Shiro Kaieda is appointed the captain of Japan's first nuclear submarine, jointly built by Japan and the United States in top secret. However, he and his 76 crew members go rogue in this story that delves into themes of nuclear war, international politics, and world peace.
Koichi Ishimoto
In the present day, the local government of Katori City is in the process of sponsoring a taiga drama about its famous historical figure Tadataka Ino, who is known for being the first person to make a map of Japan in 1821. During the process of of making the drama series, a surprising fact is discovered about the first map. That fact is that Tadataka Ino was not the person who made the first Japanese map.
Shinichi Ohara
Shinichi and Chikako Ohara have been married for 50 years. After Shinichi retired from his job, he has stayed at home, which Chikako stresses over. They are on the verge of having a divorce. Meanwihle, their daughter, Aya runs a food truck. She meets Ryota Kanno who is her customer. Ryota recently began working as a funeral undertaker and invites Aya to attend the Oshukatsu Fair. Aya also recommends to her mother Chikako to attend the Oshukatsu Fair. Chikako gets the latest information on preparing for death at the fair, but Shinichi doesn't like that. Their relationship gets even worse.
Komari Sano's parents ran a small Tokyo factory that manufactured aircraft parts. With her parents' influence, Komari Sano dreamed of becoming a pilot. During World War II, her older brother died as a kamikaze pilot and her parents died during the bombing of Tokyo. Komari Sano became an orphan and lived with her aunt. Her aunt ran a ryotei (high end traditional restaurant). After the war, all aerial activities were initially banned in Japan. After long negotiations with the Supreme Commander of the Allied Powers, Sizuo Matsuki, who is the security chief of Civil Aviation Bureau, finally launched Japan's civil aviation. Komari Sano applies for the position of a cabin attendant.
Shoji Tsutomu
Mikami, un ex-yakuza de mediana edad con la mayor parte de su vida en prisión, es liberado después de cumplir 13 años de condena por asesinato. Con la esperanza de encontrar a su madre perdida hace mucho tiempo, de quien fue separado cuando era niño, solicita ayuda a un programa de televisión y conoce a un joven director de televisión, Tsunoda. Mientras tanto, lucha por conseguir un trabajo adecuado y encajar en la sociedad. Su naturaleza impulsiva e inflexible y sus creencias arraigadas causan fricciones en su relación con Tsunoda y aquellos que quieren ayudarlo.
The 50th film in Tora-san series, using the old footages and newly shot scenes to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the series. The adult Mitsuo, Tora-san’s nephew, who runs into Izumi, his first love, whom he had once promised to marry. The familiar faces of Kurumaya Cafe, which Tora-san’s family ran in Shibamata, also return. Catching up with old friends, it is always their dearest memories of Tora-san which everyone shares on such occasions…
Tatsuya Nakadai, the world’s greatest living actor, returns to the screen in a brilliant adaptation of a story by novelist Shuhei Fujisawa. A traveling gambler known as “Funeral Uno” he is now 86 years old and returning to his hometown for the first time in 30 years. Partly told in flashbacks, he is forced to face his lifelong nemesis, Boss Kyuzo, a vile yakuza portrayed by another superstar of samurai cinema, Atsuo Nakamura! Before the two old gamblers can settle a 30-year-old score they must put their lives on the line in a game of dice that can only lead to a bloody sword duel the likes of which has never before been seen! Superb performances all around in a film loaded with surprises and exciting swordplay!
Shigetaro Shizuma
It is the early 1930s and the command of the Japanese Imperial Navy determines to construct the world's biggest and most formidable battleship, Yamato. One of the admirals, Yamamoto Isoroku, disagrees. He recruits the upstart and mathematics' expert Tadashi Kai who discovers there are discrepancies between the official cost estimates and the actual figures. They soon find out that they have stumbled upon a conspiracy.
Sakutaro Kondo
Set towards the end of World War II, Kaede Itakura, who leads kindergartners, and Mitsue Nonomiya, who enjoys music, persuades the parents at the school to take their children out of Tokyo. They seek shelter at an abandoned temple in Saitama while Tokyo is bombed.
