Gen Shimizu

Gen Shimizu

Nacimiento : 1907-01-01, Tokyo, Japan

Muerte : 1972-12-20


Gen Shimizu


(archive footage)
A narrative feature made from a collage of clips from various films around the world.
The Trail of Blood
Can a sinful man change and find peace? It's unlikely in gang-plagued Japan. Jokichi of Mikogami, a drifter (and hired sword), goes straight after protecting a woman in distress: they marry, have a son, and Jokichi pursues his father's craft. After three years, the gangs he embarrassed when he saved his wife find the family and leave Jokichi in grief, vowing revenge. To parry his terrible swift sword, rival gangs join forces, hiring a prostitute to pose as a woman needing help and breaking the code of honor to double cross the drifter. He finds unlikely allies: a thief who aids him for fun and a one-eyed swordsman who may be Jokichi's equal in skill and honor.
Wandering Ginza Butterfly
Nami, líder de una banda juvenil, mata a un ejectuvio miembro de una organización yakuza debido a un conflicto territorial y es enviada aprisión. Cuando sale de prisión tres años mas tarde, llega a un salon de billar, y a través de Ryuji, comienza a trabajar como anfitriona en Ginza, donde se hace muy popular.
Galien, el monstruo de las galaxias ataca la Tierra
Commander of Defense Forces
Godzilla une sus fuerzas con Angillus para detener la destrucción que imparten los monstruosos Gigan y Ghidra sobre las ciudades.
The Armed Organization
Violent Gang Re-Arms is a rousing tale of friction in yakuza and labor interactions with Koji Tsurata as a yakuza supervising a dockworker's union. He finds himself between a rock and a hard place, at odds with both the dockworkers' leader (Tomisaburo Wakayama) and sadistic, unprincipled bosses (Fumio Watanabe and Tetsuro Tamba).
Contemporary Tales of Chivalry: Forbidden Love
A story of lone wolf struggling with human compassion and duty.
I Hear the Whistle
Tells of the feelings and sufferings of a young girl with an incurable paralytic disease.
The Gambling Nun
A young woman, an experienced gambler, enters a nunnery to atone for some of her father's crimes. When the nunnery runs into debt, she resorts to gambling and challenges the racketeer threatening to sell the place to a game.
The Gambler's Counterattack
Aiba is a gang boss who has just got out of jail, and finds everything has changed. His old gang has broken up, and only a few people still respect him. So he becomes a consultant to another gang who are about to be clobbered by a much larger gang moving in from out of town. Aiba proves a crafty tactician, and does very well at playing gangs off against each other in order to save the smaller gang. His advice is not always taken by those he tries to help, but he is generally proved right.
City of Beasts
Japanese crime movie.
Brave Red Flower of the North
An exciting tale of action on the distant northern island of Hokkaido around the beginning of the 20th Century starring two of the biggest names in Yakuza film history, Fuji Junko and Takakura Ken. Since the death of death of her father, Yuki who has traveled from her home in the southernmost part of Japan must fight corrupt local officials seeking to fill her late father's post. As her life is in danger a mysterious rifleman, played by Takakura Ken watches from the shadows. Can she finish the work her dear departed father started in an untamed land?
Team of Ruffians
Division Commander Sakai
Prisoners with special skills from all over Japan are sent to the battlefront on a mission.
Showdown at Nagasaki
When Keiji Takama returns to Nagasaki, he finds many changes. The rights of the entertainment field that had been held by his family have been taken over by the Matsui Group, a new gangster setup. So he becomes head of the Takama Group to regain lost territory. With the cooperation of all the Bosses from Tokyo to Nagasaki, who had known his father, Keiji recovers the rights to put on shows at the City Hall. As he had feared, however, Matsui begins to interfere with his plans. Keiji's men are furious, but he knows better than to take up the cudgels with Matsui at this important time. Whatever Matsui does, Keiji goes one better. Frustrated and bitter, Matsui calls in the help of Koiwa, a killer. Now, having tried his best to oust Keiji but finding that he is made of sterner stuff than he had counted on, he decides to have Koiwa do away with him for good.
