Takashi Kawamata

Takashi Kawamata

Nacimiento : 1926-07-03, Mito, Ibaraki Prefecture, Japan

Muerte : 2019-10-05




Takashi Kawamata


The Oshima Gang
Ozu's Films from Behind the Scenes
A conversation about Japanese filmmaker Yasujiro Ozu and his working methods between child-actor and sound technician Kojiro Suematsu, assistant cameraman Takashi Kawamata, and Ozu producer Shizuo Yamanouchi.
Talking with Ozu
Director of Photography
A tribute to the legendary Japanese film director featuring the reflections of filmmakers Lindsay Anderson, Claire Denis, Hou Hsiao-hsien, Aki Kaurismäki, Stanley Kwan, Paul Schrader, and Wim Wenders
Lluvia negra
Director of Photography
La lluvia negra la constituyen las particulas radiactivas procedentes de la explosión de las bombas que Estados Unidos lanzó sobre Hiroshima y Nagasaki. Basada en una famosa novela de Masuji Ibuse sobre la devastación causada por la bomba atómica, "Lluvia negra" relata las consecuencias de la explosión atómica en Hiroshima. La película se centra en la historia de una joven, Yasuko, que se vio sorprendida por esta lluvia radioactiva que cayó en los alrededores de la tristemente célebre ciudad. Las posibles consecuencias de su contacto con la radiación han dado lugar a un sinfín de habladurías entre los pretendientes de la joven: ¿estará enferma?, ¿podrá tener hijos? Su familia rememora aquellos días aciagos, tratando de conjurar el peligro que la acecha.
Nezumi Kozō kaitō den
Director of Photography
Japanese comedy film.
Director of Photography
A car going at 25 mph plunges into the sea at Shinko Harbour, Toyama prefecture. Inside is the local business magnate Fukutaro Shirakawa, who perishes. Riding alongside him and surviving unhurt is his second wife, Kumako. It soon comes to light that Kumako’s husband was insured for 300 million yen and she is arrested on suspicion of murdering her husband for the insurance money. The newspapers denounce her as an evil woman, while the public is in no doubt about Kumako’s crime. Ritsuko Sahara is chosen as her defence attorney but the pair clash over almost everything...
Lovers Lost
Director of Photography
A poignant love story between a 29-year-old woman, who has once been a prostitute but is now the mistress of a wealthy jewelry merchant, and a 19-year-old college student.
Call from Darkness
Director of Photography
Keiko Inagawa (Asami Kobayashi) pays a visit to neurologist Aizawa about her fiancé Tatsuo Tamura (Kaoru Kobayashi). A mysterious case involving the disappearance of Tatsuo’s three brothers, one after the other, is yet to be resolved and now Tatsuo, seized with the idea that he too may disappear, has had a nervous breakdown. Aizawa suggests that Tatsuo recount his dreams as a means of solving the mystery, since human beings have an instinct that foretells the near future in the form of a dream. Keiko and Tatsuo eventually discover that the three disappearances have a strange connection…
Writhing Tongue
Director of Photography
Masako, a five-year-old girl living in the suburbs of Chiba, gets a tiny scratch on her finger while playing with mud in a marsh. After that, she suffered all kinds of horrible spasms including biting her tongue. The doctor checks on her for hours on end and arrive at the conclusion that she has tetanus. It seems like the devil has come to dwell in the little girl's body. Her parents have to to bear the sufferings of their child and face the fear that they might also be the victims of tetanus. The once peaceful family has changed completely and the three have been cast into a bottomless hell.
The Wicked
A selfish playboy uses rich women to pay off his debts. Divorcing his wife and marrying the woman he loves throws him into a spiral of destruction.
The Three Undelivered Letters
Noriko had been engaged to marry Toshiyuki Fujimura, who worked at her father’s bank. One day however, Fujimura mysteriously disappears. From that day, Noriko keeps herself locked up in her room. After three years of Noriko shutting herself up like a doll without a soul, Fujimura suddenly returns. Noriko’s family’s first reaction was strong rejection, but Noriko asks no questions and embraces him warmly. One day, as Noriko is cleaning her husband’s room, three envelopes accidentally fall from the pages of one of the books she had picked up. The first letter is dated August 11th, saying that his wife had suddenly taken ill. The second, dated August 20th, says that his wife is now critically sick, and the third letter, dated September 1st, is an announcement of his wife’s death. The wife is obviously Noriko, but she is alive and well. Do the letters then mean a preliminary notice of Noriko’s death?
El demonio
