Léon Mathot

Léon Mathot

Nacimiento : 1885-03-06, Roubaix, Nord, France

Muerte : 1968-03-06


Léon Mathot (5 March 1886, Roubaix, Nord-Pas-de-Calais - 6 March 1968, in Paris) was a French film actor and film director best known perhaps for playing Edmond Dantes in The Count of Monte Cristo film serial in 1918. He appeared in the 1923 silent film Coeur fidèle, directed by Jean Epstein. He starred in some 60 films mostly in silent film between 1906 and 1939. He turned director in 1927 whilst still appearing in several films and retired in 1953 directing well over 20 films.


Léon Mathot


Mon gosse de père
La danseuse de Marrakech
A little Métis girl, Kalina is saved from a massacre by Taraor, a black man from Sudan. Having become a great and beautiful dancer from the South, she meets Captain Portal, in garrison in Marrakech. This is the beginning of a great love story. But that's counting without Taraor's jealousy.
L'homme aux mains d'argile
The fictionalized life, and interpreted by himself, of the popular boxing champion Marcel Cerdan. Training sessions, matches, victories, flight to the U.S.A. where the title of world champion is disputed, form the whole subject of the film.
Le dolmen tragique
Chatelard, one of Viscount de Kerlec's guests, has died in mysterious conditions. The police initiates an investigation and sends detective-inspector Pauc to de Kerlec's manor. Pauc decides to mingle with the viscount's guests , who are all likely to have committed the murder. Among them, there is Jacques Mauclerc, a naval officer, and a seedy character named Bartoli, in fact a spy in search of secret documents. Pauc will end up untangling the web during a dramatic séance.
La dernière chevauchée
A jealous wealthy landlord intercepts a letter to his wife written by her cousin. He decides to take revenge by drugging the young man's horse, but it is his own son who will be the victim of the accident.
Alert Nights
Hélène, a young waitress working in a bar frequented by German soldiers, saves the life of Pierre, a Resistance fighter. Her jealous lover has her arrested first and then released. Later on, Hélène is wounded while walking in the streets. Pierre has her transported to friends with the hope of taking her to London with him. Unfortunately, owing to lack of space in the plane, Pierre has to fly alone. Hélène has to wait several weeks before being able to board a new plane. When the day comes at last, the Germans are waiting for the plane on the clandestine airfield.
La route du bagne
Paris, 1865. In a music-hall Manon accidentally kills her partner who was trying take sexual advantage of her. She is condemned to twenty years of hard labor first and then to be deported to marry a released convict. On the ship where she sails with her female fellow-sufferers she gets to know a young doctor and helps to suppress a revolt. Once arrived at her destination, Manon hesitates between her official fiancé and the doctor whose household she does not want to break...
L'homme sans nom
Monsieur Vincent is the respected healer of a Basque village. But nobody knows that Vincent Berteaux used to be a surgeon in Paris. When Assomption, a young holidaymaker, arrives in the village in the company of her mother, little does Vincent know that the past returns to his life.
Forte tête
René, a bank employee, is suspected of theft and fired from his job. It borders on the worst by following in the footsteps of a misfit, Alexandre. A series of circumstances lead him to save little Gérard, the bank manager's grandson, from a fire. The child becomes attached to René, who manages to discover the real culprit of the theft.
Cartacalha, reine des gitans
The gypsy dancer Cartacalha is elected queen of the gypsies. She loves a horse breeder, the Galejon, but following misunderstandings and perfidy, she leaves for Paris, invited by a playwright who predicts a total success on stage. Having become a star, she returns to the Camargue where, still abused, she tries to commit suicide.
Fromont Young and Risler Elder
An ambitious and perverse adventurer sows dissension and ruin in a wealthy family of industrialists.
Hangman's Noose
In England, a boxer is sentenced to death for a murder he does not seem to have committed.... Anthony Gethryn, who has just resigned from the police on the occasion of his marriage, has three days left to find the real killer.
Sacred Woods
Despite her success, writer Francine Margerie is let down to see that she is not nominated for the Legion of Honor award. One solution could be to sleep with Champmorel, the Director of Fine Arts and one of the judges for the awarding of the coveted medal.
Immediate Call
In September 1938, an American diplomat negotiated in London the peace of Munich, rather than rush to Paris where his wife, a famous film actress, is about to fall into the arms of a young first. He gains peace but loses his happiness.
