A Tibetan-American filmmaker explores modes of resistance to Chinese occupation by speaking with activists across generations. A former Tibetan monk broke his vows and became a guerilla leader. The filmmaker's own mother followed the Dalai Lama's Middle Path and raised her family in America. A young Tibetan man attempted to self-immolate in 2006. How does the filmmaker understand his place in the struggle?
Pawo significa héroe en lengua tibetana. El joven tibetano Dorjee está traumatizado por el sufrimiento del alma de su padre en un Tibet ocupado. Ello le invita a participar en las escaramuzas y alzamientos esporádicos del pueblo tibetano contra los ocupantes, motivo por el cual es detenido, torturado y finalmente enviado al exilio en la India. Pero eso no será suficiente para él.
Después de tres años, tres meses y tres días de reclusión voluntaria en una ermita perdida en la región del Ladakh en el Himalaya, Thasi emerge de un trance profundo. De vuelta en el monasterio budista donde vivió desde los cinco años, el joven va recuperando poco a poco sus fuerzas vitales. Pero el regreso trae resultados inesperados. Fuera de los rigores de una vida entregada al desarrollo espiritual, Thasi empieza a experimentar el despertar a la vida sexual. Estos sentimientos coinciden con un viaje a una villa cercana donde Tashi conoce a Pema, una bella joven de la que se enamora. Entonces, por primera vez, el joven lama comienza a cuestionarse los valores de su vida monacal en el monasterio.
There are always two stories in mountain climbing, the story of the mountain and the story of the people trying to climb it. We know the story of Everest well after the tragic news stories and the IMAX film about it. There may be more technically difficult mountains to climb, but none have the mystique of Everest. Above All Else is the story of Alan Hobson and Jamie Clarke's third and final attempt to scale the mountain. The two climbers, who had failed twice in 10 years to conquer Everest--once only 400 meters from the top--balance each other well; Clarke's surfer style is offset by Hobson's thoughtfulness.
There are always two stories in mountain climbing, the story of the mountain and the story of the people trying to climb it. We know the story of Everest well after the tragic news stories and the IMAX film about it. There may be more technically difficult mountains to climb, but none have the mystique of Everest. Above All Else is the story of Alan Hobson and Jamie Clarke's third and final attempt to scale the mountain. The two climbers, who had failed twice in 10 years to conquer Everest--once only 400 meters from the top--balance each other well; Clarke's surfer style is offset by Hobson's thoughtfulness.