Hanpeita Takeichi, a samurai, finds that he has travelled through time to modern-day Japan. He's taken in by an old man who runs a cram school, and begins to work as a teacher there.
Akira Ishikawa
Nanami Ishikawa works as an editor at a publishing company. She travels Hiroshima to go after her father Asahi who left home. During her visit to Hiroshima, she learns about the tragic story of Asahi's older sister Minami Hirano. When Minami Hirano was 13 years old, she was exposed to radiation by an atomic bomb.
Shuzo Hirata
No todos valoran lo suficiente al ama de casa. Cuando un ladrón entra en su casa, el marido y la esposa comienzan una pelea que termina con la mujer marchando de casa a su ciudad natal. Siguen una serie de percances, pasos en falso y errores domésticos. ¿Regresarán ella y su mascota o es el final de un matrimonio de veinte años? En cualquier caso, ya ordenó de anguila y arroz a domicilio para la cena.
Toko Amano worked as a detective, but to take care of her sick husband she quit her job. After her husband passed away, Toko Amano now works as a crisis management expert. 3 days ago, Toko Amano's former mother-in-law rode on an express train with beds. She witnessed a man strangling a woman and told the train conductor, but he thought she imagined it. The police later searched for the woman's body, but could not find her. Toko Amano boards the same express train that her former mother-in-law rode. She looks for the dead body.
Yuko's husband
Set in an alternate universe, the ancient capital of Kamakura is a vibrant town where fantastical creatures live alongside humans. Akiko is a cheerful publishing assistant who moves into town after marrying Masakazu, a popular mystery writer. Akiko is surprised by the unusual town but enjoys the new curiosities surrounding her. However, just as she was beginning to settle in, a trifling incident sweeps her spirit to the underworld too soon. Convinced that destiny has something else in store for his wife, Masakazu journeys into the underworld to bring back Akiko’s spirit.
Akihisa Shigemori
El conocido abogado Shigemori defiende a Misumi, acusado de robo con homicidio, que ya cumplió pena de cárcel por otro asesinato hace treinta años. Las posibilidades de que Shigemori gane el caso son escasas, ya que su cliente reconoce ser culpable, aunque esto probablemente signifique la pena de muerte. Pero a medida que desentraña el caso y escucha los testimonios del propio Misumi y de su familia, Shigemori empieza a dudar de la culpabilidad de su cliente.
Shuzo Hirata
Mientras su mujer viaja con unas amigas para ver la aurora boreal, el abuelo aprovecha para retomar antiguas amistades y rememorar viejos tiempos. Después de un pequeño accidente de circulación sin importancia se desatará el caos en la familia Hirata. Sus hijos se reunirán para intentar que deje de conducir pero el abuelo no se lo pondrá fácil.
One late night in June 1942, Sakuma Seitaro dangles from the frame of a skylight in an isolation cell in Akita Prison. He forces open the glass window and breaks out of jail. This crime even reaches the ears of Urata Susumu, the chief warden of Kosuge Prison in Tokyo. Urata had been in charge of those sentenced to life in the prison until last year. Although Sakuma is a dangerous person who had also broken out of jail in Aomori, he submits to Urata who is the only person who had treated him kindly in the past. However, three months after escaping from jail, Sakuma shows up at Urata’s house. He has come to complain about the inhumane Akita prison officers. But he is locked up again after Urata notifies the police during an unguarded moment. A year later, Sakuma is sent to Abashiri Prison and Urata is also ordered to transfer as the prison’s chief warden.
Takao Koshimizu
Keisuke Ninomiya (Yu Yokoyama) works as a construction consultant. Through his work, he becomes acquainted with yakuza Yasuhiko Kuwabara (Kuranosuke Sasaki). One day, film producer Koshimizu brings a movie investment proposal to yakuza leader Shimada. Shimada decide to invest in the film and he assigns Yasuhiko Kuwabara to oversee his investment in the film. Film producer Koshimizu though runs away with their investment money. Keisuke and Yasuhiko struggle to get Shimada’s money back from Koshimizu.