The Biggest Gamble
When Honjo is selected as Kansai district's chairman, Iwasa of the rival gang asks Itsuki to do everything possible to have Honjo step down, which puts Itsuki between a rock and a hard place.
Japan Organized Crime Boss
Nada más salir de la cárcel y esperando por una vida tranquila, un yakuza de Yokohama llamado Tetsuo Tsukamoto debe coger las riendas de su familia tras la muerte de su jefe. Su pequeña banda está en medio de una contienda entre un gran grupo yakuza de Osaka y la alianza de Tokyo por el control de la ciudad. Él trata de mantenerse fiel al viejo código yakuza, pero eso no le prepara para enfrentarse con los nuevos matones, que viven y luchan sin honor. (
Our Wasteland
Tetsuya, a worker at a US Air Base who moonlights as a bartender with his bar hostess roommate, dreams to move to the United States one day. Meanwhile, his best friend Jun wants to build a home on some local wasteland. Yet the introduction of Yuki, who they both fall in love with, begins to tear their friendship apart.
Nubes dispersas
Yumiko, una joven esposa, está embarazada por primera vez. Hiroshi, su esposo, trabaja en el Ministerio de Comercio e Industria. Recién ascendido, le espera un nuevo destino en Washington. Sin embargo, el cuento de hadas se derrumba cuando Hiroshi muere atropellado en un accidente de tráfico. El conductor del coche, Mishima, es declarado inocente, pero su conciencia le atormenta profundamente, y decide ofrecer ayuda a Yumiko. Ésta la rechaza y decide abortar. Mishima padece amargamente las consecuencias del accidente.
Rise Against the Sword
Kesho Yada
Farmer Abare Goemon is confronted by brigand-like samurai. He raises an army of farmers to fight them and does so brilliantly. When Lord Asakura sees the success Goemon has achieved, he attempts to recruit him to fight in a conflict between Asakura and another clan. Goemon refuses, and Lord Asakura sets out to destroy him.
Nerves for Victory
A young yakuza who respects obligation and humanity must face cruel and heartless turf wars leading to a fight to the death with his own brother.
Moment of Terror
When an only child is struck by a car and dies, the child's mother seeks vengeance against the driver in this thrilling drama. The car was driven by the wife of a company president who is having an affair. The woman's husband manages to buy silence about the incident, but the victim's mother discovers the identity of the driver. After she secures a job in the home of the company president and his philandering spouse, the woman plans to murder the couple's son when he reaches the age of her late son.
Thirst for Love
Natsuko, a Tokyo bar proprietress, and Yuki, a Kyoto Ryokan owner, vie for the affections of an advertising professional.
Cat Girls Gamblers: Abandoned Fangs of Triumph
Ryuji Maisaka
Yukiko is on her way to meet Boss Gunji. Judging by her appearance, no one would suspect that this beautiful young woman, sitting quietly in a suburban train, is the only woman able to beat the best professional players in Japan; or that she is wearing the tattoo of the man that loved her and died for her...
Los monstruos invaden la Tierra
Minister of Defense
Dos astronautas, uno norteamericano y otro japonés, viajan hasta el Planeta X, un nuevo astro que ha surgido más allá de Júpiter. Allí descubren una civilización extraterrestre, los X-iens, que vive en un complejo mundo subterráneo protegiéndose de las desastrosas condiciones de la superficie, dominada por una destructiva criatura monstruosa que han bautizado como Monster Zero.
Beast Alley
"When human beings venture too far along a trail made by wild beasts, it is said, they quite often discover themselves on a road of no return." Based on the novel of the same name by Seichô Matsumoto.
