Antoine Roch

Antoine Roch


Antoine Roch


Director of Photography
Harta de su vida de fugitiva, una ladrona experta decide retirarse... pero antes se propone dar el último golpe con su fiel compinche y una nueva (y peleona) conductora.
Director of Photography
For thirty years, French-Algerian sisters Zorah, Nohra and Djamila have been living in the hope of finding their brother Rheda, abducted by their father, and hidden in newly decolonised Algeria. Their relationship is shaken when Zorah, the eldest sister, decides to write a play based on the traumatising events of their childhood that haunted them their whole life. But when they learn that their father is dying, the three sisters decide to go to Algeria to seize their last opportunity to have him reveal where their brother is. When the past catches up, the three sisters have no choice but to put their differences aside.
Vuelta a casa de mi hija
Director of Photography
Esta vez, es ella quien llega. Jacqueline está de obras en su casa, así que se ve alegremente obligada a irse a vivir algunos días a casa de su hija mayor, Carole y de su yerno, ambos en plena terapia de pareja. Los "algunos días" se acaban convirtiendo en "algunos meses". Jacqueline se siente como en su casa, prepara las cenas, acapara la tele, cambia la cocina...
Elli et Clément
Director of Photography
Sin filtro
Beatrice está celebrando con su familia el lanzamiento de su libro, en el que relata el accidente de su marido, que cambió sus vidas. Frederic ha perdido la vista y no puede evitar decir todo lo que piensa: se ha convertido en un hombre impredecible, aunque sigue siendo divertido y seductor.
A New Girl In Paris!
Director of Photography
Tamara ha estado separada de Diego por dos años. Finalmente se va de casa para vivir la aventura estudiantil en París con su novia Sam. En un apartamento de galera, aceptan una convivencia con Wagner. Problema: Diego es parte del lote y ya no está soltero.
Burn Out
Director of Photography
Tony, un joven y prometedor piloto de motociclismo, se ve obligado a realizar carreras peligrosas de drogas para salvar a la madre de su hijo de un peligroso mafioso.
Hélène and Paul, early 30s and long-term singles, have been living in a two-person flat for years. Currently, graphic designer Paul wants to escape the digital constraints of his time and has acquired an age-old phone on which only "real" friends can reach him. One evening Paul gets from a friend at a party, his future predicted: Soon he will meet the love of his life, but also commit a murder. A short time later, when he meets the stunning Camille and falls in love with her, he begins to doubt with all luck. Could the prophecy really be true?
El hombre perfecto
Director of Photography
A sus 25 años, Mathieu, sigue aspirando a convertirse en un autor de prestigio: un sueño que le parece inaccesible porque, a pesar de todo su esfuerzo, no consigue que le editen nada. Mientras tanto, se gana la vida en la empresa de mudanzas de su tío. Su destino dará un vuelco el día en que, por casualidad, se tope con el manuscrito de un anciano solitario que acaba de fallecer. Mathieu dudará al principio pero acabará por hacerlo propio y publicarlo bajo su nombre. Convertido, así, en la nueva promesa de la literatura francesa, de la que ya se espera con impaciencia la segunda novela, Mathieu, ahora enamorado, se sumergirá en una espiral de mentiras y muerte para preservar a toda costa su secreto.
Attila Marcel
Director of Photography
Paul tiene treinta años, vive en un apartamento parisino con sus tías, dos viejas aristócratas que lo han criado desde los dos años con el sueño de verle convertido en un virtuoso del piano. Aislado del mundo exterior, Paul ha envejecido sin haber vivido... Hasta que conoce a la señora Proust, su vecina del cuarto piso. Esta mujer excéntrica tiene la receta para un té de hierbas que puede, a través de la música, traer de vuelta los recuerdos más profundamente enterrados.
Viva Riva!
Director of Photography
Riva is a small time operator who has just returned to his hometown of Kinshasa, Congo after a decade away with a major score: a fortune in hijacked gasoline. Wads of cash in hand and out for a good time, Riva is soon entranced by beautiful night club denizen Nora, the kept woman of a local gangster.
With Love... from the Age of Reason
Inconnu grotte
The day she turns 40, Marguerite Flora, a successful rep for a nuclear power company, begins receiving letters she'd sent to herself at age seven. The letters tell her what to do if her life hasn't turned out the way she thought it should, when she was living in poverty with her mother and brother in a small village in southern France. She decides to go back to her birthplace to get the lawyer to stop the letters, but also to visit her childhood sweetheart and her long-forgotten brother, in order to find peace within herself.
With Love... from the Age of Reason
The day she turns 40, Marguerite Flora, a successful rep for a nuclear power company, begins receiving letters she'd sent to herself at age seven. The letters tell her what to do if her life hasn't turned out the way she thought it should, when she was living in poverty with her mother and brother in a small village in southern France. She decides to go back to her birthplace to get the lawyer to stop the letters, but also to visit her childhood sweetheart and her long-forgotten brother, in order to find peace within herself.
Director of Photography
Muriel is beautiful, free-spirited and bed-ridden since a horrific accident. Leo is a drunk middle-aged ex-boxer. Desperate for work and unqualified, he interviews for Muriel, who hires him to cook and care for her against her better judgment. Initially out of his depth, Leo slowly wins Muriel's trust. As Muriel teaches him to read, he forces her to confront the joys beyond her window.
All the Beauty of the World
Director of Photography
This is the story of Franck and Tina. Franck loves Tina, but she can't love him. The man of her life has just died and she's having a nervous breakdown. During a journey to Asia, where Tina attempts rediscover her zest for life, Franck gradually becomes indispensable as a guide, traveling companion and, soon, friend... Will Tina eventually fall in love with him?
