Milosav 'Mija' Aleksić

Milosav 'Mija' Aleksić

Nacimiento : 1923-09-26, Gornja Crnuća, Serbia

Muerte : 1995-03-12


Milosav 'Mija' Aleksić
Milosav 'Mija' Aleksić


Tango Argentino
Hulio Popović
A boy who is helping lonely, elderly people revives their urge to live and receives in return their love and understanding, which have been denied to him by his parents.
Tight Skin 3
Putnik u tramvaju
At 56 years of age Mita Pantić (Nikola Simić) is still only a junior clerk in his company. Another typical workday for him is starting at 6 a.m. as frustration awaits at every turn from the moment he gets up. Trying to get ready to go to work, he can barely get a turn to use the bathroom in the crowded apartment. Other members of the household are not without their frustrations either, meaning that nagging and shouting are a staple of their home life at any time of day.
The Elusive Summer of '68
Petar's grandfather
For the young man who lives in Serbian province town, the maturing coincides with the turbulent political events of the year 1968.
Import Export
Direktor iz Gornjeg Čokota
Two men involved in mining business, exporter and importer, find in a bar to make deals about their future transaction plans. Instead of business, they end up stuffing themselves, drinking and singing all night.
The Man with Four Legs
Jovan Jovanović
On a New Year's Eve, an aged man who filed a lawsuit against himself gets an unexpected visit by his sexy neighbor, a half-naked lady that had to face the power-cut in the middle of her shower..
The Marathon Family
Aksentije Topalović
The Topalović family has been in the burial business for generations. When the 150-year-old Pantelija dies, five generations of his heirs start to fight for the inheritance.
Kiss, Kiss, But Don't Lose Your Head
Deda Vukašin
Mary and Bob continuing his love spend the summer in the voluntary youth but their parents affect the foolish. The peak occurs when the life Zika, after a brief flirtation with Marys mother implicate two German girls Elza and Giza.
Part-Time Work
Direktor škole
A comedy of everyday life problems of a "temporary" teacher who leads a very "temporary" life. For ten years, he temporarily lives with his married sister in a cramped, one-room apartment in which, his brother's-in-law sister also temporarily lives. He has a diploma, but not a steady job. He's a school teacher for a definite period of time with a "temporary" status. At the mean time, a boy who lives alone with his mother goes to the same school. He wants to have a father by his own choice, not his mother's. It seems that the teacher suits most of the boy's idea of a father. And the boy gains what he always wants.
Group Portrait with a Lady
The story follows the life of a regular German women Leni Gruyten during the 1930s and 1940s. Through her interactions with friends, family and other people she knows, the regular folks' perception of the Nazi era is shown.
A pretty girl arrives on a small island on a dark and stormy night. She becomes an excuse for the turbulence and evil that occurs when one man forgets his dignity and becomes a beast.
The Republic of Užice
In 1941, a few months after German tanks forced Yugoslav Royal Army to capitulate, organized resistance is turning into massive uprising against occupying forces. Partisans, led by the Communist party, manage to chase Germans from huge territory later known as the Uzice Republic. However, forces loyal to King have some other ideas.
Concert to All Our Neighbors
"Concert to all our neighbors" - music and comedy on new years eve 1972 from Belgrad, Yugoslavia.
The Role of My Family in the World Revolution
Adolf Hitler
After WW2, a group of partisans comes to a bourgeois family in order to teach them singing and declamation of new songs. The family soon forgets their old customs and principles.
Milorad: The Place to Be
A new year's special dedicated to the popular comedy "Ljubav na seoski nacin".
The Cyclists
A small town in the first year of the war. A story about young seamstress, a student, a traitor and two Czech artists, their joining the partisans. All of them die and girl stays alone. She's looking for a bicycle bell that is gone...
Murder Commited in a Sly and Cruel Manner and from Low Motives
An eminent Belgrade physician is found murdered. The investigation reveals dark side of his character - illegal abortions and abuse of his wife. The wife's lover becomes the prime suspect. The newspaper reporter, however, starts his own investigation. Besides being a crime story, this movie in quasi-documentary fashion presents alternative cultural scene of Belgrade in late sixties.
Čika Mile (voice) (uncredited)
A flat broke aging boxer, living on the verge of existence, teams up with the equally desperate people in the city's suburbia to steal, cheat, and even kill for the money.
A Bloody Tale
