Sergei Nasibov


Напрасная жертва
Громов, начальник отделения полиции
It happens that any small thing can turn a life one hundred and eighty degrees. That's the life of Nina flowed habitually and comfortably: a loved one, a beautiful house and ahead - a cloudless future ... ... The quarrel broke out instantly - it cost Nina only to say taht she desires to get a baby. Furious Gleb, whose plans did not include diapers and sleepless nights, flies out of the house, but soon he returns completely lost and frightened - he just hit a man and fled the crime scene. That night their new life began ...
22 minutos
Un grupo de elite ruso comandados por el mariscal Shaposhnikov tiene que liberar un metanero ruso que ha sido secuestrado por un grupo de piratas somalíes. Uno de los marineros, Alex Ezhov, en plena reyerta de asalto queda atrapado en una cisterna.
When a 7-year-old son of the well-known businessman is kidnapped, he has no idea what awaits him! It turns out that the mysterious kidnapper does not need any ransom, but has only one claim: during the next day father must decide who will die of the two: his child or himself...
In the city centre, two thieves steal a bag with one million Euros from a car, thinking that at last they're in luck; yet they cannot even fathom what they got themselves into. A proper hunt for this money begins.
Slavyanka's Goodbye
Life does not spoil Albina, the head of a small railway station. She works hard from morning to night to feed her family — an adult daughter and an eternally unemployed husband. But, instead of gratitude, Albina is waiting for a blow — it turns out that her husband is busy all day not looking for work, but an affair with a young saleswoman! In addition to all the misfortunes, the heroine falls new: descended from the Moscow train passenger "from the height of the capital resident" demands to give him a ticket from the armor — he seems to be sure that he can buy the whole station with employees in addition.. However, when money with documents is stolen from a Muscovite, he behaves so unexpectedly that he makes Albina look at him with new eyes…
Soviet: la respuesta
Un grupo de soldados del ejército estadounidense que participaron en la Guerra de Vietnam están organizando una misión: su objetivo es hacer estallar un nuevo conflicto, cuanto más grande mejor, que les haga aumentar la industria armamentística de su país y, así, obtener grandes beneficios. La Unión Soviética no está dispuesta a que esto ocurra y manda a un soldado a frenar la operación. Pero no es un soldado cualquiera, se trata del comandante Shatokhin, un auténtico héroe de la URSS que no parará hasta realizar su cometido.
A biographical film about the life of the great Russian scientist, inventor of rocket technology and the founder of theoretical astronautics — Konstantin Tsiolkovsky, the hard spiritual work of the thinker, overcoming the stagnation of the surrounding and dramatic events of his family life.
The School Waltz
The ten-graders Gosha and Zosya are in love with each other. The last school waltz has been played and it seems nothing stands any longer in the way of the young people being together. However, getting the news that he’s going to be a father soon, Gosha chooses a “free life” and… marries Dina who has long been in love with him, though with no reciprocity. But already at the registry office, the lucky winner realizes that getting Gosha as her husband doesn’t mean getting his love, that unintentionally she made her loved one unhappy and they have no future together…