Julien Courbey
Nacimiento : 1976-03-12, Toulouse, Haute-Garonne, France
A black man in his thirties, from a very privileged and over-educated background, finds himself reduced to becoming a security guard in a supermarket in order to enter the working world. In order to be accepted by his new colleagues, he will quickly have to deny his culture and pass himself off as scum.
The adventures of a family of genetically modified super-zombies.
En París, dos traficantes disfuncionales utilizan los lazos familiares para intentar impulsar su pequeño negocio de drogas en esta burda comedia basada en la serie web.
Eugène depende de un software capaz de generar un flujo continuo de sueños y eso es lo que estamos buscando, ¿verdad?
Christalle is seventeen and lives in the middle of the countryside with her grandfather André. She often visits her father Franck, who lives in a floating cabin on the Loire River. When she has to transport drugs to Orléans, Christalle is threatened by local traffickers. Franck and André must join forces to help her extricate herself from the situation.
In 2008, Sami Benboudaoud discovered the hell of Neuilly-sur-Seine. Ten years later, now that everything is for the best for Sami who brilliantly completes his studies of political science, nothing will go for his cousin Charles of Chazelle.
L'Homme de l'Île Sandwich
Mohamed holds the wall in the suburb. For almost thirty years, he has been there, always in the same entrance to a building, with the same friends. It's boredom, unemployment. Dreams are extinguished. However, around them, it circulates, it lives. It also succeeds. Women, they work and pass without even seeing them. And there are more and more strollers. Dozens of strollers. Even the younger generation is already parents. What if that was "the solution", the way out of a universe without a future? No one takes Mohamed seriously. And yet! By opening, against the general opinion, a "wild" nursery, by offering working women to keep their babies, Mohamed and his friends will offer themselves a future, a job, respect for all ... and who knows , maybe, love!
Kad, un joven marroquí que vive en las afueras de Toulouse, se ve en la obligación de escapar tras haber engañado a una banda de traficantes de droga. El es enviado con unos "amigos" extranjeros a una asociación humanitaria. Pero la asociación se revela como un lugar de reclutamiento terrorista.
Najib, who lives in Morocco, envies his brother, an architect living in France for twenty years. For lack of money, he decides to join the hexagon, but clandestinely. During his journey, he meets Attila, a Turk on the run that will drag him into his shady business. His arrival in France will be far from being as idyllic as he hoped!
Pedro Kantor
Les Barons ont une devise : "glander plus pour vivre plus". Chaque être humain naît avec un crédit de pas. Chaque pas effectué te rapproche de la mort. Nous, les Barons, on le sait dès le départ.
Professeur de sport
Samy moves from the underdeveloped crime-ridden French suburb to the riches of Neuilly.
18 ans après avoir quitté sa terre natale, Rod, jeune Parisien d´origine guyanaise, rentre au pays suite à la disparition de son frère aîné. Gonz, son ami d´enfance des cités, fait partie du voyage. À Cayenne, la révélation d´un douloureux secret de famille pousse Rod dans une quête effrénée de vérité. Il fait la connaissance de Yann, une jeune guide de tourisme écologique très remontée contre les méfaits de l’orpaillage clandestin. Tous les trois seront dès lors pris dans un engrenage, entraînés au bout fleuve, au coeur de la forêt amazonienne, dans le milieu hostile et archaïque des orpailleurs clandestins...
Mondain, Galapiat driver
Primavera de 1936. El cierre del teatro Chansonia, situado en un barrio obrero al norte de París, deja a Pigoil, Milou y Jacky en el paro. Con el apoyo de los vecinos, los tres amigos deciden tomar las riendas de su propio destino: intentan ocupar el Chansonia para producir un musical de éxito que les permita comprar el local. Cada uno de ellos tiene sus propios motivos para embarcarse en este proyecto, pero todos comparten una misma meta: poner nuevamente en orden sus vidas. Sin embargo, la empresa no va a ser fácil.
Coustaud and Milka have to organize a memorable party to bury the boy life of their friend Tom. They go into their usual cafe, where all the guests that night give their opinion of the marriage, its setbacks and its amenities.
