The Deception of the Novelist revolves around Justin’s character as a famous novelist who receives a large inheritance after his father’s passing. He rents out one of his inherited properties to a Japanese/Chinese woman named Elaine and they embark on an affair, causing rifts in his marriage with Jeanna Ho. One night, Elaine is suddenly found dead in the balcony of the house. When police start their investigation, they realize that there are a lot of suspicious factors to the case leading them to suspect that this is not their normal kidnapping or revenge against an unfaithful husband case.
Executive Producer
The Deception of the Novelist revolves around Justin’s character as a famous novelist who receives a large inheritance after his father’s passing. He rents out one of his inherited properties to a Japanese/Chinese woman named Elaine and they embark on an affair, causing rifts in his marriage with Jeanna Ho. One night, Elaine is suddenly found dead in the balcony of the house. When police start their investigation, they realize that there are a lot of suspicious factors to the case leading them to suspect that this is not their normal kidnapping or revenge against an unfaithful husband case.
This is a story in jail. A story about learning a "new life”…
This is a story in jail. A story about learning a "new life”…
Un joven, inducido por un viejo monje, decide mantener relaciones sexuales con todas las mujeres que pueda. Esta forma de ver el mundo de este chico, no hace gracia a su recién casada esposa. En el transcurso de su búsqueda personal, el joven sufre las consecuencias de dichos actos y pierde su pene. Pero, nada más lejos de ser un problema, un hechicero le implanta el miembro de un caballo.