D.L. Walker

D.L. Walker


D.L. Walker


My One True Love
Landlord Steve
A woman is told by a gypsy that she'll fall in love with a man named John. So her friends turn her life upside down to help her date every John they collectively know to find the "one".
Lo que la verdad oculta
Car Salesman
Bart Bromley es un recepcionista nocturno autista de gran inteligencia que se convierte en el primer sospechoso del asesinato de una mujer durante su turno. A medida que avanza la investigación policial, Bart entabla una conexión especial con una huésped de innegable belleza, Andrea (Ana de Armas), aunque empieza a temer que ella se convierta en el próximo objetivo del asesino que anda suelto en el hotel.
The Other Wise Man
Artaban / Israelite / Roman
When the Wise Men of the ancient Magi see a new star in the heavens, they understand it's significance. They then set out on a journey to find the promised Prince. But one of the Magi is unexpectedly delayed in his travels and misses his rendezvous with his brethren. So it is that Artaban and his small companion Jerboa begin a lifetime quest to find the promised Messiah. A pilgrimage in which the fourth Wise Man discovers that there are some kinds of failure that are far better than success.
The Fighting Preacher
Willard Bean accepts a mission from The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints to travel to a new town, where he must fight to win respect.
Ruling of the Heart
Mr. Roth
Judge Morgan has become known for his no-nonsense toughness in court. He rules fast and he rules hard, barely noticing the person on the other end of his decisions. When he gets stuck in a cafe during a violent snow storm, he is surprised to discover that two of the other customers stranded with him happen to be people recently in his court... with verdicts handed down that have made him very unpopular. As the night unfolds in the small cafe, unexpected truth emerges from both sides that changes everything.
Secretary Stewart
Después de que la NASA recoge un trío de señales misteriosas de nuestro propio sistema solar, el astronauta Roger Nelson es enviado en una misión individual de varios años a bordo de la nave espacial Magellan para investigar las fuentes.
Highway Volunteer
Una pareja a punto de terminar su matrimonio pasa un fin de semana en diferentes ciudades. Después de un evento cataclísmico, el marido se embarca en una búsqueda física y emocional para regresar a casa cuando una nación se prepara para lo peor.
Venganza en la prisión
Warden Blain
Cobre Jack Stone orquesta un atraco a un banco con el fin de ser enviado a la cárcel para coincidir con el peligroso capo Balam. Balam es algo más que un mafioso criminal; es un personaje muy astuto y peligroso que controla a la policía desde la cárcel. Balam maneja desde allí un gran poder: es el rey de la ciudad. Su celda es una habitación exclusiva y lujosa construída específicamente para él, inaccesible para los demás reclusos. Incluso los alcaides temen acercarse a su área de la prisión.
¡Por fin solos!
Burly Cop
Beth Winter (Diane Keaton) es una mujer que padece el síndrome del nido vacío. Como su marido Joseph (Kevin Kline) es un hombre abstraído y encerrado en sí mismo, el único consuelo de Beth es un perro que ha encontrado abandonado en la carretera. Cuando Joseph pierde al perro durante una boda celebrada en la casa que tienen en las Montañas Rocosas, Beth moviliza a todos los invitados para emprender una búsqueda a gran escala que dará lugar a una aventura imprevisible.
Passage to Zarahemla
Película basada en el libro "El Guerrero de Zarahemla" . ¿Que pasaría si se cruzaran las líneas del tiempo? Eso es exactamente lo que presencian Kerra y los habitantes de Leeds, Utah. Kerra descubre un lugar en la hondonada del bosque donde puede conversar con un Nefita.
A young woman discovers that she is the focus of an evil nazi experiment involving selective breeding and summoned elves, an attempt to create a race of supermen. She and two of her friends are trapped in a department store with an elf, and only Dan Haggerty, as the renegade loose-cannon Santa Claus, can save them.
Saturday's Warrior
Harold Green (as David Walker)
An ordinary LDS family has a teenager named Jimmy and he wonders about life and what is coming. Jimmy's sister Julie has a boyfriend on a mission who she plans to marry when he gets home. Jimmy's twin sister Pam is handicapped and is confined to a wheelchair and wants to make things good for Jimmy. Jimmy doesn't seem to care about his large family and wants to do his own things. When Jimmy hears his mother is going to have another child, Jimmy is filled with anger and leaves. His family wants Jimmy to return and love him, but Jimmy does not want their love.