Director of Photography
La antigua amante de un hombre se presenta un día en casa de éste y de su actual mujer, con sus tres hijos y desaparece, abandonando así a los tres niños. Para ella, es una venganza y una forma de darle una lección a este hombre que considera irresponsable. Esta situación inesperada no le gusta nada a la esposa legítima, que empieza a sentir un odio incontrolable hacia los niños y piensa hacerlos desaparecer del todo...
The Incident
Director of Photography
The body of Sakai Hatsuko, a woman of 23 who has been slain with a knife, has been found in a forest. Some days later, Ueda Hiroshi, a 19-year-old shipyard worker, is arrested and charged with the murder. At Ueda's trial, a complex story unfolds.
Village of the Eight Tombs
Director of Photography
En Tokio, un hombre presencia la muerte por envenenamiento de su abuelo y viaja a su ciudad natal, Yattsu Mura, para encontrar al asesino. Heredero de una fortuna familiar, descubre que hay una maldición que pesa sobre la herencia y que se remonta a la época de los guerreros samuráis.
Flickering Flames
Director of Photography
In the early hours of April 13th, a five year old hemophiliac child was kidnapped by someone from Tanemura General Hospital in Tokyo, Setagaya. Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department Inspector Kitahara, who received the report, goes quickly to the Tanemura home, along with other police to speak to the family of the child. Then, suddenly, the phone rings. The kidnapper wants money.
The Perennial Weed
A detective wonders that his sister is a murder suspect.
Wings of Love
Director of Photography
Japanese drama film.
El castillo de arena
Dos detectives son asignados a la investigación del asesinato de un viejo ex-policía en la estación de ferrocarril de Tokio sin ninguna motivación aparente. Poco a poco, la investigación acabará conduciendo al descubrimiento del pasado oculto de un joven y prometedor músico...
El castillo de arena
Director of Photography
Dos detectives son asignados a la investigación del asesinato de un viejo ex-policía en la estación de ferrocarril de Tokio sin ninguna motivación aparente. Poco a poco, la investigación acabará conduciendo al descubrimiento del pasado oculto de un joven y prometedor músico...
The First Star of Happiness
Camera Department Manager
A youth movie starring Miyoko Asada that depicts a cute and lovely 16 years old girl who lives a bright and refreshing life with her purity. She helps at a boarding house in Kamakura where she met Hideki Saijo. Script is written by Shiro Ishimori and directed by Shigeyuki Yamane.
The Shinano River
Romantic drama based on the manga published in Young Comic.
Daddy on a Rocking Boat
Director of Photography
Based on the comic by Mitsutoshi Furuya
Living Together
Director of Photography
Two former design school classmates, 21-year-old office worker Kyoko and illustrator Jiro, run into each other on the street and soon begin living together. With great care for their feelings, the two embark on a genuine love affair, expressed through their taboo and tension-filled cohabitation. Whilst hurting each other, they continue to explore the boundaries of their relationship in this boldly controversial film.
Life is a Battle
Director of Photography
Two born rivals plot a new start after a string of ups and downs.
The Shadow Within
Director of Photography
When a married man begins an affair with a woman from his past, he comes to suspect her young son intends to murder him.
The Street Car Game
Director of Photography
Comedy around a motorman and a conductor of a streetcar.
One Two Punch
Director of Photography
Two men succeed in opening a joint restaurant after hilarious troubles.
Black Rose Mansion
A feverishly perverse 1969 film noir oddity starring female impersonator Akihiro Maruyama. When wealthy Kyohei hires singer "Black Rose" to perform in his exclusive men's club, he gets more than he bargains for when she attracts scores of homicidal past lovers. The film takes a bizarre twist when Kyohei's son falls victim to the femme fatale's unique charm.
Rainbow Over the Pacific
Director of Photography
Rainbow Over the Pacific is a tale of romance that moves from the streets of Tokyo to the islands of Hawaii as it weaves the story of two star-crossed lovers--Hideo (Yukio Hashi), an aspiring photographer from Japan, and Reiko (Jun Mayuzumi), a beautiful Sansei Cherry Blossom contestant from Hawaii--who are drawn together by destiny, yet appear to be fated to be apart. Will the sun set on their young love, or will it be the dawn of a new relationship?
Warm Current
Director of Photography
Flame and the Code
Director of Photography
The Betrayers Out!