Miyamoto Musashi 05: Musashi Vs Kojiro
The fifth and final installment with the build up of the epic battle between Sasaki Kojiro and Miyamoto Musashi. With all the familiar characters making appearances: Otsu (Musashi's great love), Akemi, Matahachi (his former fellow soldier), old lady Osugi (still doggedly trying to defeat Musashi), and even the return of Priest Takuan (the man responsible for his journey towards enlightenment). But most of all, the boastful, long-haired and long-sworded Sasaki Kojiro.
Lord Tokugawa Ieyasu
In turbulent 16th-century Japan, the leaders of a minor fief have their child taken from them as a political hostage. His mother and his clan endure years of tribulations until he can return.
El asesinato
Jûjirô Ishii
La película cuenta la breve vida de Hachiro Kiyokawa, un ambicioso ronin de finales del siglo XIX japonés. Kiyokawa, un personaje misterioso y experto luchador, se mueve entre las dos facciones enfrentadas (el Shogun y el Emperador) para luchar por sus propios fines.
Reiko es viuda, su esposo Morita ha muerto en la guerra, dejándola al cargo del negocio familiar, que cada vez pierde más clientes a manos de los grandes supermercados. Koji, hermano de Morita, regresa de Tokio, aparentemetne dispuesto a echar una mano pero complicará más las cosas.
The Young Ace in Hawaii
Fourth entry in Toho's Wakadaishō series directed by Jun Fukuda and released on a simultaneous screening with Matango. Filmed on location in Hawaii.
El infierno del odio
Chief Physician
En un momento crucial de su vida financiera, Gondo, un hombre de negocios, recibe la noticia de que su hijo ha sido secuestrado, y el rescate exigido es una cantidad de dinero similar a la que necesita para cerrar una importante negociación. Gondo está dispuesto a pagar el rescate hasta que comprende que los secuestradores se han equivocado y se han llevado al hijo del chófer. Ahora deberá decidir si el dinero es más importante que la vida del niño.
47 Ronin
Esta impresionante historia épica ha sido a veces etiquetada como la versión japonesa de "Lo Que El Viento Se Llevó". Chusha Ichikawa personifica a un señor feudal poderoso y despiadado que lucha contra el virtuoso y joven noble, Yuzo Kayama. Ichikawa encuentra una victoria parcial cuando engaña a Kayama y lo convence de hacerse el Hara Kiri. La venganza será realizada por los cuarenta y siete samuráis de Kayama. Basada en una leyenda japonesa venerable, la historia de Chushingura ha sido filmada en varias ocasiones, pero sólo la versión de 1941 (47 Ronin) estuvo a la altura de la versión de 1962, del gran director Hiroshi Inagaki.
Happy Go-Lucky
An irresponsible salaryman works his way to the top of the corporate ladder.
En el Japón de la era Tokugawa, un grupo de nueve jóvenes samuráis está decidido a acabar con la corrupción reinante y a acabar con todos los que están relacionados con ella. Consiguen el apoyo del inspector de policía Kikui y se preparan para llevar a cabo su plan. Poco después, aparece Sajuro, un personaje salido de entre las sombras, que empezará a actuar y a poner orden en medio del caos.
An Indian prince leaves his world of comfort and riches behind to wander and meditate for six years in search of spiritual enlightenment. Siddartha (Cojoin Hong) turns his back on the old religion when people are starving needlessly and holy rituals include human sacrifices. During his meditations, he is tempted by erotic dancing women, demons, and the evil machinations of his criminal cousin. Devastate to attain the spiritual perfection and become the Buddha. He travels to convert followers by his kindness and wisdom, gaining a multitude of believers when he stops an elephant from crushing a local priest. Buddha of course goes on to become one of the great religious leaders of the world.
A Man in Red
Takashi, who took the blame when his father shot a gangster, returns home after serving a four-year sentence, only to find it infested with yakuza running a dope ring. Battling gangsters all the way, Takashi searches for his former girlfriend, now a drug addict.