Content with his perfect life, Yoshinori Arai’s eyesight starts to fail and he despairs. How will he battle his illness and return to his dreams?
Kojiro Himuro is a champion figure skater taking part in an upcoming world competition. Yet, he is suffering from a complicated CTEPH (chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension). Kantaro Kurosu is the director of the Cross Medical Center. He asks Michiko Daimon to perform surgery on Kojiro, but, right before his surgery, she is deprived of “the most important weapon as a surgeon.”
Mitsuru Niida
A pesar de haber empezado una prometedora carrera de escritor, Ryota va de desilusión en desilusión. Se ha divorciado de Kyoko y gasta todo el dinero que gana como detective privado apostando en las carreras, por lo que finalmente no puede pagar la pensión alimentaria de su hijo de 11 años, Shingo. Ahora Ryota intenta ganarse nuevamente la confianza de sus seres queridos y formar parte de la vida de su hijo. La situación no parece fácil, pero un día un tifón obliga a toda la familia a pasar una noche juntos.
Shuzo Hirata
Un matrimonio lleva casado 50 años, al llegar el cumpleaños de ella el marido le pregunta qué desea como regalo a lo que ella contesta que quiere el divorcio... El anuncio crea el caos en la familia.
Higashiyama Zenkichi
A man and a woman committed double suicide in Kanazawa City. Immediately after the incident, Yoshiko Shiota, a woman living in Tokyo, contacts the local newspaper of Kanazawa, saying she wants to read the novel serialized in it by Ryuji Sugimoto. How did this woman know the novel is serialized in the newspaper? And why does she want to start reading it in the middle of the story? Which article was she actually interested in? Sugimoto cannot help making his own investigations about Yoshiko, but the more he searches, the more astonishing facts come to light...
Nobuko trabaja en Nagasaki como comadrona. Su hijo murió tres años atrás a causa de la bomba atómica. En el aniversario de la misma, el día 9 de Agosto, su hijo se le aparece de nuevo.
Narration (voice)
Mamoru Taoka
A young, mentally retarded boy is wrongfully accused of murder, but his family lacks the means to hire an attorney to defend him. The boy’s sister, Kiriko, pleads with an accomplished attorney named Otsuka to defend her brother pro bono. But because of Otsuka’s busy schedule and other priorities, he refuses to take the case. Lacking a proper defense, Kiriko’s brother is eventually convicted of murder, and dies in prison. From that point on, Kiriko is determined to take revenge against Otuska.
For his first film in fourteen years animation director Isao Takahata embarked on a visually sumptuous adaptation of "The Tale of the Princess Kaguya". A dream project for the director that would hopefully establish the recently formed Ghibli Studio 7, created to meet the demands of a new type of modern animation process. But almost immediately the epic production is faced with difficulties and falls dramatically behind schedule. In this compelling and insightful documentary we follow Isao Takahata and his dedicated team of artists as they frantically strive against adversity to make their vision a reality and bring Studio Ghibli into a new Era.
At a small station in a very small town somewhere in Japan, a woman with eyes as beautiful as the sky, sits at a bench. A man comes to the same station to get a train back to the city, and here he meets this beautiful lady but finds that she is blind. This movie tells the fantasy love story of a day where a man and woman meet accidentally in a small town.
Nobuhiro Sawada
Based on the novel "Tsuyoki Ari" by Seicho Matsumoto In her past, Isako Sawada ran a restaurant. She then met Nobuhiro who is 31 years older than her and an executive of a corporation. They eventually married. Nobuhiro owns a large mansion and his money is managed by housekeeper Saki Tsubaki. Isako Sawada doesn't like that arrangement, but she hides her contempt because she has a plan. Her plan is to become a widow in 3 years and inherit one billion yen from her husband. Isako Sawada schemes to have Nobuhiro die in an apparent natural manner and she is having a relationship with another man.
