Veit Schubert

Nacimiento : 1960-01-01,


Jesus Cries
JESUS CRIES is a modern adaptation of the New Testament. The story is set in a fictitious metropolis in the near future. The First and Third Worlds are reflected in one city. The divide between poor and wealthy continually grows. As insurrection begins, Jesus of Nazareth becomes the political and spiritual force behind change. He is arrested, tortured, and executed. After his death, his disciples are thrown into confusion with feelings of doubt and guilt. They fight over the interpretation of his teachings and their responsibility to his vision. Will they themselves move to action?
Verano en Berlín
Verano en Berlín. Katrin y Nike son dos amigas que viven en una casa antigua de lo que fue Berlín Este. El piso de Nike tiene un balcón, donde pasa noches enteras charlando con Katrin, que vive con su hijo en la planta baja. Suspendidas entre el cielo y la tierra, se instalan en el balcón y observan la existencia diversa y compleja de los hombres, reflexionando acerca de sus propias vidas y de sus deseos.
Père Ubu
Hauptmann Schrantzensaum
Der Verdacht
Karins Schwager
Two people love each other when they know they should not. Their parents' and friends' pleas, their social backgrounds and reputation, their careers; everything is used to make them give each other up. Flattery, lies and threats finally drive Frank to despair and Karin to treason. But it is not due to their parents' hatred, nor to any greed for inherited wealth. Rather, the mere conjecture expressed by the authorities is enough to set off a merciless mechanism.
Die kriegerischen Abenteuer eines Friedfertigen
Ferdinand Puttsiegel
Ich, Thomas Müntzer, Sichel Gottes
Thomas Müntzer