The Gambler's Code
One of Japan's most popular stories is the tale of Kutsukake Tokijiro, a traveling gambler who finds that he must take care of the wife and child of a yakuza he had been forced by the code of the gamblers to fight man to man. In a brilliant performance from super-star Ichikawa Raizo, with strong support from two of the greats from Toho, Shimura Takashi (7 Samurai) and Aratama Michiyo (Sword of Doom) the heartfelt story reaches new heights. Tokijiro, having learned the true nature of the boss to whom he was obligated for having spent a night and eaten at the gang's headquarters takes up arms against them in a running battle fought across the back roads of the entire nation. Another powerful rendition of this superb story, it is not to be missed!
Yojimbo (El mercenario)
En el siglo XIX, en un Japón todavía feudal, un samurái llega a un poblado, donde dos bandas de mercenarios luchan entre sí por el control del territorio. Muy pronto el recién llegado da muestras de ser un guerrero invencible, por lo que los jefes de las dos bandas intentan contratar sus servicios.
Vagabonds from Badgerville
A musical about the escapades of some tanuki passing themselves off as humans in human society.
Satan's Sword II: The Dragon God
El asesino Tsuke Ryunosuke conoce a una mujer que se parece a su esposa asesinada Hama, y ​​juntos tratar de evitar la venganza que buscan su hermano menor, Utsuki Hyoma de los Shinsengumi. Muchas figuras históricas se encuentran en esta película y supuestamente el carácter de Ryunosuke se basó en una persona de la vida real. Esta es la segunda de la trilogía.
Samurai Save The Virgin
A gripping historical drama full of suspense and a mysterious bewitching mood. A puzzle of a turbulent era in which various characters fall into a maelstrom of events - a pretty girl, a strange beggar woman, a charming thief, a clever detective, the famous magistrate Toyama Saemon no jo, they all struggle to unravel this mystery of the white bell, which provoked the sudden disappearance of two beautiful women caught in one place at the same time at midnight.
Lord Tadanao
Scars of Honor
Japan, 1643, as the Kato clan of Aizu falls from power two brave samurai will settle a dispute in the time-honored tradition of their clan, by drawing their blades in a duel to the death.
Los canallas duermen en paz
Managing Director Miura
La hija del presidente de una importante empresa inmobiliaria se casa con Nishi, el secretario de su padre. Durante la boda, ciertos rumores y comentarios circulan entre los invitados: cinco años antes, cuando un hombre murió, tras caer por la ventana del último piso del edificio de la compañía, mucha gente dudó de la versión oficial, según la cual se había tratado de un suicidio.
Life of a Country Doctor
A skilled country doctor's talents are such that he can even perform operations as difficult and novel as removing a patient's kidney for the first time in Japan. Unfortunately for him, however, his wife's addiction to gambling is of such a magnitude that he is down to selling his underwear to make money. The image sticks and he becomes known as the 'underwear doctor.' On the other hand, his successful surgery's patient is so grateful he himself wants to become a physician.
El entierro del sol
En un barrio de chabolas de Osaka, Hanako se dedica, durante el día, a la compra de sangre que luego vende a compañías cosméticas y, durante la noche, trabaja de prostituta. Cuando su socio en la compra de sangre se le insinúa, Hanako le responde que su relación sólo es profesional. En efecto, Hanako es una mujer de negocios que intenta ganarse el respeto de tres bandas rivales.
Jirocho - The Chivalrous
The exciting story of Jirocho and his yakuza gang that controlled the area of the Tokaido during the latter days of the samurai era. Awesome fighting from Katsu Shintaro as One-Eyed Ishimatsu highlights this great tale taken from Japanese history!
The Demon of Mount Oe
A demon-faced monster seeking revenge appears in the forms of a gigantic ox and a huge spider! The young Genji warrior protects the Fujiwara Clan and the beautiful lady in tragic love! A grand visual epic told with mesmerizing extravagance!
Yûrei koban
Mission Accomplished
The Princess Says No
Samurai Vendetta
Two amiable samurai wind up on opposite sides of the vendetta between Lord Asano's retainers and the family of Lord Kira that led to the famous revenge of the 47 Ronin.
