Odile Geoffroy

Odile Geoffroy


Odile Geoffroy


The Good Life
After twenty-seven long months spent in Algeria, Frédéric Simon, a young photographer is determined to forget this time of trouble. Now that the Army has finally discharged him he wants to live the good life. And at first, things go according to his wishes: not only does he marry Sylvie but they are invited by a wealthy man to Monte Carlo, where they spend a dream honeymoon. But back in Paris, hard times await them. Not finding work easily along with having to live in a cramped apartment make Frédéric bitter and unpleasant. When Sylvie becomes pregnant, he slams the door and finds consolation in the arms of Christine, an ex girlfriend, which he soon regrets. At last, the situation improves. Frédéric finds work and starts making money as a fashion photographer. But the good life cannot go on: one morning a policeman knocks at the young couple's door: the country wants Frédéric back in the Army.
Los carabineros
Young Communist Girl
Parábola antimilitarista donde dos campesinos reciben con júbilo la noticia de su movilización, felices y contentos de los desmanes que podrán cometer bajo el uniforme. (FILMAFFINITY)
Vivir su vida
The Cafe Waitress
Nana (Anna Karina) es una joven veinteañera de provincias que abandona a su marido y a su hijo para intentar iniciar una carrera como actriz en París. Sin dinero, para financiar su nueva vida comienza a trabajar en una tienda de discos en la que no gana mucho dinero. Al no poder pagar el alquiler, su casera la echa de casa, motivo por el que Nana decide ejercer la prostitución.
Le scarabée d'or
Originally commissioned by Truffaut as part of a series of short films based on Edgar Allen Poe's Tales of the Grotesque and Arabesque, it would be a way for New Wave directors to sponsor younger directors. This was the only film in the series completed.
The Army Game
Jean Lerat begins his military service at an army camp. Despite his aunt’s attempts to pull a few strings to his advantage, the unfortunate Lerat manages to get on the wrong side of his bullying colonel…