Set in the year 2088, it depicts a dark future in which humans have been transformed into the "Guilstein," creatures with no human souls in them...
Based on a manga by Tamaki Hisao.
Follow Taiyo and Kei on their journey in space, filled with laughter and skinship as they meet new friends and enemies in their search for the missing core of Agga Ruter.
Baki Hanma, es un luchador joven que se muere de ganas por seguir los pasos de su padre, Yujiro Hanma, y convertirse en el luchador más fuerte del mundo.
Mariko, codenamed "Rose Marie", is a leader of an anti-terrorism group, CAT (Counter Attack Terrorism). She lost her husband and son in a terrorist bomb attack at an airport. Also suffering injuries in the blast, she was left with a scar that looked like a rose flower on her chest. A secret summit conference is due to be held in Switzerland, with Marie's team deployed as security. However, it becomes clear terrorists have already made a move to sabotage the meeting...