Memory of the victims of the Kragujevac massacre is described through the events that are related to a group of boys, shoe shiners. At that time, thousands of workers refused to work for the invaders, and the whole city was exposed to harsh repression and persecution of innocent citizens and the abolition of the regular rations of food.
Quo vadis Zivorad!?
Zivorad, unassuming young man from the village, is 'pushed' from his uncle to high positions, becoming a police inspector who is looking for hashish, a scientist, a man who rises agriculture land and whatnot...
Ljubisav Ljuba Popić
A tragicomic story of a department store seller.
It Rains in My Village
A bizarre and tragic love story involving swineherd, village fool, teacher and an agricultural pilot. The story unfolds in a remote village in the communist ruled Yugoslavia at the down of Soviet occupation of Czechoslovakia in 1968.
Poor Maria
A sickly village girl wants to marry a house painter, who only prefers to fool around.
The lives of many people in one Serbian town are changed after Tito's breakup with Stalin.
Playing Soldiers
After the end of WW2 a blonde boy arrives at an orphanage made for the children of Partizans or people being killed in the war. The headmaster knows that the boy's parents were Nazis but conceals that fact from others, fearing violence by vengeful children. He invents the boy's life story, but the other children get suspicious.
Boxers Go to Heaven
Milorad Raković - Mike
Tragicomic story about a former boxing champion, unbeaten in the ring, but beaten by alcohol.
The Morning
Kapetan Straja
In the first days after the Second World War, as collaborators are being taken care of, a former partisan finds out that war never truly ends — not even in time of peace.
I Even Met Happy Gypsies
The protagonist, Bora, is a charming but mean-spirited gypsy, while his older wife, Lence, is submissive. Bora is in love with the younger Tisa, who is being offered in marriage by her father. The two get themselves in trouble and eventually have to flee. Tisa rejects her husband and she and Bora get married in the church, and their adventures continue.
The Knife
Zlatko Ilić
A popular singer is found murdered and two police detectives are investigating his past in order to catch the killer.
The Dream
In the whirlpool of WW2, two peaceful towns that have already tasted peace are once again attacked by the Germans. Casualties are high, but the dream of a boy and a girl about their liberated towns cannot be destroyed.
Before the War
Engineer Maric finds out about an affair between his wife Rina and his best friend, a lawyer Novakovic. Maric leaves the house with suicidal intentions. At the big funeral, Novakovic consoles unfortunate Rina, while in the funeral procession a whole bunch of suspicious people try to claim close relations with the deceased one in order to get hold of a piece of his inheritance.
Merry People Die Twice
Lepi Jole
Somewhere in Bosnia in 1943 between the fourth and fifth enemy offensives column partisans withdrew across a river to free territory. At the moment of crossing the river, a group of Chetniks suddenly attack a column of partisans. In this violent attacks, a lot of partisan dies. Manage to cross the river and so be saved from bullets, only few partisans as a young partisan Radojica young nurse partisan Milica. Radojica and Milica cut off from his brigade, moving in their difficult and arduous hike over the mountains in the hope that they will meet again with the brigade. In this wandering, they will encounter a series of tragic-comic situations. Since the departure of Radojice in prison and subsequent flight to several grisly encounter with the Chetniks, to find the brigade and brave and daring capture of the entire Chetnik detachments and Chetnik duke who was responsible for the attack on the partisans.
To Come and Stay
Three villagers try their luck in the big city.
Certified: No Mines
Ratni profiter
October 20, 1944, Belgrade was liberated by Red Army and Tito's partisans. But the capital of Yugoslavia is still fraught with danger - retreating aggressor mined the city . A special partisan squad goes into underground maze of tunnels to find and disarm explosives which are still guarded by SS special forces.
The Girl
A lyrical fourfold perspective on WWII through the eyes of a young partisan couple, a town photographer and a German officer.
No Dead Allowed
Timoti Tačer
The main protagonist is a modest teacher who is getting involved in the clash of two criminal gangs.
Citizen Pokorni
Cule Pokorni
A story of Cule Pokorni, an intimidated and obedient economist devoted to idea of making society a better place to live.
The Man from the Oak Forest
An ex-servant becomes a lonely Shepard, killer hidden in the mountain woods during wartime. Under disguise of a black marketeer, a woman from the town maintains steady connection between the town and mountain, and organizes a resistance movement. Shepard falls in love with her, but suspects that she possibly wants gold instead.
