Yoshisuke Makino


Willful Murder
The president of the Japanese National Railways is found dead during a period in which train service is plagued by numerous layoffs, strikes and shutdowns. The government says that the president was murdered; the police claim it was a suicide. A quizzical reporter follows the case for years, but the basic question remains unanswered: was the victim killed by members of the burgeoning Communist movement in Japan, or was the death stage-managed by the authorities in hopes of discrediting the Communists?
El infierno del odio
Detective Takahashi
En un momento crucial de su vida financiera, Gondo, un hombre de negocios, recibe la noticia de que su hijo ha sido secuestrado, y el rescate exigido es una cantidad de dinero similar a la que necesita para cerrar una importante negociación. Gondo está dispuesto a pagar el rescate hasta que comprende que los secuestradores se han equivocado y se han llevado al hijo del chófer. Ahora deberá decidir si el dinero es más importante que la vida del niño.