Costume Design
Set in an alternate universe, the ancient capital of Kamakura is a vibrant town where fantastical creatures live alongside humans. Akiko is a cheerful publishing assistant who moves into town after marrying Masakazu, a popular mystery writer. Akiko is surprised by the unusual town but enjoys the new curiosities surrounding her. However, just as she was beginning to settle in, a trifling incident sweeps her spirit to the underworld too soon. Convinced that destiny has something else in store for his wife, Masakazu journeys into the underworld to bring back Akiko’s spirit.
Costume Design
An attack takes place on Rainbow Bridge in Odaiba, Tokyo by the fighter helicopter `Gray Ghost`. 2 days earlier, the Gray Ghost was stolen. The perpetrators are followers of Yukihito Tsuge. Yukihito Tsuge planned a coup of Tokyo 13 years earlier. The leader of Special Vehicle Section 2, Keiji Gotoda, sets out to stop the terrorists.
Costume Design
La película tiene lugar en un mundo que vive una guerra conocida como Annwn, Garm Wars es el escenario tenemos soldados clonados a partir de 3 tribus militares, en una batalla sangrienta y perpetua por el aire, la tierra y la tecnología. Un clon, Khara, se ve separado de batalla y de pronto se encuentra con extraños compañeros. Al tratar de saber más acerca de su existencia de forma conjunta, los fugitivos en lugar de encontrar una verdad implacable encontrarán la mayor batalla de su vida.
Costume Design
El agente especial de Estados Unidos, Leon S. Kennedy, se filtra en un pequeño país de Europa del Este para comprobar rumores de que armas Bio Orgánicas están siendo utilizadas en la guerra. Inmediatamente después de su filtración, recibe órdenes del gobierno de Estados Unidos de abandonar el lugar. Decidido a descubrir la verdad, hace caso omiso de la orden y entra en el campo de batalla para poner fin a la cadena de tragedias causadas por dichas armas. Secuela del film de animación digital "Resident Evil Degeneration".
Costume Designer
La historia va sobre un grupo de mujeres y un hombre, dentro de un RPG online del futuro en el que no se usara mandos, teclados ni ratones para poder jugarlo, si no por medio del cerebro.En la partida en total son 3 mujeres que están dotadas de experiencia e items y un tío un poco vago que no tiene mucha experiencia, se dedican estas personas a matar a unos monstruos del escenario, pero llega un momento que se acaba la munición y el master de la partida les dice que se tienen que unir en un grupo para combatir contra el final boss
Costume Design
Sabine is able to transform into a silver superhero through the power of the Ring of Nibelungen. She travels to Japan where she searches for her father and battles the forces of Dr. Caligari.
Costume Design
Adapted from the successful play, the film takes place in 19th-century Japan, where a war between demons and their slayers is fought. Izumo, a kabuki actor with a demon-slaying past, meets and falls in love with Tsubaki. However, something is not right, as mysterious marks appear on her body as time progresses. At the same time, it is announced that Ashura, the queen of all demons, will be resurrected and bring destruction to the universe.
Costume Design
When Honey's uncle gets kidnapped by the evil criminal gang known as "Panther Claw," she must use her magical powers of transformation to save him. Meanwhile the same crime group has been responsible for a number of other crime sprees across Tokyo. In the process, Honey teams up with the seemingly cold police woman Natsuko Aki and hot shot journalist Seiji Hayami as well as battle the four "claws" of the Panther Claw gang to save her uncle and the rest of the city.
Costume Design
A retired warrior comes to see his former lord and learns that someone is making indestructible swords from some unknown metal. He is sent together with a swordsman to investigate the source. Along the way they meet a young girl working as a beekeeper. She is later witness to the appearance of three strange females from another dimension. They are searching for a lost weapon that has landed on earth and as one of them lay dying she enlists the girl to help them control the strange beast/weapon. Meanwhile the warrior and the swordsman learn that an old nemesis has created the swords from the shell that surrounded the alien weapon. Soon the alien beast/weapon is awakened and battle for control ensues.
Costume Design
Space Investigator Justy arrives on Earth in pursuit of a dangerous bio-weapon, Debora, which has the ability to attach to living things and to control their consciousness and pass on to others through bodily contact. The only way to capture Debora is with a kiss, so Justy commandeers the body of a young man, Masayoshi, and has him kiss any person she suspects of being possessed by Debora.
Costume Design
In the far future, peace and violence walk hand in hand. The citizens of Jesus Town, a false utopia ruled by the iron fist of Gurjev and his cyborg enforcer Michael, long for a savior from their veil of peace. While a small band of rebels search for a new weapon to aid in their fight against Gurjev, a dark force begins to stir. Hidden far from civilization lies what could be the answer to everyone's prayers. After a long imprisonment, Hakiader, the destruction rider, is discovered by the rebel forces. Kaoru, a member of the rebellion, enlists Hakaider to aid in their fight. Now aware of the new menace, Gurjev seeks to crush the rebels and remove the threat Hakaider once and for all. Will Hakaider prove to be a long desired savior, or an unstoppable force that will destroy all?