt fixed, he proclaims that he had slain two lizards in front of the tailor's house - "two in one strike". When the tailor swats seven flies at once, he sows himself a banner saying "seven in one strike", and together with his bird he starts a journey into the world to pronounce his deed.
Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs
Snow White's mother, the Queen dies when she is born. Her father, the King, remarries a beautiful but vain lady. The new Queen has a magic mirror that she asks every day, who is the fairest one of all? When it answers Snow White, the Queen is furious. Will handsome Prince Charming and the Seven Dwarfs be able to save Snow White from the wicked Queen's wrath?
Der Teufel mit den drei goldenen Haaren
Der Froschkönig
Hansel and Gretel
Little brother and little sister
Hans im Glück
Prinsessa Ruusunen
Blancanieves y los siete enanitos
Original Story
La malvada madrastra de la princesa Blancanieves decide deshacerse de ella porque no puede soportar que la belleza de la joven sea superior a la de ella. Sin embargo, Blancanieves consigue salvarse y se refugia en la cabaña de los siete enanitos. A pesar de todo, su cruel madrastra consigue encontrarla y la envenena con una manzana. Pero la princesa no está muerta, sólo dormida, a la espera de que un príncipe azul la rescate.
The Seven Ravens
When a young girl finds out that, due to her existence, her seven brothers are struck by a curse and have to live their lives as ravens, she goes out in a quest to find them. Considered to be the first German feature length stop motion film.
Von einem, der auszog, das Gruseln zu lernen
Die Bremer Stadtmusikanten
Puss in Boots
Lotte Reiniger's interpretation of Grimm's recorded version of Aschenputtel (Cinderella) from 1922.
Snow White
Snow White, a beautiful girl, is despised by a wicked queen who tries to destroy her. With the aid of dwarfs in the woods, Snow White overcomes the queen.
Fiego and the Magic Fish
Original Story
The happily married fisherman Fiego, strives to make his wife ‘s life even better when he is granted wishes by a magic fish.
Uncanny Stories
“Uncanny Stories” is a horror anthology of short stories from famous writers adapted in animation by directors who are mad about genre films. The works of Laura Kasischke, H.P. Lovecraft and Jean Ray alongside the Brothers Grimm, William Tenn and Edgar Allan Poe all haunt the screen in a world of horror, fear and angst. You’ll encounter a young girl who hates her stepmother so much she wants her dead, two young hikers who cross paths with a strange old woman, an explorer trapped by terrifying forces from a distant past, a man driving down a country lane on a rainy night, an endless nightmare, a lighthouse in a storm. Transgressive and poignant stories that tap into your innermost fears.
Rose Red
The film places Rose Red into the original Snow White and the Seven Dwarves story, adding her into the third act of the tale, after Snow White takes the bite of the poison apple, Rose Red teams with Grumpy and the dwarves to find a way to break the curse.