Una estudiante universitaria se encuentra atrapada en un círculo de mujeres jóvenes que disfrutan de la buena vida y financian sus sueños "socializando" con una multitud de hombres mayores hasta que una chica desaparece.
When high-powered sports agent Rob Decker arrives looking for his next major league prospect, he finds more than he bargained for at the Cooke Boys Ranch. As he works to secure Shawn Hart, the top high school baseball prospect in the country, he encounters a cast of characters who value happiness and common sense over dollars and cents.
Una madre soltera trata desesperadamente de salvar a sus dos hijas de caminar por el mismo camino oscuro que estuvo ella, y una joven mujer lucha contra la adicción a una droga misteriosa para fiestas.
In this heartfelt, indie romantic comedy, Joe returns home hoping to figure out what to do with his life after getting fired and finding out his wife is cheating on him with his rival coworker. But instead of finding peace and quiet at home, Joe ends up in a rivalry with his infuriating brother, Brody, after they bump into their mutual crush from high school.