Sara Stockmann


Moosa Lane
A personal family epic, where Danish-Pakistani director Anita Mathal Hopland looks back at the history of her two families over 15 years in Karachi and Copenhagen.
The Fall
Estrid is on the threshold of advancing from childhood into young adulthood. Along the journey, she experiences a serious accident: falling from the window on the fifth floor while sleepwalking. Miraculously, she survives and returns to life with a remarkable willpower. But the fall remains a trauma in her body and her family. Especially her mother is anxious about losing her. The film follows Estrid's transformation and her family's healing process. Estrid must regain her body and ability to walk, but she also has to find out who she is and wants to be, as she embarks on the journey of becoming a young woman. To do so, her mother must deal with the fear of losing her and come to terms with letting her go.
7 Years of Lukas Graham
When the Danish group Lukas Graham were starting out in 2012, they could never in their wildest dreams have imagined the journey they were embarking on. A journey, which would transport them from their humble roots in Copenhagen to performing on the GRAMMYs stage in Los Angeles.
La habitación del correo
Associate Producer
Richard, un solitario y bienintencionado funcionario de prisiones, recibe el encargo de leer y censurar las cartas que reciben los reclusos.
Being Eriko
From Japan to Copenhagen, and from the sophisticated to the grotesque. Opposites meet in the Japanese pianist Eriko Makimura, who now has to break with her past.
In Mansourah You Separated Us
Originally there was a silence. That of Malek, the filmmaker’s father, who for years said nothing of his childhood in Algeria. And then, the need to break the silence, with a script that he gives to his children, to start telling his story. Several years later, the father and daughter finally make the journey to Mansourah, his native village: seeing his house, meeting other men who experienced the same heartbreak. Little by little, the film reveals what Malek, like many others, has long kept quiet about.
Violently in Love
Behind the closed doors of the Copenhagen-based women's shelter, the women and children are slowly recovering after having escaped domestic violence. Day by day the women are processing their traumas, building confidence and slowly understanding what it takes to break the cycle of violence.
Bobbi Jene
Después de 10 años de estrellato con la famosa compañía de danza israelí Batsheva, la bailarina estadounidense Bobbi Jene Smith toma la decisión de su vida regresando a los Estados Unidos. Pero alejarse de las relaciones personales más profundas resulta más difícil de lo que nunca había esperado, ya que se ve obligada a dejar atrás a su mentora, a los coreógrafos y al amor de su vida, para abrazar ese futuro incierto que le supone su regreso a casa.
The John Dalli Mystery
Eight years ago, Mads Brügger and Mikael Bertelsen tried to solve the murder of an EU official in 1993. A project that concluded in a dead end. Hoping to make good for their old defeat, the two journalists decide to investigate a complex case about the former EU Health Commissioner, John Dalli, who was fired under suspicion of being in the pocket of the tobacco industry. Brügger and Bertelsen travel to Malta to meet Dalli, who comes across as quite likeable. And it does not take long before they uncover an extensive conspiracy against him, when Dalli is suddenly contacted by a secret source who claims to be in possession of documents and recordings that contain plans to kill him.
Mad y Daniel son dos soldados daneses que se preparan para realizar su primera misión, que les llevará a la base militar de Armadillo, en Afganistán. Durante siete meses se darán de bruces con la realidad de los efectos de la guerra. Aislados, alejados de la población local y cada vez más desconfiados al no poder diferenciar entre amigos y enemigos, Mad y Daniel convivirán con el miedo y la muerte. Su búsqueda de aventuras y de causas idealistas, como la construcción de la paz y la democracia, tendrá una recompensa inesperada cuando vuelvan a casa con las manos manchadas de sangre y marcados por la decepción. Un retrato en primera línea de un conflicto bélico contemporáneo que explora la mente de los soldados jóvenes y muestra los efectos psicológicos a los que se exponen en la guerra: miedo, paranoia y adicción a las subidas de adrenalina.
Chelyabinsk, Russia, once the site of a top secret Cold War atomic bomb factory, is now the most radioactively polluted city in the world. Its residents live with the consequences of catastrophic leaks and dumped toxic waste as cancers, auto-immune diseases, and undrinkable water flow freely. But the city most foul sprouts a most unlikely growth—the vibrant, inspiring Chelyabinsk Contemporary Dance Theatre.