Juliane Maier


Dark Satellites
Costume Design
A snack bar owner smokes with his Muslim neighbor in the stairwell of their apartment building at night. Her husband is his good friend. They draw closer to one another as the nights go on and look out over the city to the dark satellites, the brutalist concrete buildings on the outskirts of the city - relics of the GDR past. A security guard watches over Objekt 95, a satellite town with a residential complex which many foreigners call home. While on patrol at night, he gets to know a young Ukrainian woman who fled her home country when the war broke out. He wants to protect her, while his friend, the “old security guard”, radios to him from an abandoned Russian barrack night after night. A woman from the train cleaning service drinks in a train station bar after her night shift. There, she meets a hairdresser. The two of them become friends and spend many nights together in the station. Every night, her desire grows even greater for this woman who is exactly as lonely as she is.
Costume Designer
Isn’t the trajectory of a shared life determined in advance? Get married, have kids, be like everyone else… According to Dietrich Brüggemann, who competed in Vary six years ago, 30-somethings conceivably have it all, yet they fail in their attempts to achieve their set ideals. Nö delivers a critique of contemporary values, while also highlighting the struggle to find and nurture love.
Guerra de mentiras (Curveball)
Costume Designer
Aunque ya ha buscando sin éxito armas de destrucción masiva en Irak como miembro de una misión especial de las Naciones Unidas, el experto en armas bioquímicas Arndt Wolf sigue estando obsesionado con la idea de que Saddam Hussein esconde algo. Ninguna de las personas que le rodean muestra el menor interés en esta cuestión, circunstancia que cambia de la noche a la mañana cuando un refugiado político del gobierno iraquí asegura haber estado involucrado en la creación de este tipo de armas. El Servicio de Inteligencia Federal alemán convoca a Wolf para que evalúe si la información del informante, a quien se le ha otorgado el sobrenombre de "Curveball", es o no cierta.
Heart of Stone
Costume Design
Peter y Lisbeth son dos jóvenes pero desafortunados enamorados que viven en una comunidad rural rígida en el Bosque Negro. Ella viene de una familia rica de sopladores de vidrio; él es un pobre trabajador del carbón en el extremo inferior de la sociedad. Para hacerse rico y respetado, Peter hace un pacto con un diablo llamado Dutch Michael, que rasga su corazón y lo reemplaza con una piedra. Robado de todo calor y sentimiento, Peter se convierte en un emprendedor de corazón frío que rápidamente logra sus objetivos. Sin piedad se esfuerza por el dinero y el poder. Pero Lisbeth ya no reconoce a Peter como el hombre que una vez amó y se vuelve contra él.
Tiempo de caníbales
Costume Design
Dos exitosos asesores han viajado por varios de los países más convulsos del planeta con una sola idea en mente: satisfacer la codicia de sus clientes y civilizar la expansión del capitalismo. Frank Öllers y Kai Niederländer, son a su modo como Quijote y Sancho, espíritus y presencias, estereotipos y símbolos de su tiempo, que como el título bien indica, podríamos definir como la “era de los caníbales”.
The Albanian
Costume Design
Handsome Albanian villager Arben wants to marry Etleva, daughter of a neighboring clan, but her father has promised her to another man who is offering a 10,000€ bride price. But when it turns out Etleva is carrying Arben's child, the pressure is on for him to come up with the dowry before the baby is born -- and before her brothers take revenge for the dishonor he has brought their family. Fleeing to Berlin without papers, experience or knowledge of the language, Arben soon learns the ways of survival.
Friedliche Zeiten
Costume Design
1. Mai – Helden bei der Arbeit
Costume Design
An eleven-year-old Turkish boy, two young men from a small town, and a cuckolded policeman from the sticks all find their way to Berlin on May Day, where, in the district of Kreuzberg, emotions come to the boil every year.