Ludek Drizhal


A young orphan escapes the realities of her life by fantasizing about, and then entering, a fairy tale world.
Solid Gold
Una investigación liderada por un oficial de la CBS, Nowicki, tiene la misión de atrapar a unos criminales que están desarrollando una estafa piramidal.
Elliott's To Do List
A quirky high school girl has to learn that you can't fit friendship into a checkbox.
Elliott's To Do List
A quirky high school girl has to learn that you can't fit friendship into a checkbox.
An Equal Opportunity
Sound Editor
A young barista with Mild Intellectual Disorder realizes he has untapped potential, and decides that the key to reaching his goal is... a key.
An Equal Opportunity
A young barista with Mild Intellectual Disorder realizes he has untapped potential, and decides that the key to reaching his goal is... a key.
An Equal Opportunity
A young barista with Mild Intellectual Disorder realizes he has untapped potential, and decides that the key to reaching his goal is... a key.
Anatomy of Evil
Lulek, a hit man, is released from prison and given an offer he can't refuse by the man who put him away. If he kills the chief of the Central Bureau of Investigations, he will earn a huge sum of money and have his record cleared so he can leave.
Anatomy of Evil
Music Editor
Lulek, a hit man, is released from prison and given an offer he can't refuse by the man who put him away. If he kills the chief of the Central Bureau of Investigations, he will earn a huge sum of money and have his record cleared so he can leave.
Anatomy of Evil
Lulek, a hit man, is released from prison and given an offer he can't refuse by the man who put him away. If he kills the chief of the Central Bureau of Investigations, he will earn a huge sum of money and have his record cleared so he can leave.
Anatomy of Evil
Lulek, a hit man, is released from prison and given an offer he can't refuse by the man who put him away. If he kills the chief of the Central Bureau of Investigations, he will earn a huge sum of money and have his record cleared so he can leave.
One Way Ticket to the Moon
Original Music Composer
The story of youth, friendship and love in a time when man took his first steps on the moon, the streets became saturator, transistors pulsed rock'n'roll, and the fondest dream of every fan of the domestic automotive industry was the Fiat 125p. Film trip to the sixties, colorful era "flower children", hippies and bigbitu. Year 1969. Fascinating in aviation Adam is called to the army. However, much to his own chagrin, she gets an assignment to serve in the ... Navy. In Antek, older brother, embark on the sea. During several days of traveling through Poland to visit old friends and make new friends. Antek - incorrigible womanizer and the king of nightclubs - wants to prepare a shy brother to life. However, the meeting with a beautiful and mysterious woman calls a lot of complications in the life of Adam, initiating a series of surprising events.
A group of ambitious filmmakers set out to create the world's first reality horror movie. What ensues is a hellish game of cat and mouse as a cryptic filmmaker, known only as The Maestro, comes out from hiding in search of his "perfect shot."
Alabama Moon
Moon Blaike (Jimmy Bennet, 'Poseidón') ha vivido toda su vida junto a su padre Oliver en una cueva escondida en los bosques de Alabama, donde ha aprendido a sobrevivir acechado por constantes peligros. Sin embargo, tras la muerte inesperada de su padre, Moon, desorientado y sin más compañía que la del silencio, se ve obligado a buscar un nuevo cobijo en las salvajes tierras de Alaska. En su camino se topa con un amable abogado (John Goodman, 'Argo') que intenta ayudarle, pero el muchacho, atemorizado por las advertencias de su padre sobre los desconocidos, decide huir. Los planes de fuga del muchacho se tuercen cuando un malhumorado policía del, (Clint Howard, El Grinch), le encuentra y le envía a un orfanato...
God's Little Village
After 20 years, a man returns to his quiet, idyllic hometown in search of a wife only to find the community torn by a heated mayoral election.
The Sno Cone Stand Inc
A couple of fresh-out-of-college stock broker trainees are frustrated with their new corporate jobs, so they try to overthrow their boss, Mr. Bob, and open their own snow cone business.
Jerry (Jamie Draven) was an idealist when he served in the first Gulf War. But when he was later deployed to Iraq, Jerry was an older man, a father of three and embittered by broken promises and unfulfilled desires. When Jerry returns from Iraq he has been transformed by horrors that cannot be forgiven. He lives a life of poverty, his children afraid of him and his wife, Nora (Vinessa Shaw), unsympathetic and unhappy. When Jerry discovers that Nora has betrayed him, his anger and despair drive him to commit an act so heinous and irreversible that nothing he had experienced in combat could have prepared him for.
Simon Says
Basado en el juego infantil "Simón dice". Un grupo de chicos va a acampar al bosque, pero no saben el peligro que corren. Van muriendo todos poco a poco, y nadie se puede salvar. ¿Quién sobrevivirá?
La maldición del desierto
En 1923, Cecil B. DeMille terminó el rodaje de "Los diez mandamientos". Durante el rodaje, ocurrieron extraños sucesos y, terminado el trabajo, el plató quedó sepultado bajo las dunas. Algunos años después, las tareas de rescate de los restos de los decorados, despiertan a un espíritu egipcio. A partir de ese momento, algunos miembros del equipo empiezan a morir.
La maldición del desierto
Original Music Composer
En 1923, Cecil B. DeMille terminó el rodaje de "Los diez mandamientos". Durante el rodaje, ocurrieron extraños sucesos y, terminado el trabajo, el plató quedó sepultado bajo las dunas. Algunos años después, las tareas de rescate de los restos de los decorados, despiertan a un espíritu egipcio. A partir de ese momento, algunos miembros del equipo empiezan a morir.
Life Goes On
Vince and Amy were the stereotypical high school power couple - Vince the captain of the football team, Amy the head cheerleader. Life after high school wasn't so charmed and now, eight years later, as Amy finishes law school she gives drug-dealing Vince an ultimatum - a sober life together or a drug-addled life alone.
Death Row
Haunted Prison - AKA Death Row - a horrifying live action film based on the short story by Kevin VanHook-takes place at Isla de la Roca Penitentiary. Rumor has it the Devil himself spat up the place out of the depths of hell, and man turned it into a prison for the most dangerous prisoners in the South. The monstrous building is steeped in the evil created by centuries of murder and injustice and is haunted by vengeful ghosts. Isla de la Roca was abandoned after being soaked in blood by a horrific massacre of inmates and guards. A gang of fugitives from a cop-killing robbery seek refuge within the razor wire of the prison walls at the same time as a documentary film crew arrives to tell the story of the penitentiary. When these groups cross paths within the cruel walls of Isla de la Roca, will anyone get out alive?
"El Halcón" y su equipo de marines realizan unas maniobras en un bosque sudamericano, cuando de repente entran en lucha con un grupo de vampiros inmunes al sol, logran matar a todos ellos, pero meses más tarde, varios informes hablan de grupos de vampiros que aterrorizan a varios pueblos de la zona, desde ese momento "El Halcon" y sus muchachos deciden volver para exterminarlos por completo.