Ralph Lucas

Ralph Lucas


Ralph Lucas is a very funny guy. He proudly announces on his resumé that he can do anything. Mostly comedic in nature, Ralph is well known as Detective Anton Varescu in the popular interactive dinner theater show, "Dial M Murder Mysteries." He is very proud of his Cyd Charisse and Fred Astaire impressions from "The Bandwagon." "I play both parts," he explains. He confesses that his Cyd Charisse kicks have gotten a little less flashy but that his Fred Astaire is still, "right on." Ralph has written two screenplays that were made into films, "The Planet of the Dinosaurs" and the thriller, "The Child." Most recently, he has written the libretto for the musical version of "Little Women" which is slated to open on Broadway next year. One of Ralph’s goals is, "to bring some class to gay theatre and films." His solution is to write an intellectual gay porno film - Emile Zola Goes Leather. In the meantime while Ralph is looking for just the right star for his newest film, in joining the writing staff of THE RAINBOW REVUE, he has already begun to class up this theatre company. "Thanks Ralph, somebody had to do it." THE RAINBOW REVUE


Ralph Lucas


Decker: Unsealed
In this entry in the "Decker" franchise, President Davidson Jr. recounts some of Jack Decker's patriotic adventures to the hero's son and protege, Jack Decker Jr. While they are talking about the past accomplishments, a powerful enemy starts to plot against Decker Jr. to avenge the murder of his father. "Decker" co-creators Tim Heidecker and Gregg Turkington star in the live-action series as Decker Jr. and CIA codebreaker Jonathan Kington, respectively.
La llamada de Cthulhu
Professor Angell
Tras la muerte en extrañas circunstancias de un profesor de la Universidad de Miskatonik, se inicia una investigación que relaciona el caso con el tenebroso culto a un Dios acuático, cuyos seguidores le llaman Cthulhu... The Call of Cthulhu (La llamada de Cthulhu) es una película muda de 2005 que adapta el famoso relato homónimo de Lovecraft, escrito en 1926. Su rodaje fue impulsado y producido desde la Sociedad Histórica H.P. Lovecraft de Estados Unidos. El rodaje usó modernas técnicas de grabación y elementos vintage para reproducir la estética de los filmes de la década de 1920. Debido a que el film quería aparentar haber sido rodado realmente en esa época, se optó por que la película fuese muda. La música que acompaña las imágenes también está inspirada en los sonidos clásicos que ambientaban estas producciones.
Hell Spa
Disgruntled Man
At Benson's Health Spa business is booming. And why not? With the, "Look beautiful and stay fit or never pay a dime" promotion, people are literally selling their souls to join.
The Boys of Cellblock Q
The Boys of Cellblock Q is set within the bowels of the Sunnyvale Labor Farm. Without the presence of women, the prisoners indulge in regular trysts with one another, make full use out of the jail's supply of priests, turn the eyes several policemen, and help a young convict learn the ins and outs of the prison community.
Lisa Ryder is a young policewoman recently promoted to detective when she has her first case in tracking down and identifying a serial killer in her small California town.
Mob Boss
A nerd becomes the head of his father's crime family.
Terminal Force
Store Owner
Renegade cop Nick Tyree gets suspended after blowing away a liquor store robber who interrupts his alcohol purchase. His hot-headed chief wants him back when the young daughter of a key witness against mob boss Johnny Ventura is kidnapped because Tyree's law pushing ways are the only solution.
Beverly Hills Vamp
Tres jovenes cineastas intentan hacer carrera en Hollywood, pero en vez de eso acaban en la mansión de tres voluptuosas señoritas dedicadas a chupar la sangre de todo el que entre en su círculo.
Ghost Stories: Graveyard Thriller
(segment "Where Have You Been, Billy Boy, Billy Boy?")
A collection of eerie tales featuring master storytellers presenting classic and original ghost stories far too scary for television.
Ghost Stories: Graveyard Thriller
A collection of eerie tales featuring master storytellers presenting classic and original ghost stories far too scary for television.
El planeta de los dinosaurios
Una nave espacial tripulada se ve forzada a aterrizar en un planeta desconocido. El planeta tiene unas condiciones naturales similares a las de la Tierra y no hay trazas de civilización. Entonces los tripulantes descubren que está habitado por dinosaurios que campan a sus anchas. Ante las escasas posibilidades de ser rescatados por otra nave amiga, el grupo tendrá que verse obligado a iniciar una dura lucha para sobrevivir.
La niña
Una institutriz es contratada para cuidar a Rosalie, una oscura y demoníaca niña con poderes sobrenaturales, que alimenta el cementerio donde está enterrada su madre con la carne fresca de animales y humanos. Un film de puro horror, cementerios envueltos en niebla, zombis putrefactos y un halo de locura durante todo el metraje.
La niña
Una institutriz es contratada para cuidar a Rosalie, una oscura y demoníaca niña con poderes sobrenaturales, que alimenta el cementerio donde está enterrada su madre con la carne fresca de animales y humanos. Un film de puro horror, cementerios envueltos en niebla, zombis putrefactos y un halo de locura durante todo el metraje.
Decker Versus Dracula: The Lost Works
Writer/director Gregg Turkington weighs in on the aborted Decker Vs. Dracula