Marco De Angelis


Think Sexy
An unlucky in love woman meets an unlikely guardian angel that comes to her in the form of a real-life porn star.
Dawn Chorus
At the end of their sabbatical year backpacking around the world, four backpackers find themselves adding an unexpected stop among palm trees and snow-capped alpine peaks on a tropical island in the middle of a Swiss lake.
Music Supervisor
Giorgio is a young talented boxer who lives with his mother and dreams to became a champion.
Roberto Baggio, la Divina Coleta
Band I Califfi
Una crónica de los 22 años de carrera de la estrella de fútbol Roberto Baggio, incluyendo su difícil debut como jugador y las disputas con algunos de sus entrenadores.
Roberto Baggio, la Divina Coleta
Una crónica de los 22 años de carrera de la estrella de fútbol Roberto Baggio, incluyendo su difícil debut como jugador y las disputas con algunos de sus entrenadores.
White Flowers
White Flowers
White Flowers
Little Boy, Little Boy
Non c'è campo
Prevented from using mobile phones due to the non-existent reception of the location, a school trip to a rural town becomes a life-changing experience of friendship and love for a group of Italian kids and their teacher.
Non c'è campo
Executive Producer
Prevented from using mobile phones due to the non-existent reception of the location, a school trip to a rural town becomes a life-changing experience of friendship and love for a group of Italian kids and their teacher.
Piccoli crimini coniugali
Executive Producer
Gilles is suffering from amnesia as the result of a mysterious accident.
Piccoli crimini coniugali
Gilles is suffering from amnesia as the result of a mysterious accident.
When I wake will I be someone else?
When I wake will I be someone else?
When I wake will I be someone else?
When I wake will I be someone else?
Uno, anzi due
La mossa del pinguino
Executive Producer
Two temp workers, a pensioner and an old bully discover the sport of curling by chance and, convinced of their potential, plan to compete at the 2006 Winter Olympics in Turin.
Tarda estate
18 Years Later
Mirko and Genziano are two 35-year-old brothers who have not seen each other since their mother died in a freak accident in which they were involved—eighteen years ago. Since then, Genziano left to live in the UK and now is a stockbroker; Mirko instead remained in Rome, to stay with their father Marcello, working at the same run-down family shop. When Marcello dies, he leaves a task for the two brothers in his will: he asks them to take, on an old restored roadster, his ashes to the grave of his old mother in a village in Calabria, where the accident happened.
Doctor West
Cuando Minessota West salva al joven Silver de ser mordido por una peligrosa serpiente, el chico le lleva de vuelta a Holysand, una ciudad al borde del caos por la guerra entre ganaderos y granjeros. West ganará una partida de poker,avergonzando así a los secuaces de los granjeros; este será el desencadenante del inicio de la venganza de West sobre los matones que andan a sus anchas por Holysand.
Voci di rugiada
Ti stramo - Ho voglia di un'ultima notte da manuale prima di tre baci sopra il cielo
Friedberg/Seltzer-like spoof about popular Italian teen romance movies of the aughts (such as Tre metri sopra il cielo, Ho voglia di te, Manuale d'amore, Scusa ma ti chiamo amore, Melissa P., Notte prima degli esami).
Ti stramo - Ho voglia di un'ultima notte da manuale prima di tre baci sopra il cielo
Executive Producer
Friedberg/Seltzer-like spoof about popular Italian teen romance movies of the aughts (such as Tre metri sopra il cielo, Ho voglia di te, Manuale d'amore, Scusa ma ti chiamo amore, Melissa P., Notte prima degli esami).
Blue Tornado
Original Music Composer
Un piloto de la OTAN investiga el misterio de las cegadoras luces que llevaron a su compañero a chocar con una montaña.
Camera Department Manager
There's something wrong with the way things are perceived. A different, unfriendly view is to stand out among individuals as their own maker is spelling the rules from a tv set for them to keep on living or to die. No longer than a blow-up such an illusion will survive...
A biopic about the operatic star, Maria Callas.