People's Deputy
Sreta Numera
Film adaptation of “People’s Deputy” by Branislav Nusic, one of the most frequently staged plays in the history of Serbian theatre. It tells the story of a politician who’s only interested in personal benefits and chair in the national assembly.
We'll Meet Tonight
A student of music education comes to the music festival where organizers mix him up with the conductor. He accepts the role which creates lots of comic situations.
Ujka Blagoje
En el momento en que el industrial de Belgrado, Zivota Cvijovic, soñaba con casar a su hijo Milorad, Doctor en Filosofía, con la hija de un ministro de transportes, un telegrama de la profesora de Milorad de Heidelberg llega y dice que quiere visitarlos. La mala suerte es que Velimir, un estudiante pobre, fue financiado por Milorad, y al estudiar bajo su nombre recibió un diploma.
Summer Is to Blame for Everything
Whilst buying train tickets there was a mix up and Višnja has to travel to the seaside before her husband. After arrival many men start romanticizing her. In the same time, her husband is having troubles of his own trying to get to the seaside by any means necessary.
The Bag of Luck
The boss of service station, Raka, prevents thieves of stealing money after attempted robbery. But Raka doesn't know what to do with all the millions in his possession, but can't go told to police afraid that they may accuse him of complicity. He somehow manages to get rid of the money and marry Mara, the motel's maid who didn't want to hear about him while he was full of cash.
There Are No Small Gods
In a small motel located next to the highway there's nothing but boredom and laziness, but only until the waiter Raka gets promotion becoming a DE chief (Duty executor) of it. He becomes obsessed with his position in no time, start pushing everybody around and acting like a "Small God", introducing reorganization. The staff prepares their revenge upon the visit of the general manager of all motels to this so-called renovated facility.
The First Citizen of a Small Town
Sudija za prekršaje
The citizens of a small town find it difficult to depart from its center, which is to be demolished to build a new, a more functional one. The chairman of the municipality, the first citizen of this small town, supports the plan of female architect-designer, a pretty girl he fell for. But to make locals sure that he didn't approve the old center's demolition under her influence, the president begins to avoid the girl, who then marries another man. By carrying out the ritual wedding, the first citizen of a small town is left with his city all alone.
Comrade President Center-Forward
Through several entangled stories, province atmosphere is shown, in which new ideas are hard to penetrate. Parallel with the seventh anniversary of peasant's cooperative farm, activity of a priest, who wants to restore the iconostasis, is followed. Local photographer intrigues - in small town in which the villagers want to become football champions.
Love and Fashion
Generalni direktor
In order to make money for the aerial review, a group of students organize the fashion program for the "Yugochic" company, doing some small frauds as well.
It Is Better to Know How
Đoka Đokić
Mane Karakas comes to a small coastal town to dig a hole for watering system. He tries to brighten up the town's sleepy atmosphere. The local journalist who misunderstood Karakas writes an article about new popular melody festival in town. When it was about time for the contract to be signed, Mane explains it is all a big misunderstanding, but singers and orchestras already arrived. Music is everywhere, but Mane goes elsewhere to look for the oil.
The Only Way Out
A group of partisans goes to destroy a German gas warehouse at Postojnska Jama. One of them grows distrustful towards the new commander, and it spreads among the rest of the squad. The situation culminates when the mentioned partisan remains cut off inside a cave.
The Cabinet Minister's Wife
Pera Kalenić
After becoming a minister's wife, Živka changes her former way of life and becomes a lady. However, her fashionable way of life is of short duration, since her husband is forced to resign after being involved in a scandal. Based on highly popular Serbian comedy novel by Branislav Nušić.
In the Net
Ribar šaljivdžija
A small coastal town, where almost everybody are into fishing. Niko and Mato are friends, both in loved with the same girl Visnja, in charge of the fishermen's strike against the owners of the fishing boats. After being caught, Mato betrays his friends. Thus he becomes the subject of scorn both by the entire village and Visnja, who then marries Niko.
A Child of Community
Advokat Fića
While everybody show off by giving a child to community's custody, and make career in the process, the child remains alone and neglected.