Vsevolod Safonov

Vsevolod Safonov

Nacimiento : 1926-04-09, Москва, СССР (Россия)

Muerte : 1992-07-06


Vsevolod Safonov


Back in the USSR
During Gorbachev's perestroika, a Chicago student, visits Moscow while the Soviet Union is changing from Communist to Wild West capitalist society. Purely by bad luck, he becomes a pawn in a dangerous cat and mouse game for a precious icon.
Déjà vu
Professor Babochkin
The Prohibition years. Chicago bootleggers suffer losses due to their betrayal by one Mick Nich - Mikita Nichiporuk. The mob decides to execute the traitor, who escaped to Odesa, USSR, and organized his own bootleg business there. The hitman, Pollack, arrives in Odesa, and realizes how hard it is to make the hit here, as compared to a civilized country like USA.
Seven Screams Across the Sea
A fantastical fable based on a play by Alejandro Casona.
With No Expiration Date
Leaving the seaside town at the end of the Great Patriotic War, the SS men hid lists of secret agents. A few years later, Sam Page, a former fascist mercenary Semyon Paygin, and two other agents come to the USSR in order to search for the archive. After all, the crimes of SS agents have no statute of limitations.
Подвиг Одессы
Ты мой восторг, мое мученье
The owner of a beautiful voice, Nikolai Bakhin, dreaming of getting into the Bolshoi Theater, takes vocal lessons from the famous singer and teacher Irina Tarnopolskaya. Bakhin is taken to the theater. After an internship at La Scala, success comes to the hero and the first invitation to Italy. Upon learning that Tarnopolskaya was in a car accident, Nikolai interrupts the tour and flies to Moscow...
Anna Pavlova
Woldemar Freedericksz
The young talented girl Anya, dreaming of a ballet, enters the choreographic school. Due to poor health, learning for her becomes unbearably difficult, but dreams of a ballerina career make her stubbornly deal with adversity. Anna’s performance and determination does not go unnoticed by the celebrated choreographer Marius Petipa, who helps to stage Pavlova's examination performance. Such a gift becomes a starting point for Ani in the world of big ballet, her fast-paced career, position in high society and world fame make her forget about close friends and especially her faithful Michel Fokine, who invested a lot of energy in the formation of a ballerina.
К своим!..
отец Нины
Nezhnost K Revushemu Zveryu
По мотивам одноименного романа А. Бахвалова. В основе сюжета рассказ-интервью об испытаниях нового стратегического ракетаносца Ту-22K и Ту-22М2/М3 (по известным причинам в крупных планах вместо них в фильме снят менее секретный тогда Ту-134 УБЛ — учебно-боевая лаборатория) и трагических событиях, связанных с ними, данный журналисту Одинцову (Юрий Визбор) летчиком-испытателем Боровским (Игорь Ледогоров). Испытания нового реактивного самолета, психология человеческой жизни, проблемы и радости жизни летчиков — все это тесно переплетено в фильме. Герои фильма — друзья летчики-испытатели Долотов (Геннадий Шкуратов) и Санин (Паул Буткевич) — всю жизнь прошагали вместе. Но случилось так, что один из них, Долотов, однажды был несправедливо отстранен от полетов, Санин же не сумел защитить и поддержать своего друга. Дороги друзей разошлись…
Deer Hunting
Spring of 1942. A train with evacuated children from the Dvinsky orphanage falls under the bombing of the Nazis. After the raid, the children find themselves in the occupied territory in the area of operations of the Belarusian partisan detachment. To find the people's avengers, the Nazis decide to use children.
The Black Triangle
Дмитрий Степанович Карташов
Старые долги
Spanish Version
Soviet spy works in Spain during the second half of Thirties. Based on Yulian Semyonov novel.
Серебряные озёра
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Стратегия риска
Право первой подписи
Жизнь и смерть Фердинанда Люса
Одиннадцать надежд
Все улики против него
Chekan, polkovnik militsii, sledovatel'
Repeated Wedding
секретарь горкома
Путешествие миссис Шелтон
Front Without Flanks
A first episode in the trilogy about the Russian partisan's resistance against the Nazi occupation of Russia during WWII. The film is set in August of 1941, when the Nazi forces invaded and occupied the European part of Russia. Major Mlynsky is in charge of the special group of partisans. His group is absorbing other small groups of Russian soldiers, who managed to survive from the attacks of the overwhelming Nazi forces. The Nazi Armies are advancing to Moscow. Major Mlynsky is organizing the Russian partisan's resistance against the Nazis, behind the enemy lines.
Рассказы о Кешке и его друзьях
Слушайте, на той стороне
Taming of the Fire
About Russian space program and missile industry, and it's founder Sergei P. Korolev, from the 1920s to the first man in space in 1961.
The End of the Lyubavines
chief of the ChK
Based on the novel by Vasiliy Shukshin "The Lyubavines". In the winter of 1922, the Rodionovs, Vasiliy Platonovich and his nephew Kuzma, came to the remote Siberian village of Baklan, disguised as teachers sent from the district center to organize and build a school. In fact, this is an old Bolshevik and a young worker, authorized by the GPU, and their main task is to find out the whereabouts of a large and very dangerous gang, led by a former Kolchak officer, who instills fear in local residents.
Море в огне
Declaration of Love to G.T.
Site Manager
Dr. Gisa Tonius, a physicist in her thirties who has a nearly adult stepdaughter, cherishes the desire to have her own child. Suddenly, a big interdisciplinary research project threatens to significantly change Gisa′s life. Uncertain whether to look for professional or private fulfillment she asks her family and friends for their opinions. They all have different views on the point at issue. While her husband is afraid of losing her to her profession, her professor thinks that because of her talent she has an obligation towards science. In the end, Gisa reaches a decision: She wants to have a baby as well as take on the research project.