Gentaro Yamao
Nobuko Sawaguchi is a surly, unattractive housekeeper in her mid-thirties. However, in actuality, she is a beautiful woman, but she hides this fact using her makeup because of a traumatic past experience. One day Nobuko is sent to housekeep for the Uehara family, known for its tremendous wealth. In the Uehara family, there is a massive quarrel over each member’s future succession and inheritance. In the middle of this hectic situation, Nobuko is asked by the daughter called Akemi to protect her.
Kichiya Hamaguchi
A family that was severely damaged by the Great East Japan Earthquake that struck in March 2011, and a family that escaped the disaster. The film depicts the collapse and rebirth of two families whose children were supposed to marry each other. A moving drama written by Yamada Taichi and starring Nakai Kiichi, Kuroki Meisa and Kamiki Ryunosuke.
Elementary School Teacher
Ambientada en los años anteriores a la Segunda Guerra Mundial nos muestra la vida cotidiana de una pequeña y humilde familia que vive en Tokio, la capital japonesa. La historia comienza cuando Takeshi encuentra una colección de diarios que escribió su ya difunta tía Taki Nunomiya. A través de esos íntimos escritos, tanto el joven Takeshi como el espectador, van conociendo la realidad que vivieron sus familiares antes de que estallase la guerra. En 1920 Taki es una jovencita que trabaja como doncella para la familia de los Hirai. Masaki, el padre, es el empleado de una compañía de juguetes y vive junto a su mujer Tokiko y su hijo de cinco años. Un día Tokiko recibe la visita de un viejo amigo, lo que provoca una aventura extramatrimonial. Mientras todo eso ocurre, Taki lo observa en silencio.
Kaname Hiranuma
Dos jóvenes hermanos, Kentaro y Keiko Saeki, empiezan a buscar información sobre su abuelo, que murió en las Fuerzas Especiales del ejército japonés durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial. Descubren que su abuelo, Kyuzo Miyabe, estaba aterrorizado por la muerte y obsesionado por mantener su vida. Según algunos de sus antiguos compañeros de combate fue un genio, según otros un cobarde. Kentaro y Keiko descubrirán una impactante verdad mantenida en secreto durante 60 años.
Prince Kuramochi (voice)
Basada en un cuento popular japonés anónimo del siglo IX, 'El cortador de bambú', la historia comienza cuando una pareja de ancianos campesinos encuentran a una niña diminuta dentro de una planta de bambú y deciden adoptarla como si fuera su hija. Convertida rápidamente en una hermosa mujer, es pretendida por muchos hombres, incluido el emperador, pero ella los rechaza a todos porque asegura venir de la Luna y debe volver allí...
Sawamura Keiji (Sorimachi Takashi) of Kanagawa Prefectural Police’s First Investigative Division, who is confined to office work while he is under treatment for insomnia, is hurriedly summoned by Taniguchi Goro (Hashizume Isao) the head of the First Investigative Division. A third case in a series of bizarre murders which have stoked public fears has occurred at a park in a residential district, and he is roped in to assist.
Sanzaemon Yanase
In the Edo period of Japan, a samurai’s life belonged to his lord. On the battlefield or in the home, a loyal samurai must always obey his lord’s commands. This is the tragic story of one such loyal samurai, whose love for his family forced him to make the ultimate choice of disobeying the wishes of his lord.
Shukichi Hirayama
Un viejo matrimonio formado por Shukichi Hirayama (Isao Hashizume) y Tomiko (Etsuko Ichihara) viven en una pequeña isla, y a petición de sus hijos van a Tokio a pasar unos días, aunque no les gusta la gran ciudad. La pareja tiene tres hijos: Koichi (Masahiko Nishimura) es el hijo mayor que dirige un hospital; Shigeko (Tomoko Nakajima), la hija mayor, es dueña de un salón de belleza; y el hijo pequeño es Shuji (Satoshi Tsumabuki), que trabaja en el teatro. En esta visita conocerán a la novia de Shuji, Noriko (Yu Aoi), pero lo que parecía que seria una reunión familiar más, se tuerce cuando Tomiko se desmaya en casa de su hijo mayor. Remake de "Cuentos de Tokio" de Yasujiro Ozu.