The Lord Pretends
Nadahachi Ôkawagishi
Jan Arima no shûgeki
Jirocho Fuji
Legendary yakuza Shimizu Jirocho and his 28 henchmen travel the unruly path from a 'Fire Festival' in Akiba to a decisive battle by the Fujigawa.
Lord Nobunaga's Early Days
Gambler and the Princess
Film directed by Kenji Misumi.
Bakeneko goyō da
The Gay Masquerade
The film won 1959 Blue Ribbon Awards for best actor Raizo Ichikawa and for best cinematography Kazuo Miyagawa. The film also won 1959 Kinema Junpo Award for best actor Raizo Ichikawa.
Tomboy Samurai
The beautiful daughter of a merchant with a penchant for danger proves to be too much to handle for her worried father. Disguising herself as a man and changing her name, she heads for the capital...
Inochi wo Kakeru Otoko
Hanatarō Jumon
Los Bárbaros invaden La Tierra
Un grupo de extraterrestres llega a la Tierra y pide permiso para conseguir un lugar donde su gente pueda vivir. Pero pronto se descubre que realmente son invasores, creadores ademas de un gran robot que está destruyendo las ciudades terráqueas, por lo que las fuerzas militares humanas tratarán de detenerlo con cualquier arma disponible.
Freelance Samurai
One of Japanese folklore's most popular characters is brought to life on the silver screen in this terrific version of legendary Demon slaying Peach Boy.
Inazuma Kaidō
Mangorō Tengu
Yataro’s Travel Hat
Kodokan Under a Morning Moon
The picture tells of a tremendous conflict between ju-jitsu, an aggressive art practiced by vicious hoodlums led by Takamatsu, and judo, which is used only for self-defense and championed by Sugawara. All of which, comes to a mighty match between Sugawara and Takamatsu. It's loaded with dynamite, so to speak, and lasts five minutes on the screen, Sugawara, wins. Takamatsu, a poor loser, and his four ju-jitsu hoodlum companions later ambush Sugawara in the woods. This turns out to be a mortal combat. You'd like to learn the outcome, wouldn't you?
Yagyu Secret Scrolls
In the Tokugawa Era, the clan of Lord Yagyu has hidden away three scrolls containing clan secrets which, if revealed, would cause revolution and disaster for the clan. The information is divided among the three scrolls, all of which must be possessed for the secrets to be understood. When Princess Yuhime steals the scrolls, Tasaburo, a samurai with magical powers, and his brother Senshiro are sent to retrieve them.
Street of Ronin
Based on the famous novel by Yamagami Itaro, this is the story of a group of ronin living in abject poverty in the latter days of the Edo period. Starring the great Konoe Jushiro, Ronin Gai is populated by an ensemble of colorful characters, social outcasts who patronize a restaurant and bar on the outskirts of Edo. Among them are masterless samurai reduced to drunkenness and debauchery. One disgraced and disillusioned former warrior gets a chance at redemption when he is hired to retrieve a famous knife from a corrupt lord. This is the third version directed by Makino Masahiro and is considered a true classic.
Trono de sangre
Japón feudal, siglo XVI. Adaptación del "Macbeth" de William Shakespeare. Cuando los generales Taketori Washizu y Yoshaki Miki regresan de una victoriosa batalla, se encuentran en el camino con una extraña anciana, que profetiza que Washizu llegará a ser el señor del Castillo del Norte. A partir de ese momento, su esposa lo instigará hasta convencerlo de que debe cumplir su destino.
The Storm
With one of the busiest film industries in the world, Japan was able to submit several films into competition at the 1957 Berlin Film Festival. One of the best of these was Arashi, directed by Hiroshi Inagaki of Rickshaw Man fame. Anticipating Hollywood's Table for Five by nearly a quarter of a century, the film concerns the efforts by a recently widowed high-school teacher to raise his four children alone. Chihu Ryu is terrific as the central character, while Izumi Yukimura is even better as Ryu's eldest daughter. For reasons unknown, Arashi is often omitted from "official" lists of Inagaki's films.
