Janine Merrey

Janine Merrey


Janine Merrey


Le mort ne reçoit plus
In his will, the late Jérôme Armandy has expressed the wish to have all the surviving members of his family summoned to the Château de l'Etang, in Provence. Firmin, Jérôme's servant, asks Claude, a Montmartre artist, to organize the reunion, to find the sum of 17 million francs which is hidden there (as a child he had been told by Armandy where the hiding place was) and to divide the amount between the different heirs. But a series of odd facts occur: Claude is knocked unconscious as he is busy opening the hiding place door; one of the heirs gets killed; and even more astounding, the dead man reappears and... asks his money back!
His Uncle from Normandy
A young American businessman, tired of his hectic life, makes an unexpected inheritance which leads him to Normandy. There he discovers, with the discomfort of an old dusty century-old house, the sweetness of life, the love of a beautiful girl and the pleasure of doing nothing.
Durand bijoutier
Mr. Durand is bored in his relationship. He takes a mistress but does not take long to return to his wife, a little because he is sad, a little also because he has affection for her, but above all out of selfish habit.
Mariette, la servante
Pantins d'amour
A rich, idle young man falls in love with a cabaret singer. Very skilful, she pretends to remain insensitive to this love, thus hoping to better achieve her ambitious ends.
La peau d'un autre
Danièle Bongrand
The very chic Parisian couturier Jean Granet has trouble with the police, and will find himself imprisoned for two weeks, in the provinces, for speeding. He manages to get himself replaced by his friend Lambelin who, for a fee, will serve the sentence in his place. This is the beginning of a series of misunderstandings.
Les gaietés du palace
Whoever brings the Countess back her stolen necklace will receive a bonus of ten thousand francs. Honoré, the vagabond, who involuntarily finds himself in possession of the jewel, offers it to a little peasant girl who had been charitable towards him and with a touch of melancholy, resumes his journey.
Œil de lynx, détective
Marc Lanterne and Monsieur Smith investigate the home of a castellan who is the victim of jealousy, justified by the way, of his wife. Monsieur Dunoyau wants to know the author of the anonymous letters he receives. After a whole series of extraordinary adventures, the truth comes out and Dunoyau is reconciled with his wife.
Les Petites Alliées
A young girl has left her family and lives as best she can on the generosity of her lovers. A naval officer introduces her to Toulon in a special environment which provides companions to sailors on leave. After some setbacks, she finds love and protection with a doctor who marries her.
Lune de miel
Freshly married, Yvonne and Jacques discover on their return from their honeymoon that they are poor and that their respective parents have lied to them. They are going to have to work hard; but everything will work out eventually.
Little One
Mister Darnétal is invited by his nephew Georges to the premiere of his extravaganza in Paris;but his partner (he did not marry her,even after all those years)is not prepared to accept it and he uses his best friend as an alibi ;the two pals intend to live a wild life in the capital where there are plenty of lovely girls.But the uncle discovers that his dear nephew has a fiancee ,actually an unwed mother for she's got a little kid.The young man has fallen for the star of his variety show,a coquette fickle Chanteuse who ,in the end ,only has eyes for her co-star in the show .Uncle gets angry ,threatens to disinherit this infamous nephew and marries the young mom ,unbeknown to his fifty-something partner who has come to meet him in Paris.
Ladies Only Compartment
On his wedding day, Robert confesses his father-in-law that twenty years ago, he seduced a lady in a sleeping car of a train. His mother-in-law overhears the conversation and convinces Robert that she was that lady and that makes Robert's bride also his daughter. The wedding is in danger of being annulled when the trickery is finally discovered.
The Lafleur Cavalryman
The reservist Lafleur, having a wife, a mistress and still running after the first petticoat that comes along, his namesake, an active soldier, finds himself embroiled in the vengeance or intrigues that all these women are plotting. Eventually, the entanglements will unravel in a final party.
Le secret d'une nuit
A very nice young man, Sylvain Renaud is "surrounded" by two bad guys who want to drag him into some very dirty business.
Brevet 95-75
Foreign spies are interested in plans for a device invented by a French aviator. They kidnap the young man but fail in their business thanks to the energy of his wife and the cunning of the mechanic.
The Amorous Garrison
In a small provincial town, the new colonel of the dragoon regiment consigns all his men. Three soldiers defy orders and jump the wall. But the colonel becomes indulgent thanks to the intervention of the general who did not remain insensitive to the charm of a young American.
L'oncle de Pékin
In this musical comedy, all the heirs of a recently deceased uncle must stay in his chateau until they find a buyer for it.If no one is found or if any of them leave, the place will be left to its Chinese servants, who devise tricks to cheat the heirs.
La margoton du bataillon
Désiré Chopin, hunter on foot and friend of François de Crecy, uses a thousand tricks to encourage the love between François and Gaby. Little Margoton is in love with Désire who disdains her. She becomes the darling of the battalion.
Le jugement de minuit
Mary Lengley
The mysterious vigilante Milton has warned Scotland-Yard of his intention to kill the lawyer Maurice Meister who is the cause of his sister's suicide. Police and detectives watch over the lawyer's home, but on the day and at the appointed time Meister is murdered.
Si tu veux
A novelist uses all means to curry favor with a particularly cantankerous engineer. After believing her to be selfish and despicable, the young man finally decides to marry her.
The Regiment's Champion
Father Sourire, who came to the Château de Villetaneuse to ask for alms, was forced to put on the uniform of the nephew who had fled from the barracks. A soldier in spite of himself, he knows the most frightening adventures which even lead him to a boxing fight from which he will emerge victorious.
A Father Without Knowing It
On the eve of getting married by order of his mother to a wealthy American heiress, Leon learns that his former friend just had a child. She cannot keep him, however, being in poverty.
Halfway Up the Sky
Greta Nelson
Cinderella of Paris
L’ancienne midinette
Love Songs
Loulou, Darling
To protect the honor of a married lady, a grammar professor pretends to be a singing teacher and falls in love with the real professor's daughter.
Le Bouif errant
Bicard nicknamed Le Bouif earns 1,000 francs for lending his body to the experiments conducted by Professor Caligari. Further adventures await him when he encounters Ladislas, a young reveler, who happens to be the crown prince of Corinthia. This one, who favors living it up over his royal duty, commissions Bicard to replace him on the throne.
La fontaine des amours
A French film star visits Coimbra and it's old university, and breaks a poor local girl's heart, as her fiancee turns his attentions to the foreign girl. In a play within the story, one is told the sad love story of Don Pedro, king of Portugal, and Inês de Castro.