Ce qu'ils imaginent
"What they imagine" - Bernard chokes to death on a boiled egg while his wife looks on. Juliette watches him suffocate without intervening and, as though waking from a long sleep, she abruptly leaves their house, marching straight ahead. Arriving in Havre by chance, she tries to board a freighter, but must wait 48 hours. In the port, she encounters Santiago, a young man who sells chips from his father's mobile stall.
Quiéreme si te atreves
Director of Photography
Lo que comenzó como un juego de infancia entre Sophie y Julien, un juego de atrevidos retos, con el tiempo se ha convertido en una forma de vida. Sophie y Julien llevan ese juego hasta el límite, se burlan de todo y de todos y se hacen daño deliberadamente. Moderno cuento de hadas que relata una grotesca y hermosa relación de amor-odio.
Anomalies passagères
Director of Photography
O Fato Completo ou À Procura de Alberto
Director of Photography
"At first everything was relatively simple. I was looking for a boy of African origins, between 16 and 18 years old to incarnate the role of Alberto in the film I had just written. As they were not actors, I asked candidates to tell me a story of their choice. What they gave me was a lot of life, and they did it with such generosity and authenticity that I was the one concerned. Would I be able to find the same strength, the same emotion?" - Inês de Medeiros
Tender Souls
Director of Photography
Jacques, 50-something bachelor painter and great seducer, is about to receive the charming Claire for dinner. Broke but clever, Jacques concocted a sumptuous meal. Everything looks great when, suddenly, a door slams and turns the evening into a fiasco. Jacques will have to change his plans, play the unexpected. However, that evening, it is the unexpected that will play with him.
El domingo si Dios quiere
Director of Photography
Zouina llega de su Argelia natal, con sus tres hijos. Viene a reunirse con su marido, Ahmed, el cual lleva diez años trabajando en Francia, y al cual ha visto muy poco en todo este tiempo. Aïcha, la madre de Ahmed, viaja con ella. A pesar de la agresividad de sus vecinos, de los constantes reproches de su suegra y de los desconfiados silencios de su marido, Zouina trata de adaptarse a su nueva vida en el exilio. La radio es su único vínculo con la vida y con las mujeres, en este país nuevo. Ya no tiene ningún tipo de relación con Argelia. Un día, se entera por casualidad de que otra familia argelina vive en el mismo pueblo, así que decide encontrarla sea como sea. (FILMAFFINITY)
Director of Photography
Camille, Eva, Ariane y Nicolas tienen cuatro cosas en común: la edad (apenas treinta años), la dedicación exclusiva a Lovespace (la editorial que han creado juntos), oír el "I will survive", de Gloria Gaynor, como antídoto contra los días de depresión y, por supuesto, su homosexualidad. Lili, la secretaria, nunca ha dudado de su propia heterosexualidad. Por ello, cuando descubre el mundo gay, lo hace como una exploradora, en busca de la clave de su propia diferencia: ¿por qué yo no? Aunque los cuatro amigos vivan su propia homosexualidad como algo muy importante y no lo oculten en su vida diaria, no responden igual en presencia de sus padres. Solamente Josepha, la madre de Camille, una burguesa poco convencional, está al corriente. Con el fin de ayudar a padres e hijos a dialogar, Josepha decide organizar un fin de semana familiar en su castillo: así la verdad saldrá por fin a la luz.
A Brother...
Director of Photography
Loic and Sophie are siblings living with their mother in a block of flats. The impetuous, promiscuous Loic is a talented photographer about to make it to the big time, but being pulled back by loyalty to his best friend and ex-lover, both junkies. Sophie, a schoolgirl on holidays, is quietly undergoing a sexual awakening, observing from a distance Loic's milieu; she begins an affair with his business partner to Loic's quasi-incestuous disapproval. Loic is spotted by a prominent editor, but becomes increasingly unhinged, by his friend's violent struggles with dealers, by his lover's demands, by Sophie's 'betrayal', by his own 'demons'. Tragedy inevitably strikes.
Director of Photography
Authentically painful study of an ill-matched couple's forlorn attempts to revive their relationship after a two-year break.
Two Brothers, My Sister
Director of Photography
This dark and intense drama follows the slow and painful destruction of a young, passive woman as she watches her family fall apart. Maria is the shy and dutiful daughter upon whose shoulders the family traumas have fallen. In addition to a regular job she cooks, cleans, and studies. Her parents offer no assistance as her father is blind, with a tendency towards violence when drinking. His wife, the focus of his violence is terribly unhappy. After a particularly brutal beating, Maria's brothers rise up against the father and end up leaving the home. It is up to Maria to try to bring the factions together. Maria's pressures increase after she calmly stabs her boss during an attempted rape, and then copes with her mother's suicide.
La valse des pigeons
Director of Photography
Foued is a little schemer from Barbes, who doesn't listen enough to his two accomplices of always, Philippe and Pierrot. He prefers to follow the idea of Manu, a young woman who wants to use her three "pigeons" by carrying out a heist intended to avenge her father. Demasked then adopted, it is four pigeons who will go up to Paris to carry out the business.
Kieslowski: Dialogue
Camera Operator
Documentary featuring a candid interview with Kieślowski and rare behind-the-scenes footage from the set of The Double Life of Véronique
La Jeune Fille et la Mort
Director of Photography
Mi hombre es un salvaje
Tras casarse en Caracas con Vittorio, Nelly, abrumada por las dudas, se escapa. Mientras Vittorio la busca, ella conoce a Martin, un francés de mediana edad, y le pide ayuda. Él la lleva hasta el aeropuerto y le da dinero para que coja un vuelo a París. Cuando Martin cree que ya la tranquilidad y la calma han vuelto a su vida, resulta que Nelly ha vuelto.