Birgit Bergen
Nacimiento : 1938-08-17, Kiel, Germany
Theresa von Rodeck / Woman in Train
El general George S. Patton murió en un accidente de coche en 1945. Sin embargo, ahora se especula con la idea de que su muerte fue en realidad un asesinato minuciosamente preparado por sus colaboradores para encubrir un gran robo de oro.
Film by Koller.
Zenzi Huber
In the diary of the late mayor finds his virtuous widow evidence how wild it really driving the good citizens of the town. That there is just here in their quiet small Upper Bavarian village much Swap and let some of the meaning joyful women burn anything that angered not only the Mayor's widow but also the village priest. But the cesspool goes much, much deeper ...
Frau Lüders
A sequel directed again by Franz Marischka.
Guys from the small village decide to go to the famous Oktoberfest in Munich. Besides beer, they're also interested in girls. Their wives back home find out about that plan and decide to go to Munich themselves to fuc* up this plan. Poor guys...
Archibald va en una cruzada de libertinaje, dejando a su esposa, hija y amante encerradas en cinturones de castidad. Pero un astuto ex convicto italiano conoce los secretos para desbloquear sus deseos.
Comedia sexual alemana
Olga Schneider
Comedia erótica alemana
Supplies Officer
En los últimos días de la Segunda Guerra Mundial, las mujeres de Alemania se ofrecen como voluntarias para servir en las líneas de frente teniendo relaciones sexuales con los valientes soldados nazis. Pero cuando comienzan a ponerse cariñosas entre ellas, las cosas se complican, especialmente con el creciente peligro del ejército soviético que está al acecho.
Johnny has been left a hefty inheritance from his recently deceased uncle - an infamous ladies' man. But there is a unique stipulation standing in the way of its collection. The sexually inexperienced Johnny has seven days to bed the last seven women that his uncle had seduced. All of them are young, lusty and insatiable beauties who gladly obey the uncle's dying request and show Johnny all there is to know about around-the-clock lovemaking and more! But as Johnny's triumphs and pleasures mount from girls one through six, he discovers that his seventh and final conquest - the most luscious vixen of all - may be a little harder to achieve. Will Johnny fulfill his uncle's wish and secure untold financial and sexual rewards beyond his wildest dreams? Or will his bedcount fall one short?
Bavarian Comedy from Germany
Ingrid Gerlach
Heiner works in a mine, drinks beer, and goes to bed with other women, except from his wife, because of his baby son and the neighbours downstairs. But she does not feel like giving up all the fun for so long.
Five people have stolen a priceless, legendary emerald from a religious temple. One of them is slain by an unknown killer.
Fräulein Lohmeier
Al parecer debido a algún inexplicable movimiento geológico, Maciste (o Maxxus según el doblaje) aparece en la prehistoria, donde se da el gusto de aniquilar a un dinosaurio que amenaza a una tribu nómade.
A german woman falls in love in Capri.
Lebensborn (alemán para «fuente de vida») fue una organización creada en la Alemania nazi por el líder de la SS Heinrich Himmler como Lebensborn Eingetragener Verein o Asociación Registrada Lebensborn. Su objetivo era expandir la raza aria, la cual debía convertirse en la nueva raza de Europa. Esta organización proveía de hogares de maternidad y asistencia financiera a las esposas de los miembros de las SS y a madres solteras; asimismo, administraba orfanatos y programas para dar en adopción a los niños. Esta es la historia de algunas de esas mujeres.
Betty, seine Frau