Oleg Fesenko

Oleg Fesenko


Oleg Fesenko


1812. Ballad of the Uhlans
The Year is 1812. On the eve of the decisive battle of Borodino, Napoleon's secret agent steals a Russian battle plan. This fact is known to General Kutuzov (Head of Russian forces), thanks to a young nobleman Alexey Tarusov. Tarusov joint to the the regiment of Russian lancers, and finds new friends like Lieutenant Gorzhevsky, Prince Kiknadze and Sergeant Ptukha. After the terrible battle of Borodino, they fall into many unexpected adventures...
This is a love story of two people who for ... Life experience does not allow them to fully believe each other, they are afraid of something, they can not step over something. Autumn of life, as well as autumn of the year… It is no coincidence that the film takes place in autumn, early autumn-this corresponds to the life stage of the main characters.
Street Racer
Stepan and Doker are street racers. They love cars and speed. But there is a difference between them which brings them to face each other in a deadly race.
The Power of Fear
Ivan, a cynical journalist, is assigned to investigate mysterious events in a small town. During his first night, he is seduced by a strange and mysterious girl. As they embrace, she transforms into a hideous demon. Ivan fights the creature, managing to strangle it. But it is too late, Evil has been unleashed. When Ivan is charged for the brutal murder, he feels his last hope disappear. As he is overcome by the dark forces trying to pose as his soul, Ivan comes to realize that his only hope lies in his power to find the faith that he once lost
The Power of Fear
Ivan, a cynical journalist, is assigned to investigate mysterious events in a small town. During his first night, he is seduced by a strange and mysterious girl. As they embrace, she transforms into a hideous demon. Ivan fights the creature, managing to strangle it. But it is too late, Evil has been unleashed. When Ivan is charged for the brutal murder, he feels his last hope disappear. As he is overcome by the dark forces trying to pose as his soul, Ivan comes to realize that his only hope lies in his power to find the faith that he once lost
Rush Hour
A terminal diagnosis forces a career-obsessed advertising executive to rethink his priorities, relationships and outlook on life.
Esli Nevesta Vedma
Известный профессор нетрадиционных наук узнает, что на его «малой родине» в далекой деревушке происходят странные вещи, не поддающиеся логическому осмыслению. Командировав своего ассистента на место происшествий, профессор не подозревает о невероятных событиях, к которым приведет приезд «упакованного» городского научного работника. Молодой ученый пишет диссертацию на тему «Психодинамика колдовства» и пытается доказать, что явлений, описанных в исторических судах над ведьмами, быть не может. Но передвигать предметы одним взглядом, в одно мгновение перемещаться на любые расстояния, читать чужие мысли и в одиночку сражаться с целой армией — все это умеет симпатичная местная девчонка, папаша которой безуспешно пытается выдать юную колдунью замуж…