Dominic Gould

Dominic Gould

Nacimiento : 1964-09-19, Los Angeles, California, USA


Dominic Gould


Vape Wave
NBK Policeman
A retrospective on the history of the tobacco industry, and how vaping can, and will, save lives.
Conexión Marsella
John Cusack
1975. Pierre Michel es un joven magistrado que acaba de ser transferido a Marsella para ayudar en la lucha contra el crimen organizado. Él decide atacar a la French Connection, una operación de la mafia que exporta heroína a todo el mundo. Sin escuchar las advertencias, Pierre lidera una cruzada contra Gaëtan Zampa, el padrino más intocable. Pero pronto va a entender que para obtener resultados, deberá cambiar sus métodos.
The Prodigies
NYC, Central Park, 2010. Five young teenagers are violently assaulted. But they’re not your average teenagers… they’re prodigies. The trauma of the assault incites them to lash out against the world in a cold and calculating way. The five chillingly brilliant minds come together to concoct a perfect revenge. The only person aware of the pending doom is Jimbo Farrar, a sixth prodigy, who has gathered them. As long as he fights against his five counterparts with all his might, there’s hope for the world. But should he turn over to their side, it’s only a matter of time before a disaster of apocalyptic proportions ensues…
Glenn, the Flying Robot
Henry and Jack are two famous and talented pianists: they are rivals and try to outdo each other in the various music events where they regularly compete. The former friends will clash with no mercy, from contest to contest until the day a domestic robot, GLENN, enters their lives. GLENN will jeopardize everybody and everything around them.
Paris Connections
Detective Morin
At the beginning of Paris fashion week, a beautiful young model is brutally murdered. Investigative journalist Madison Castelli, certain that it is more than the "crime of passion" the French press says, comes to Paris to follow her story.
La jugadora de ajedrez
Hélène , casada y con una hija, vive en un pueblo tranquilo en Córcega, donde trabaja en un hotel. Un día vió jugar al ajedrez ,quedó fascinada por el juego y decide aprender a jugar
The Beautiful Person
The English teacher
Adaptación de la novela "La princesa de Clèves", de Madame de La Fayette. La acción se traslada desde la corte de Enrique II hasta un instituto parisino de la actualidad. Después de la muerte de su madre, Junie, una chica de 16 años, se traslada a otro instituto a mitad de curso. Su primo Mahias, que está en la misma clase, la presenta a sus amigos, que están deseando salir con ella. Sin embargo, Junie se enamora locamente de Nemours, su profesor de italiano, aunque reprime sus sentimientos porque considera que la felicidad es algo puramente ilusorio.
María Antonieta
Francia, siglo XVIII. El compromiso matrimonial entre el futuro Luis XVI (Schwartzman) y María Antonieta (Dunst) sirve para sellar una alianza entre Francia y Austria. Con sólo catorce años, la ingenua princesa austríaca se ve obligada a abandonar Viena, su familia y sus amigos para instalarse en la opulenta, sofisticada y libertina corte francesa, donde reinan las intrigas y los escándalos. La joven se rebela contra el aislamiento que representa la corte de Versalles y se convierte en la reina más incomprendida de Francia.
La sentencia
Captain Durand
Después de la Segunda Guerra Mundial (1939-1945), Pierre Brossard (Michael Caine), un nazi que supervisó la ejecución de 14 judíos, se refugió en el sur de Francia. Pero, de repente, su apacible y anónima vida se ve perturbada, al ser implicado en una investigación sobre crímenes de guerra. Una ambiciosa juez (Tilda Swinton) trata de localizarlo, pero no sólo ella sigue sus pasos.
Suffering from depression and marital problems, Alex mistakenly orders a life-size doll, whom he names "Monique". With the help of Monique, Alex turns his life around; however she soon becomes the envy of his friends and wife.
Todos contra Leo
When 21 year-old Leo, the oldest of four brothers, announces to his rural French family that he's HIV positive, his family quickly rallies around him. Leo travels to Paris with his youngst brother Marcel for treatment. When Leo tries to push his brother away to protect him, the love and loyalty of the two brothers is tested.
Besen a quien quieran
l'homme au parasol
Un grupo de amigos se van juntos de vacaciones. Elizabeth, una glamourosa ama de casa, se ofrece a compartir habitación con Julie, una chica soltera, y su bebé. El marido de Elizabeth aprovecha la ocasión para quedarse en la ciudad y pasar una semana con su amante. Vero y Jerôme, viajan con su hijo Loic, aunque no se alojan en el mismo hotel. Muy pronto, Vero se ofrece para cuidar a la hija de Julie, con el fin de convencerla para que ayude a Loic a perder la virginidad. Mientras tanto, Lulu y Jean-Pierre, tienen problemas debido a los obsesivos celos de éste.
Les cendres du paradis
Why did Ariane Fisher, a young woman in her thirties, come to the hospital to die without telling anyone? To whom should this disappearance be reported? This is what Alice, the night nurse, and Prudence, the social worker, will try to find in the bag containing the few personal belongings brought by Ariane.
