The day that the financial clerk Metodi Rashkov is getting retired comes. He is a shy and quiet man and he accepts all tasks given to him by his son and daughter in law without argument. With time, he becomes a housekeeper; he shops, cooks and looks after his grandson. In order to save his face in front of his friends he lies to them and falls in a number of uncomfortable situations. The "Expolsion" becomes imminent. The reason is insignificant but with great consequences. Rashkov leaves his home. Soon the freedom which he wanted becomes boring for him. The abandoned family begins to miss the grandfather. At the end everyone sees their mistakes and is ready to fix them. The birth of a second grandson is the event which brings everyone under the same roof again.
Bulgaria, siglo XVII, tierra dominada por los turcos. Una joven pareja que vive en un pequeño pueblo cerca de las montañas tiene una hija de corta edad. Un día el padre, que es pastor, sube a las montañas con su rebaño, mientras que la tragedia se abate sobre su familia: un grupo de turcos entra en su cabaña y violan y matan a su mujer en presencia de su pequeña hija. El padre, desolado, lleva a su hija a las montañas y la educa como si fuera un varón, entrenándola para la lucha, preparando la venganza por la muerte de su madre. Un cuerno de cabra afilado como un puñal será el instrumento de su venganza.
Evtim Manasiev is an outstanding engineer. At the office, he has made a name for himself as a "whole-hogger boss". At home, his motto is: "Love me, love my dog". His children rebel against his acting at variance with his own principles. Tired and exasperated, Manasiev realizes that he has been wrong in some of his actions. On a holiday, he runs into Mihaylova, a subordinate of his whom he has recently fired undeservedly. The meeting urges him to reconsider and to review painfully all his previous life and principles. —Georgi Djulgerov