May Phua

May Phua


May Phua was excavated in a 1995 freshman contest. Her first character in the television circle was the "Little Sister" in "Dare to be a Happy Man" (Singapore's longevity environmental drama), which made her instantly become the new favorite of the audience.


May Phua


The Wayang Kids
"The Wayang Kids" follows the adventures of a group of primary school children in Singapore that seek to overcome their personal struggles while representing their school in an international Chinese opera performance. A boy among this group must push through his autism to ultimately prove to everyone and himself that he has what it takes to be on stage. "The Wayang Kids" is a heartwarming film that sheds light on different cultures and backgrounds, and shows how our differences can actually bring us together.
The Eye 2
Policewoman in report center
La joven Joey se recupera de un intento de suicidio. En el hospital le dicen que está embarazada. Al volver a la normalidad, decidida a darle una nueva oportunidad a su vida y a la de su futuro bebe, pero empieza a ver gente extraña que la atemoriza. ¿Quienes son? Pronto descubrirá que a consecuencia de haber estado a las puertas de la muerte, Joey tiene la habilidad de ver a los muertos.
The Matchmaker's Match
Set in the late 30s and early 40s, this telemovie sees Xiang Gu as a sweet Cantonese lass left in the lurch when her matchmaker mom absconds with the tontine funds. Hokkien mee seller Ah Ba comes to her rescue and the rest is a refreshing romantic comedy.