Si Yeung-Ping


Z Storm
Line Producer
Frente al más crítico caso de corrupción, un grupo de investigadores del ICAC, intentarán detener a los responsables y mantener la reputación de Hong Kong como un lugar libre de ella.
Tai Chi II
A young Tai Chi master fights Opium smugglers with the aid of his powerful braid while wooing a girl.
The Great Conqueror's Concubine
Insurrection deposes the tyrannical first emperor of China during the evil Qin Dynasty. Warrior/general Xiang Yu and the cunning peasant Liu Pang join forces to win through civil war. Xiang Yu's weakness for Lady Yu combine with Liu Pang's treachery result in Liu founding the legendary Han dynasty
Nacido para defender
Jet, un joven soldado, al término de la Segunda Guerra Mundial debe superar a algunos estadounidenses abusivos que están intimidando al pueblo chino.
Ah Ying
Chronicles the growth of a young woman as she dabbles in Hong Kong’s independent film scene. Based in part on Hui’s real-life experiences.