Deuxième bureau contre kommandantur
Abbé Gaillard
In 1917, in a small village in the North, Abbe Gaillard is suspected by the Germans of facilitating the escape of French and Belgian soldiers. A false alibi makes him innocent and he can thus continue his mission, thanks to the devotion of an Alsatian who, in enemy uniform, obscurely serves his country.
The Rebel
Pimaï, the strong-headed anarchist, joined the navy out of bravado. But the sweet influence of a young girl leads him to prove that he is worthy of the profession he has chosen and the flag he serves.
An innocent young man, burglar Cheri-Bibi, and his gangsters are sent to a penal colony.
Aloha, the Song of the Islands
During the London-Melbourne race, two aviators, one male (Guy,) the other female (Betty), are forced to land on a lost island in Polynesia. They learn to survive in difficult conditions and fall in love. Back in civilization, their union does not prove obvious. Pierre is already married to Ginette, a movie actress, and Betty is engaged to her cousin Edouard. Moreover, Lord Stanton, her rich father, will not hear of a marriage with Guy. Will love ultimately triumph in spite of everything?
L'ange du foyer
Jacques de Chardin, runner of women, marries a rich and young American, Mary-Ann. He does not give up, however, his conquests and has an affair with Chouquette. His wife and her friend, Baron Sigismond, decide to fake an affair in order to get revenge.
A Man to Kill
Captain Benoit successfully completes a mission in Berlin, but when he returns to Paris he escapes attacks by German agents.
Wolves Between Them
A Nazi spy has stolen a gas mask filter of formidable efficiency in Paris. Two agents from the 2nd office have the task of going to take him back to Berlin.
La mascotte
The turkey keeper, Bettina, brings good luck to those who make her work. She becomes the mascot of the good King Laurent XVII whose finances are in bad shape. In order for her to retain her beneficial power, an attempt is made to separate her from her lover, but in vain.
Count Obligado
Antoine, elevator operator of a haute couture house, takes advantage of an inheritance to lead the high life for three days by pretending to be a rich count.
Bouboule 1er, roi nègre
Georges Vinot nicknamed Bouboule, a colorful but naive Parisian, falls prey to a gang of diamond thieves. Not only do they manipulate him into smuggling stolen precious stones into Senegal but they have bought life insurance on his head, which means they are prepared to do anything to liquidate him. But Bouboule succeeds in thwarting all their traps and eventually decides to settle down in a Senegalese village, of which he becomes... king!
Naked as a Worm
A very rich businessman, knight of the Legion of Honor, bets that he can start his career from scratch. After all kinds of adventures, he climbs the ladder of society and, having become rich again, finds love and a new fortune.
Kiss Me
Bouboule's Gang
Passport 13.444
Passport 13.444
Le refuge
A young Corsican is obliged by a tradition of vendetta for his late father, to kill the uncle of a girl he loves, because that man was the murderer. His search for vengeance leads to being pursued by the police and a tragic fate.
The house of La Fleche
After a rich English lady is killed in a Dijon house, the only person there who doesn't have a solid alibi is about to be arrested.Will a detective from Paris be able to help?
In the Shadow of the Harem
Celle qui domine
Yasmina, a rich Tunisian Princess, daughter of a French lady and a Muslim gentleman, is betrothed by a father to a rich fifty year old man named Afsen. She reluctantly accept the marriage but soon becomes ill from boredom and she falls in love with the French doctor called from Tunis to take care of her, Hector Grandier, who also happens to be a childhood friend. Her husband finds out and Yasmina sticks a knife in her own bosom in a middle of a fight. The Princess's maid, Athima, accuses the old husband of attempting to kill the girl and he is sentenced to death. Hector rescues him from his fate and the two lovers are free to love each other in the eyes of the law.
The Cradle of God
A young intellectual, J. Powers, loses his faith in God after the untimely death of his wife. He devotes his great talents to writing a shockingly blasphemous book, debunking all religion, and then embarks on a trip to Jerusalem. Far from reconciling him to God, the sight of all the different sects worshipping in that ancient city only serves to embitter him and deepen his unbelief. One day, wandering in the country, he loses his way and stops to ask directions at a small house. The inhabitants are a poor but devout family whose daughter, Ruth, revives his broken heart. At the risk of losing her, he confesses to her his loss of faith, and she gently declares that meditation on the Gospels will heal him. He sorrowfully tells her that he wishes he could believe as she does, but it is impossible.