It's Not About Love
Raoul Peck directed this French-German-Haitian drama set in Manhattan where medical examiner Chase Dellal (Geno Lechner) isn't happy with the diminishing aspects of her life: Not only does she face political pressures to soft-pedal her testimony, her marriage to a judge (Bob Meyer) is collapsing. Suddenly, new options appear after deposed Haitian politician Dimitri (Jean-Michel Martial) re-enters her life. Playwright Israel Horowitz has a role in this film as morgue cop Timothy.
Two best friends, Johanna and Jeanne, live in the small town of Decazeville, a mining town in France and sing in the music group "The Sirens". Suddenly their paths in music and in life drastically change...
Double Team
Delta Five
Jack Quinn, uno de los mejores agentes antiterroristas del país, tras fracasar en su última misión contra el peligroso Stavros, despierta en La Colonia, un lugar en el que permanecerá encerrado de por vida. Ahora su familia es el único objetivo de Stavros. Sólo con la ayuda de Yaz, traficante de armas, podrá salvar la vida de su mujer y su hija.
El octavo día
Harry's colleague
La historia retrata el encuentro entre dos mundos: el de Georges, un hombre con Síndrome de Down , y el de Harry, un ejecutivo . Harry, cuyo único alimento cotidiano es la artificialidad del pensamiento positivo, tiene mucho que aprender de Georges. El octavo día, ese que no figura en ningún calendario, que nunca termina, se manifiesta en el choque entre el orden y la anarquía, la razón y la locura.
Beaumarchais the Scoundrel
Arthur Lee
Beaumarchais the Scoundrel is a biopic film based on the life of the French playwright, financier and spy Pierre Beaumarchais depicting his activities during the American War of Independence and his authorship of the Figaro trilogy of plays.
Iron Horsemen
Bad Trip
Bad Trip, a biker who has been freshly inducted into a gang, flees from them after stealing one of their bikes.
Shattered Lives
Un pilote anglais
August 1939. The fate of four young people, Ramona, Georges, Brigitte and Hans is upset by the outbreak of war.
El hombre que perdió su sombra
Cuando no quedan ideas, cuando ya no se sabe porqué se hacen las cosas, se es como un hombre que ha perdido su sombra, le dice Antonio a Paul. Antonio cree que Paul ha perdido su sombra. Viejo comunista andaluz, de regreso a su tierra tras un largo exilio en Francia, Antonio aloja a Paul, que ha huido de su casa después de hacerse despedir del periódico donde trabajaba.
Canguro último modelo
Pierre Meyer
En el mundo de las inversiones financieras Anthony Wayne es un talento, sin embargo en el amor es un auténtico desastre. Cuando viaja a París por motivos de trabajo, Anthony conoce a Nicole, la mujer de sus sueños. Para acercarse a ella, Anthony ha ideado un plan.
A Man and Two Women
The film is a wonderfully accurate portrayal of the three stories: The stories are tied together with original dialogue and scenes by Martha / Anne / Freda / Judith (Valérie Stroh) and René Feret which follow a Golden Notebook/Anna Wulf theme: she is "writing" the stories and has a boyfriend named Paul who is a psychiatrist. A Man and Two Women: Anne, a young woman, a slightly bohemian painter: "in love" with her newborn, she abandons her husband while Isabelle, her best friend, attracted by to him and becomes little by little her rival. Each Other:Fréda finds her brother every morning in the secret of her bedroom,they leave themselves and incestuous effective becomes the only possible relationship for both. Our Friend Judith: Judith, a cold and warm intellectual, secret and complex - Beautiful, Judith is careful not to show it, she knows interment and that is enough. Intelligent, she does not bend to the rules of fashion nor seduction.
The adventures of Monsieur, a polite young man who is brilliant at ping-pong, who lives with his fiancée's parents and who, pursued by a neighbor, tries to escape the world and people until the day he falls in love...
Hôtel de France
Le compagnon de Manu
A French family is shown as they go through the daily routines of life. Arguing, feasting, crying, and yearning for love are just some of the human emotions encountered. The mood wavers between excessive noise to silence while those not participating in the conversations eavesdrop.
Jeux d'artifices
Elisa and Eric are two teenage war orphans. They change their apartment on the outskirts of the city into a photo-studio to make a living, and they are very devoted to it. The two seem to live like heavenly beings without connecting to the outside world. Their only contact with the exterior is through Jacques, a loyal friend, but he also cuts himself out of any social life. The sister and the brother then take to get in touch with the world by Mrs Jean, a friend of their deceased mother with whom Elisa takes courses of singing. They live in harmony until a young man, whom Elisa falls for, eventually leaves with Eric for the USA and left her brokenhearted alone in France.