Director of Photography
Shochiku's popular series of gang films, this one has the hero returning from prison bent on revenge. He runs into Chinese hoodlums, blackmailers and gold-smugglers. But he also aids and abets young lovers yet, despite his help, their love ends in tragedy and he tracks down his prey in Kobe.
Diary of Yunbogi
Director of Photography
This ethereal montage of still images with darkly somber undertones, Yunbogi’s Diary is based on photographs that Oshima took during his two-month research trip to South Korea in 1965 during which he was haunted by his encounters with impoverished street children in Seoul. The voice-over comprises diary entries from a six-year-old Korean boy and Oshima’s own reflections on Japanese-Korean relations, a controversial subject that he revisited in his later films Sing a Song of Sex and Death by Hanging.
The Scarlet Camellia
Director of Photography
A young woman begins murdering all those responsible for her ailing father's condition. Because the girl is so outwardly sweet and innocent, the detective looking into the deaths does not suspect her.
To Your Majesty, The Emperor
A conscript from a poor background writes the Emperor asking if he can stay in the army when his service is up.
The Body
Director of Photography
The sexual experiences of the passionate Sakiko, from her fling with her boss in her first job to her ending up as a prostitute.
Tokyo Bay
Director of Photography
An investigation into a drug smuggler who is assassinated in front of an insurance building sets two detectives, Sumikawa and Akine, into a sprawling investigation through Tokyo's underworld.
The Inheritance
Director of Photography
En su lecho de muerte, un rico empresario anuncia su intención de dividir su fortuna entre tres hijos ilegítimos que se encuentran en paradero desconocido. La situación es propicia para que un grupo de abogados elabore un plan para apoderarse del dinero sirviéndose de impostores y del chantaje.
Haitoku no mesu
Zero Focus
Director of Photography
One week into newlywed Teiko Uhara's marriage, her husband, Kenichi, leaves on a short business trip and never returns. Teiko travels across Japan to search for him, and along the way discovers some surprising facts about her husband's past. With only a pair of old photographs among his belongings to go off of, Teiko tries to figure out what has happened to him.
Noche y niebla en Japón
Director of Photography
Se celebra la boda entre Reiko y Haruaki, miembros de dos generaciones de movimientos estudiantiles revolucionarios. Irrumpen en la celebración Ota, compañero de lucha de Reiko y buscado por la policía, y Akumi, un militante considerado desaparecido hace tiempo. Afloran discusiones políticas y tensiones. Rodada con un estilo teatral, combinando flashbacks, fueras de campo, fundidos en negro y largos planos secuencia.
El entierro del sol
Director of Photography
En un barrio de chabolas de Osaka, Hanako se dedica, durante el día, a la compra de sangre que luego vende a compañías cosméticas y, durante la noche, trabaja de prostituta. Cuando su socio en la compra de sangre se le insinúa, Hanako le responde que su relación sólo es profesional. En efecto, Hanako es una mujer de negocios que intenta ganarse el respeto de tres bandas rivales.
Historias crueles de juventud
Director of Photography
A Makoto, que todavía va al instituto, la salva del ataque de un hombre un estudiante universitario llamado Kiyoshi. Al día siguiente, él intenta aprovecharse de la situación y se acuesta con ella, aunque luego la rechaza. Pero ella no se resigna e insiste en volver a verlo. Comienza así una relación entre ambos: ella lo sigue a todas partes y se va acostumbrando a sus actos delictivos.
Only She Knows
Director of Photography
A young woman is attacked by a serial rapist and murderer whom her detective father is investigating. Though she survives, the impact of the event creates increasing discord and agony for her and her loved ones.
Shisha to no kekkon
Director of Photography
A case of mistaken identity in which a woman assumes the role of widow to a man killed in a train accident.
Donto ikōze
Director of Photography
Comedy about the trials and tribulations of youth.
Tomorrow's Sun
Director of Photography
A playful short film made in the style of a trailer for a fictional feature film that seems to be a spoof of films that were popular in Japan at the time.
Primavera tardía
Camera Operator
Somiya era un viudo viejo con una hija, Noriko, madura para el matrimonio, pero curiosamente sigue viviendo con su padre. Para hacerla cambiar de manera de pensar, Somiya finje tomar una esposa joven e intentar que su hija se de cuenta de su situación...