Der Maler und sein Modell
The Devil in the City
Marc Herner
The story is about a superstitious village, where the mayor has sold a tower to an unknown, who is soon suspected of being the devil.
Corazón fiel
Marie, una joven huérfana, trabaja en un bar de un puerto de Marsella, explotada por el despótico individuo que la ha adoptado. Deseosa de escapar de él y de su amante, un alcohólico sin escrúpulos, acaba uniéndose a otro hombre,Jean, al que ve a escondidas. Jean le ofrece protección y le propone que se fuguen juntos y contraigan matrimonio.
The Red Inn
Prosper Magnan
Two young doctors, surprised by the storm, take refuge in an inn. A diamond broker joins them and, for lack of space, shares their room. At dawn he is found dead. A few years later justice is done.
Être ou ne pas être
L'Empereur des pauvres
Marc Anavan
Marc Anavan, a rich young man, leads a profligate life and when he understands his fortune is about to evaporate he decides to change his life, to become a vagabond and to do good around him. The task is not easy but his faith in his mission and the love of Silvette will help Marc to overcome all the hardships on his way.
The Empire of Diamonds
Arthur Graves
Shot on location in Paris, Monte Carlo and the Riviera with both American and French actors. When Matthew Versigny discovers that the jewels his diamond company has been buying are fake, he travels to Europe to track down the counterfeiter. With him are his sister, Marguerite and her sweetheart, Paul Bernac, who is an agent in the French Secret Service.
L'ami Fritz
Luc Froment
Luc Froment, a reform-minded engineer, starts working at a steel mill in a small town. There he founds small groups of workers (and their families) under miserable conditions. Under the influence of Fourier's ideas, Froment tries to turn the mill into a workers' co-operative.
The Count of Monte Cristo
Edmond Dantès
Le comte de Monte Cristo (15 Episodes). Monte Cristo, based upon Alexandre Dumas' novel of the same name, tells the story of Edmond Dantès, an innocent man jailed for 14 years after being wrongfully convicted. He succeeds to escape prison, finds a treasure on the isle of Montecristo and wreaks revenge on the ones who put him in prison.
La zone de la mort
Film by Abel Gance.
Louis Hérault
The story takes place in the Parisian "High Society" of the time. Two long-time friends become enemies because of a beautiful girl.
A journalist attempt to stop a mysterious criminal : "Barbe rousse".
The Right to Life
Jacques Alberty
A young girl marries a financier knowing he has only a short time to live, so she can inherit his money.Her lover, who has made a fortune away in America, returns and wants to hasten the financier's death.
Nemrod et compagnie
The Tragic Mill
Propaganda spy-movie, Belgian-French production, directed by Honoré and Georges Lainé. A village girl repels the advances of the miller's son, who cowardly leaves for the German army. During the war he transforms into a ruthless soldier seeking for revenge on his village. A melodramatic story as alibi for anti-German propaganda.
Deadly Gas
Hopson, a prestigious scientist, studies the effect of snake venom to cure many diseases of mankind. His son enlists in the army when the Great War breaks out. A series of circumstances will lead the scientist to change his way of thinking about values ​​and principles that until then he had as immovable.
The Bridge That Failed
Le secret de l'acier
Joachim Goethal
A steel worker is told by his girl friend, that she only wants to marry a rich man. A foreign spy hears this and offers him money if he gives him the formula of the new steel he's working with.
Dramatic Passion of Algabert and Elisberth of Rodembourg
Prince Algabert
Prince Algabert, upholding the traditions of his forefathers, wages a ceaseless feud against the house of Rodembourg, whose reigning lord has one daughter, Elisabeth. One day, the Princess Elisabeth is captured by Algabert's vassals and, forgetful of feuds and quarrels, the Prince falls under the spell of her beauty. Prince Algabert, having released the Princess, goes to her father and begs for her hand, which is, however, haughtily refused. So the breach between the two houses widens. Elisabeth decides to take the veil. On the day of her renunciation Algabert makes an ineffectual attempt to see her. Then, in despair, he provokes the Rodembourgs. He meets them single-handed in the convent cloister and receives his death stroke. Elisabeth till the day of her death mourns her lover and daily tends his grave.
The Wig Chase
Child prank causes chase for few ballons and one lady's wig