Cho Seong-ha

Cho Seong-ha

Nacimiento : 1966-08-08, Ulsan, South Korea


Cho Seong-ha (조성하) is a South Korean actor.


Cho Seong-ha
Cho Seong-ha


The Night Owl
Lord Choi
A blind acupuncturist finds himself in the middle of a murder mystery at the royal palace.
Good Deal
The great adventures of life and human connections in contemporary Korean society, following a formal baseball player, a sleepless student, a new hangman, an imprisoned gangster, and a mysterious father and daughter.
Serve the People
Division Commander
Mu-kwang volunteers to be a kitchen police of Sa-taek, the divisional commander, dreaming of success. One day, Mu-kwang meets Su-ryeon by chance, who is a young and beautiful wife of the commander. Soon, he feels a strong attraction by her.
Young Adult Matters
Se-jin, a high school student, becomes pregnant and gets ostracized by her family and school. While wandering the streets, she meets Joo-yeong, an experienced runaway, and tries to get an abortion with Joo-yeong's help.
Tiempo de caza
Bong-sik / Bong-soo
Cuatro muchachos que buscan dejar atrás su distópico mundo y huir a un lejano paraíso ejecutan un robo a mano armada, un acto audaz que tendrá inesperadas consecuencias.
The Hinzpeter Story
In May of 1980, the city is locked down and phone lines are dead because of protests and struggles in demand of democracy. Just when Gwangju was being ignored by the media, Jurgen Hinzpeter, a reporter from Germany, sneaks in despite the danger!
Desert of No Return
Two drifters on the edge of the underworld, Tae-sik and Soo-eun, spend a night together that will change both of their lives forever.
The Himalayas
Lee Dong-gyoo
Basada en hechos reales, la película relata la auto impuesta misión de un famoso montañero decidido a recuperar el cuerpo de su compañero del Monte Everest.
El Sospechoso
Kim Seok-ho
Ji Dong Chul(Gong Yoo), es un desertor norcoreano que una vez fue un importante agente traicionado por su país, quien se convierte en el principal sospechoso en un caso de asesinato.
Moon Sang-cheol
Después de la fallida misión de espionaje de su padre, el norcoreano Myung-Hoon (Choi Seung Hyun) y su joven hermana Hye-In (Han Ye-Ri) son enviados a un campo de prisioneros como mano de obra. Con el fin de salvar la vida de su hermana, Myung-Hoon se ofrece voluntariamente para convertirse en un espía y se infiltra en el Sur como un desertor adolescente.
Heartless City
Don Il-ho
One man's desperation to save his dying wife sparks a chain of tragedies in the dark crime thriller Circle of Crime. The film offers a complex story that first depicts several seemingly unconnected incidents: the escape of a serial killer, a man being chased by loan sharks after taking the money to save his wife's life, a taxi driver's hit-and-run and a woman's suicide attempt. As the plot unfolds, the connection between these incidents begins to become clear.
R2B: Return to Base
Choi Byung-gil
Después de realizar una peligrosa maniobra en un espectáculo aéreo, el piloto de la Fuerza Aérea de Corea del Sur, Tae-hun, es expulsado del equipo de élite de las Águilas Negras y trasladado a una unidad de combate donde entra inmediatamente en conflicto con el piloto Cheol-hui . Se hace amigo de los otros pilotos en la unidad y se enamora de la bella Se-young, que está a cargo del mantenimiento. Cuando un caza norcoreano de MIG amenaza, el grupo se involucra en una pelea que deja a un camarada muerto y otro desaparecido. Cheol-hui y Tae-hun se unen para rescatar a su amigo desaparecido y evitar una guerra catastrófica.
A Millionaire On The Run
Han Sang-moo
Young-in and his colleague Seung-dae are a pair of professional bagmen working for various lobbyists in finance, media and a host of other industries requiring political favors. Feeling guilty about his work, Seung-dae tells Young-in he plans on blowing the whistle on his boss Han’s illegal activities.
Sin Rastro
Kim Jong-geun
Un hombre buscará a su novia desaparecida poco antes de su boda mientras descubre su verdadera identidad
Sunday Punch
co. president Choi
This movie will tell a family story of working as a rookie secretary for an upright politician, going through rooting out all sorts of corruption and at the same time living a life as a father.
Siempre / Solo tú
Head of a department Choi (uncredited)
Cheol Min, un ex-boxeador con un pasado oscuro y misterioso, acepta el trabajo nocturno atendiendo un parking. Un día,conoce a una chica llamada Jung Hwa que quedó ciega a consecuencias de un accidente de tráfico,ella entra en la cabina donde trabaja y sin saber que es él, le da caramelos y mandarinas. Pasan asi los días y entre ellos surgirá un amor mutuo. Jun Hwa, al hacerse un chequeo médico pone en conocimiento de Cheol Min que de no hacerse la operación pronto para recobrar la vista más adelante seria demasiado tarde. Cheol Min hara lo imposible por conseguir que Jun Hwa se opere, pero ¿será suficiente? ¿Que hará para poder conseguir todo el dinero de la operación?
Bleak Night
Parte de la premisa de un padre que después del suicidio de su hijo busca contactar con los que fueran sus amigos del instituto para intentar sacar algo en claro de los motivos que le pudiesen llevar a ello.
The Yellow Sea
Kim Tae-won
Frontera entre Rusia, China y Corea del Norte. Acosado por las deudas, casi en la miseria, un hombre acepta un contrato para asesinar a alguien. Es su último recurso para cubrir las necesidades de su familia. Conoce pocas cosas sobre su víctima, pero nunca hubiera imaginado que acabaría siendo engullido por un engranaje criminal.
Park Min / Park Goo