Seiryū no dōkutsu
Part 2 of adventure movie
Jagā no me
First part of adventure movie
Crónica de un ser vivo
Poco después de terminada la Segunda Guerra Mundial (1939-1945) Kiiji Nakajima, un anciano atemorizado por las consecuencias del bombardeo de Hiroshima y Nagasaki, vive obsesionado con la idea de construir un refugio antiatómico. Sin embargo, cuando algún tiempo después se plantea emigrar con su familia a Brasil para evitar la amenaza nuclear, su decisión tropieza con la incomprensión de todos los que lo rodean.
A Man Among Men
Gangsters Ken and Maki are rivals in the ticket-scalping game. They make an uneasy truce, but Ken wrecks the truce by agreeing to fix a boxing match in which Maki has an interest in one of the fighters. After a terrible brawl, the two gangsters discover that they have both been played for suckers by their bosses. They join forces to turn the tables on the bosses.
Ghost Man
A ghost man with his face hidden entirely by bandages is killing beautiful nude models. Detective Kindaichi investigates.
Dorodarake no seishun
Shigeki Kachi, Tosuke Satomura, and Nanako, who belong to the theater company Vuanbert around Dosa, withdrew at the indignation of the chairman Hayashi and seeked their own careers in the film industry.
The Black Current
A reporter Takuo, who is sleeping in the newspaper room of the Maichō newspaper company, receives a sudden report from a reporter that the missing Akiyama JNR president was found dead.
The Street Without Sun
Extraordinary detective
Los siete samuráis
Samurai Who Kicks Farmers
Una banda de forajidos atemorizan a los habitantes de un pequeño pueblo, saqueándolos periódicamente sin piedad. Para repeler estos ataques, los aldeanos deciden contratar a mercenarios. Finalmente, consiguen los servicios de 7 guerreros, 7 samurais dispuestos a defenderlos a cambio, tan solo, de cobijo y comida.
La puerta del infierno
Japón, 1159. Moritō, un valiente samurái, realiza un acto heroico rescatando a la encantadora Kesa durante un violento levantamiento. Moritō se enamora de ella, pero se angustia cuando se entera de que está casada.
Jirocho's Home-Coming
Her Captive Gamblers
Tower of Lilies
A group of Okinawan high school girls are drafted as nurses during the American invasion of the island. As the enemy army advances further, the situation for the girls becomes increasingly desperate as food and shelter run out and the number of injured climbs, leading to the film's tragic finale.
Riverside Fish Market Empire
Obscure Japanese movie by director Kyotaro Namiki
Miki, the Swordman
After mastering swordsmanship at the dojo of Chiba Shusaku, and unable to serve a clan due to his illness, Hirate Miki becomes a ronin who winds up as bodyguard to Shigezo of Sasagawa leading up to an epic battle.
The Man Without a Nationality
Military police officer
Thriller drama by Kon Ichikawa
The White Orchid
A Japanese adaptation of Guy de Maupassant's short story Boule de Suif, directed by Kimura Keigo
Tokyo File 212
A Communist spy ring in Japan is hard at work trying to sabotage the American war effort during the Korean War, using kidnapping, murder and a disturbed former kamikaze pilot. A U.S. secret agent, posing as a reporter, is dispatched to Tokyo to put a stop to these nefarious activities.
Senka o koete
Sanshiro of Ginza
Goro Kawamoto
An early film by Kon Ichikawa
Street of Violence
An attempt is made to suppress a journalist's investigation of collusion between a rural police chief and the local gangster bosses.
El perro rabioso
Police Inspector Nakajima
Ambientada en la postguerra japonesa tras la II Guerra Mundial (1939-1945). Con la estructura del thriller americano y los convencionalismos japoneses, narra la historia de un joven detective al que roban su pistola. Agobiado por un sentimiento de deshonor más que de pérdida, emprende, con un veterano compañero, una frenética e incansable búsqueda que lo lleva a los bajos fondos de Tokyo.