Byelorussian Station
Aleksei Kiryushin
The heroes of the movie last seen each other on the Belarusian railway station in the summer of 1945. A quarter-century, they meet at the funeral of comrade.
Günter Walcher, 40-years-old, is a hardworking, apolitical West German businessman caught in a moral conflict. He is offered a promotion to become the head of a division—on the condition that he find a reason to fire Zacharias, a communist and the work council chairman.
Моя улица
Vladimir Mikhaylovich
Далеко на западе
Liberty or Death
In а short but heroic campaign, Bulgarian poet and revolutionary Hristo Botev leads a band of rebels from the Danube to the Balkan Range.
The Russians Are Coming
It’s the spring of 1945 in a small resort town on the Baltic. Günter is 16 and firmly believes that the Germans will win the war. During the hunt for a forced labourer who is on the run, Günter catches him and watches as he is shot to death. He proudly accepts the award of an Iron Cross before being shipped to the nearby front as part of the last contingent of troops. He is quickly captured by Soviet soldiers, but manages to escape and return home. When the town is occupied by the Red Army, Günter is arrested for the murder of the forced labourer. The film was banned in 1968 before it was completed, and a large portion of the negative was later destroyed.
Wild Honey
1943 year. On the instructions of the military newspaper, the photojournalist Varvara Knyazhich goes to the front line to take some pictures of the knocked-down powerful German tank "Tiger". In a combat situation, she has to face a difficult relationship between officers and subordinates. During the execution of a journalistic assignment, Varya is literally two steps from death. But it is here that she is destined to find her love...
На диком бреге
The Hyperboloid of Engineer Garin
Vasily Shelga
A Russian engineer Petr Garin possesses a unique beam-shooting weapon that can destroy any target. His goal is to achieve world domination with the help of this weapon. Vasily Shelga is out to stop him and also to prevent others getting possession of this weapon.
An Easy Life
Yuri Lebedev
A chemist by training, Alexandr Bochkin manages a Moscow dry-cleaning operation, but lives a very comfortable life, taking orders on the side for his speculative "private enterprise," run in conjunction with "Queen Margot". But when his old friend from the chemical institute, Yuri Lebedev arrives in Moscow from the Siberian city of Dalnegorsk, along with a traveling companion, Olga, Bochkin becomes uncomfortable with his job title.
Screen adaptation of the novel by Yuri Bondarev. The demobilized Sergei Vokhmintsev returns to Moscow and enters the institute. Suddenly, according to the neighbor’s slanderous denunciation, his father is arrested — and Sergei, as the son of an “enemy of the people," is expelled from the party and institute. The guy goes to Kazakhstan, works at a construction site. He has many loyal friends and believes in justice...
An Optimistic Tragedy
1918 year. A woman commissar has been appointed from the Central Committee of the Bolshevik Party to the Russian warship Gromoboi, which is ruled by anarchist sailors. The leader of the ship is the anarchist Vozhak. The Commissioner was instructed to reorganize the naval detachment into the First Sailor Regiment. She faces a difficult task: to win the authority of the sailors and eradicate anarchy. Of the remaining officers on the ship — lieutenant Bering, who served in the tsarist fleet on the battleship "Emperor Paul I". He must become the commander and, together with the sent commissar, lead the regiment to the front in the Black Sea region.
Здравствуй, Гнат!
The Cossacks
Olenin's friend
Historical drama based on the eponymous novel by Leo Tolstoy. Junker Olenin, a representative of St.Petersburg's golden youth, is traveling from St.Petersburg to the Caucasus in search of romance. His regiment is stationed in the Cossack village. Here he falls in love with the beautiful Maryana and is ready to marry her, but she loves the Cossack Lukashka and is not going to exchange him for the master...
Five Days, Five Nights
Hauptmann Leonow
Five Days, Five Nights (Fünf Tage, Fünf Nächte) takes place in Dresden in the immediate aftermath of the Second World War. While Dresden is in ruins, over two thousand paintings by artists including Rembrandt, Raphael, Rubens, Giorgione, and Vermeer have disappeared from the city’s Old Masters Picture Gallery. Red Army captain Leonov and his soldiers have been ordered to recover the lost paintings. During the next five days, Dresden’s residents join the search for the collection. A secret Nazi document offers a first lead…
On the Eve
The story is set in the 1800s.Elena and Inzarov,a revolutionary Bulgarian ,fall in love.After secretly marrying they decide to join the liberation, but on the eve of departure Dmitry dies. Elena takes Inzarov's body to the Balkans .
A coming-of-age story about the three girl friends who had just graduated school.
По ту сторону
The Variegateds Case
Сергей Коршунов
Sergey's girlfriend desperately wants him to quit dangerous police job. But Sergey doesn't want to abandon his new case which proves to be quite difficult.
Цель его жизни
The film is about the dramatic events of the early years of the Bolshevik Revolution. Based on the play of the same name by Vladimir Bill-Belotserkovets.
Set in Russia during the Battle of Stalingrad in the Second World War. The war is shown through the eyes of simple soldiers, who are dreaming about love and being loved in a peaceful life, which most of them will never have.