Pete Seadon


Pete Seadon is an actor.


Root of the Problem
Minister Rylee
Root of the Problem is an inspirational family drama. Sometimes it takes life's darkest moment to bring you to the brightest light.
Common Chord
Bill Alston
After the tragic death of his ex-girlfriend, Kyle Foster struggles to accept the responsibility of being a father to the young daughter, Teigan, who they had together. Amidst pressure from Teigan's grandfather Bill for legal custody and Kyle's desire to pursue his dreams of being a professional musician, he strives to find his way. As the details of their complex history emerge, the pain and resentment Kyle and Bill feel for each other blinds them to the love they share for the little girl who connects them. As their unwillingness to reconcile threatens to tear her away from both of them forever, their journey becomes an odyssey of redemption, commitment and forgiveness as they discover what is most important in their lives.
Sheriff Thomas Pellegrino
Jerry (Jamie Draven) was an idealist when he served in the first Gulf War. But when he was later deployed to Iraq, Jerry was an older man, a father of three and embittered by broken promises and unfulfilled desires. When Jerry returns from Iraq he has been transformed by horrors that cannot be forgiven. He lives a life of poverty, his children afraid of him and his wife, Nora (Vinessa Shaw), unsympathetic and unhappy. When Jerry discovers that Nora has betrayed him, his anger and despair drive him to commit an act so heinous and irreversible that nothing he had experienced in combat could have prepared him for.
Inside Charlie
The Boss
Charlie - photographer and father - parks on a set of train tracks, determined to take a picture that will save his career. When the train comes earlier than scheduled, he refuses to let his career slip between his fingertips. In the seconds before impact he is overcome by a flash of memories-will his mind reveal the one clue that can save his life?
Angels Fall
Mac Drubber
Reece Gilmore (Locklear) abandona la ciudad de Boston tras sobrevivir a una masacre en el restaurante en el que trabajaba como chef. Finalmente acaba aceptando un trabajo en un local de comidas de Wyoming y comienza a conocer a la gente del lugar, en especial a Brady (Schaech), un misterioso y apuesto escritor... (FILMAFFINITY)
Unidos para triunfar
Inspirada en hechos reales, narra la historia de Ron Clark, un apasionado y voluntarioso profesor que abandona su pequeña ciudad natal para dar clase en uno de los centros más problemáticos de Harlem, el barrio negro por excelencia de Nueva York. Para abrirse camino, deberá usar métodos poco convencionales, implantando reglas innovadoras en las aulas. (FILMAFFINITY)
Brokeback Mountain: En terreno vedado
Farmer #2
Verano de 1963. Dos vaqueros, Ennis Del Mar y Jack Twist, se conocen mientras hacen cola para ser contratados por el ranchero Joe Aguirre. Los dos aspiran a conseguir un trabajo estable, casarse y formar una familia. Cuando Aguirre les envía a cuidar ganado a la majestuosa montaña Brokeback, entre ambos surge un sentimiento de camaradería que deriva hacia una relación íntima. Al concluir el verano, tienen que abandonar Brokeback y seguir caminos diferentes.
Mentiras que me contó mi madre
Vickers Deputy
La madre de Hailey ingresa en prisión tras ser descubierta comprando con una tarjeta de crédito robada. Al salir de la cárcel no tarda en reincidir, y aprovecha un permiso penitenciario para huir con Hailey a otro estado. Madre e hija cambian de identidad pero, al poco tiempo, Hailey descubre con incredulidad que su madre se ha casado con un abogado para el que trabaja desde hace poco. Hayley empieza a sospechar que su madre no le dice toda la verdad...