Aubrey Dexter

Aubrey Dexter


Aubrey Dexter


El príncipe y la corista
The Ambassador
Durante una visita a Londres para la coronación del rey Jorge V, el gran duque de Carpathia conoce a Elsie, una bella corista a la que invita a cenar a su embajada. La velada no sale tal y como estaba prevista, debido a varias interrupciones inesperadas. Sin embargo, al día siguiente, ambos se darán cuenta de que ha surgido entre ellos un sentimiento muy especial. Basándose en una obra de teatro del dramaturgo inglés Terence Rattigan, Laurence Olivier dirigió esta película que podría entenderse como una variación de "La Cenicienta".
The Counterfeit Plan
Joe Lepton
An escaped murderer flees France to England, where he forces an ex-forger, now established as a reputable estate owner, and the forger's daughter who knew nothing of his past, to counterfeit 5-pound notes for mass distribution around the countryside.
Noche en la ciudad
Fergus Chilk (uncredited)
Harry Fabian trabaja a comisión como gancho de un club, pero es ambicioso y sueña con hacerse independiente. Para conseguirlo no dudará en embaucar al campeón del mundo de lucha greco-romana para que se enfrente a su hijo Kristo, que controla la lucha en Londres.
Room to Let
In 1904 London, neighbors begin to suspect that a very strange man calling himself Dr. Fell may indeed be the famous Jack the Ripper.
Saloon Bar
A bookmaker with a fancy for detective work attempts to prevent the execution of a potentially innocent man.
Castle of Crimes
A wealthy French widow is poisoned in her home, Inspector Hanaud investigates..
Old Mother Riley in Society
Old Mother Riley does the laundry for the dancers in the pantomime "Aladdin", where her daughter Kitty works as a chorus girl. Sneaking a peek at the show one day, Mother Riley accidentally pops up through a trap door onto the stage. Accosted by the angry star, Mother Riley’s belligerent responses have the audience in stitches. Outraged, the star walks out, leaving Kitty to take over the leading role, to great success.
Luz de gas
House Agent
En plena época victoriana un pianista se casa con una bella joven, y juntos se van a vivir a casa de una tía de ella misteriosamente asesinada años atrás. La felicidad de la mujer termina cuando empieza a oír ruidos que la aterrorizan.
Young Man's Fancy
An aristocrat falls in love with a human cannonball
Sixty Glorious Years
Prince of Wales
Continuing the story of 'Victoria the Great'.
Please Teacher
Tommy Deacon learns that a gift bequeathed by his aunt is hidden in her house inside a bust of Napoleon. However, the house has been sold, and is now a girls school and to gain admission Tommy has to pose as the elder brother of Anne, one of the pupils. His arrival in the school results in a variety of escapades, but Tommy resolutely persists in his search for the missing legacy...
Whom the Gods Love: The Original Story of Mozart and His Wife
Mozart biopic.
The Private Secretary
A timid and dim-witted clergyman is duped into helping a playboy avoid his creditors, inherit his uncle's fortune and get the girl.
Cross Currents
Colonel Bagge-Grant
A Devon Vicar mistakenly comes under suspicion of murdering a rival in love.
The Love Test
Romance set in a chemical factory.
While a houseguest at an upper-class gathering, wealthy Jew Ferdinand de Levis is robbed of £1,000 with evidence pointing towards the guilt of another guest, Captain Dancy. Instead of supporting De Levis, the host attempts to hush the matter up and when this fails, he sides with Dancy and subtly tries to destroy de Levis' reputation. When Dancy is later exposed, and commits suicide, de Levis is blamed for his demise.
Lo mejor es lo malo conocido
Colonel (uncredited)
El contable Fred Hill y su esposa Emily darían lo que fuera por cambiar su monótona existencia de familia de clase media. Cuando un tío suyo les regala una gran cantidad de dinero, emprenden un lujoso viaje en barco por todo el mundo. Pero durante la travesía surgirán conflictos conyugales.