Un hombre en el corredor de la muerte quiere probar el "doenjang jjigae" (un estofado picante de pasta de frijoles coreanos) antes de morir. El productor de televisión Choi Yu-Jin (Ryoo Seung-Ryong) se entera del recluso e investiga su historia para un próximo informe de noticias. Choi Yu-Jin luego se encuentra con una mujer misteriosa llamada Jang Hye-Jin (Lee Yo-Won) que hace doenjang jjigae que hace llorar de alegría a quienes prueban su receta. A medida que Choi Yu-Jin profundiza, se entera de la relación desgarradora de Jang Hye-Jin con Kim Hyun-Soo (Lee Dong-Wook).
Bloody Innocent
Best friends Dong-sik and Seung-ho have a crush on the same girl at school. When she's found raped and murdered, the main fishy is someone the boys know very well, and it tears their friendship aside.
My Friend & His Wife
Two young men, Ye-joon and Jae-moon, have been close friends since doing military service together. Ye-joon has lately worked his way up to becoming a successful financier, while the unambitious Jae-moon has opted for a much less conspicuous route. He now works as a cook and is enjoying family life with his wife Ji-sook and their new-born son. Ji-sook tolerates her husband’s attachment to his friend, but everything changes after the tragic death of the child, caused by Ye-joon. Ji-sook was in Paris when the tragedy occurred and isn’t aware of the circumstances; she even starts an affair with Ye-joon when her husband is imprisoned after taking the blame for his son’s death. Relationships which were originally crystal-clear begin to grow distinctly cloudy.
Who's That Knocking At My Door?
Choi Byung-chul
There are five lonely souls: Je-hwi, who hides himself from the world. Jang-hui, who is obsessed with certificates of qualification; Byeong-cheol, who believes that he has a fatal disease; and the lovers, Pyo and Romi. One day, a woman who committed suicide suddenly appears before them.
The Elephant on the Bike
The Elephant On The Bike is a coming-of-age drama about a man whose childhood has been overcast in painful memories due to his disability. It's a candid story about one man's internal struggles as he makes the transition from adolescence to adulthood, carrying the psychological wound caused by his physical deformity, plus the impact of his disability on his family. Despite the constant social and family conflicts that dampen his already disheartened soul, a glimmer of hope arises as he discovers the ultimate joy of life - loving someone and being loved. In his feature-length debut, Kwon conveys the message that not all physically challenged protagonists end up miraculously overcoming their hardships. A poignant tearjerker minus the superficial themes, The Elephant On The Bike offers realism throughout its heartwarming tale.
Hyeon-su's Father
Cinderella trata el tema de la cirugía plástica y de cómo un grupo de jóvenes universitarias, obsesionadas con mejorar su físico, caen en una maldición. La trama se retorcerá hasta el punto más terrorífico cuando una a una empiezan a morir en extrañas circunstancias...
Fly, Daddy, Fly
Cha Ju-oh
An ordinary businessman in his forties, JANG Ga-pil returns home one day to find his daughter sexually molested by some schoolboys, including school boxing star KANG Tae-wook. Realizing that he has no background and money to fight back, he plans to stab KANG on the way to school. This fails miserably, but another student named GO Seung-suk agrees to teach Ga-pil to fight ? in only 45 days.
The Bad Utterances
Three friends from the northern half of Seoul move to the more affluent southern half, but experience many troubles there.
Bewitching Attraction
Park Suk-ho
The lovely and promiscuous textile professor Eun-sook has all the male professors wrapped around her finger. It also helps that she has slept with most of them. Eun-sook is also a member of an environmental awareness group. When the popular comic book artist Suk-gyu joins the group, he arouses the jealousy of Mr. YOO, one of the other member who fears that Suk-gyu will steal Eun-sook from him. It turns out that Eun-sook and Suk-gyu attended the same junior high school where they share a secret and tragic history. Back then, Eun-sook was Suk-gyu's older brother’s girlfriend. But after Eun-sook decides to sleep with Suk-gyu as well, the older brother's best friend dies in an accident in which both of them are involved. As the jealous MR.YOO starts to investigate Eun-sook and Suk-gyu's past, will their secret be kept? Will they get together again?
Running Wild
Trial Prosecutor
A grissled cop with tendencies towards excessive force teams up with an ambitious and righteous prosecutor to track down a dangerous crime boss whom they both want desperately to catch. But their quarry resorts to devious methods to stall their investigation and eventually turn them against each other. Now the stage is set for a dangerous triangle.
Spider forest
Choi Jong-Pil
Un joven productor de televisión encuentra a su ex-jefe y a su novia brutalmente asesinados en una cabaña. A continuación sufre un terrible accidente que le provoca graves lesiones cerebrales. A partir de aquí Kang empieza una lucha contrarreloj para descubrir y recordar todos los acontecimientos que desencadenaron su presencia en plena noche en el misterioso bosque de las arañas... (FILMAFFINITY)
A Smile
Flight instructor
This debut feature from female Korean director Park Kyung-hee tells the story of a photographer whose life is changed indelibly when she discovers she has a rare disease which causes tunnel vision and possible eventual blindness. Divided into four sections, it depicts the break-up of her relationship with her boyfriend, her problems with her old-fashioned family, her attempts to deal with her disease through her art and, finally, her desire to fly an airplane before she loses her sight entirely.
Volcano High School
Korean Language Teacher
Kim Kyung-soo es un joven experto en artes marciales al que le cuesta controlar sus poderes, y que ya ha sido expulsado de ocho escuelas. Hoy, bajo una gran tormenta, se dirige a Volcano High, su novena escuela, con un objetivo: graduarse ocurra lo que ocurra.