When Jack, an aspiring young thug, tangles with the wrong people he somehow gets an audition to work for the big-time mob. After he botches one of his first jobs he goes on the lam only to be captured, tortured and chained to a tree in a remote forest. Left to die with no food or water, Jack must use his wits to survive. Encountering predators both animal and human, Jack fights for his life. He wants to be a gangster, but at what cost?
Le match France - Algérie vient chambouler le train-train de Brahim et Mouloud. Cet évènement va diviser les deux amis : Brahim revendique son identité algérienne, Mouloud fustige son refus de la France, pays qui les a vu grandir.
En 1988, alors que tout le monde rêvait d'aller faire fortune en Amérique, Johnny Leclerc, lui, ne rêvait que de devenir petit épicier en Algérie. Voici l'histoire de sa réussite !
The techno man
Urbain, a man "like everyone else" likes only one music; that of the records he listens religiously. Unfortunately, troublesome neighbors will disrupt the man who will have to act to get rid of it in a definitive way.
Choukri, alias Chouchou, a transvestite Maghrebi with clear eyes, comes illegally to Paris to find his nephew. Hired as an assistant by a psychotherapist, known for his good mood, he also work as a waiter in a transvestite cabaret of Clichy where he meets Stanislas.
Cuatro criminales de poca monta se hacen pasar por deportistas de elite, apuntándose a un Raid que se celebra en Patagonia. Su verdadero objetivo es asesinar, por cuatro millones de dólares, a la capitana de su equipo: Léonore de Segonzac, una joven y rica heredera. La misión parece "pan comido". En plena selva y en una competición de deportes de aventura, cualquiera puede sufrir "un inesperado accidente". Sin embargo, la torpeza de estos cuatro delincuentes parece no tener límite.
Nathalie lleva a su hermana menor Claire, una joven reservada, a un centro para amnésicos. Claire recibió una descarga eléctrica en un bosque y presenta pequeños lagos de memoria. Claire penetra en el seno de un universo curioso y desajustado. Conoce a Philippe, de cuarenta años, que perdió la memoria tras un accidente automovilístico que le costó la vida a su mujer y su hijo. Los dos se enamoran...
Tony is crazy about video games. But he is arrested during a hold-up which failed, and he goes to prison for eight months. When he gets out, he contacts Valery, GameStar's boss, and offers her a new video game concept.
Nico Pasquali
In this mock documentary, television journalist Christie and her camera crew trace the history and nefarious exploits of the new terrors of the French criminal underworld. The "Old School" Gang are four young men who grew up in the same orphanage; led by Letiole, they affect outlandish mid-'70s fashions and a retro-gangster/neo-blaxploitation persona as they rob, loot, and shoot their way through the seamy underbelly of Paris.
Four guys from a Paris housing project fabricate a documentary about drug dealers working in the City of Lights. When a television network falls hook, line, and sinker for the prank video, the foursome are given a free three-week vacation in the upscale resort community of Biarritz. As they interact with both locals and fellow tourists, they learn about love, friendship, racism, and the differences between the rich and the poor.
un copain de Loulou
Benoit Blanc loves living, he loves women, he loves daring. He is a famous businessman who suffers from stomach-ache. Fabiolini, a would-be actor, is a policeman and he too suffers from the same sickness. The two man face suffering in opposite ways: Benoit Blanc is optimistic while Fabiolini, always unsure of himself, is persuaded he is seriously ill. The two men meet by chance while doing a gastroscopy and become friends. After having known their real different conditions, they will change and will understand better their lives. Around them, other people, women and men, will see their lives changed, by chance, by love or solely by the life stream.
Antoine Carco, aventurero de dudosa moral, viaja a Hong Kong para hacerse cargo de su hijo y de un botín millonario que ha robado a la mafia
Le gamin hospitalisé
Shy working class 15 year-old Antoine, bored with life and school, breaks a leg and has young higher class Olivia help him with his studies. As he silently falls in love with her, he also falls in love with books and his will to become a writer.