Ex-bandit Komakichi has a random encounter with an ex-ally, Matsuzou. Seeing each other for the first time in 35 years, the two drink and talk about their past, without revealing their current lifestyles, Matsuzou then recounts an odd story... The doomed reunion slowly steers the old bandits toward a life-changing event.
The story is set against the beautiful scenery of Yamakoshi, Niigata, which is also known for bullfighting. Yanagiba plays a man named Satoshi who raises fighting bulls, while Kanjiya plays his deaf and mute daughter Mio. Osamu plays her fiance Maru, a charming young man from the lower part of town.
A drab middle-aged man with thoughts of committing suicide and an extraordinary child prodigy plan a fake kidnap in exchange for a ransom of 10 billion yen.
Los protagonistas son el dúo cómico infantil Maeda Maeda. Dos niños, hijos de una pareja divorciada. viven separados: uno con su madre en Fukuoka, y el otro con el padre en Kagoshima. Los dos sueñan conb la reconciliación de sus padres. Cuando conocen la noticia de la inauguración de una línea de tren que uniría ambas ciudades, se aferran a un rumor, según el cual cuando los primeros trenes se crucen, ocurrirá un milagro.
In the spring of Genroku 14 (1701), Oishi Kuranosuke (Tamura Masakazu), the chief retainer of the Asano family in Ako domain is shocked to learn that his feudal lord, Asano Takumi-no-kami Naganori (Tamayama Tetsuji), had stabbed Kira Kozukenosuke Yoshinaka (Nishida Toshiyuki), the master of ceremonies, at Edo castle. Lord Asano was ordered to commit ritual suicide and the Ako clan abolished. Facing up to the gravity of this unfair ruling, since only one party was being punished instead of both as would be usual, Oishi decides to lead the loyal former retainers in an attack on Lord Kira so that he could take Kira’s head to his lord’s gravesite so that Lord Asano could finally rest in peace.
Heikuro Todo
Space Battleship Yamato nos situa en el año 2199, cinco años despues que apareciesen unos misteriosos alienigenas llamados Gamilas y empezasen a atacar a la Tierra con meteoritos gigantes y dejar su superficie totalmente inhabitable por culpa de la radiacion post-bélica. A la raza humana apenas le queda un año de vida cuando se recibe un enigmatico mensaje proveniente del lejano planeta Iscandar, asegurando que poseen un artilugio capaz de eliminar la radiacion de la Tierra y ofreciendo su ayuda a los humanos. Decididos a salvar el planeta, las Fuerzas de Defensa reconstruyen el acorazado espacial Yamato para poder realizar el increíble viaje que les llevara a mas de 150.000 años luz de distancia en busca de un desconocido planeta que puede ser la ultima esperanza para la raza humana y para la Tierra.
Gorou Osawa
A heartwarming tale about the turning point in the life of an elite business man in his fifties and a local train that has been running since 1911. Hajime is in line to be the next head of a prominent electronics company. He toils day and night over his work and has no time for his family. But one day, his mother in Shimane falls ill, and his best friend dies in an accident. Grief-stricken, Hajime returns home, where memories of his childhood dream come back to him. He had always wanted to be a train conductor and drive the local "bataden" Ichibata Electric Railway.
Shugoro Kurihara
¥ 260,000,000 is stolen from armored vehicle. The criminals escape into a crowded shopping mall and take over 50 hostages. Reiko Usagi (Ryoko Yonekura) and the SIT members are called in to break the stand-off. When Reiko goes into the shopping mall to negotiate, an explosion suddenly occurs. The hostages panic and run, while the criminals are able to blend into crowd of people and escape. A few weeks later, Reiko is at the Haneda Airport to go on a vacation. She then spots Yusuke Kimoto (Kento Hayashi), a man who was one of the hostages at the shopping mall. Reiko remembers Yusuke's bizarre behavior and her instinct starts kicking in. She decides to follow the man and boards the airplane that Yusuke is taking. Shortly after take-off her instincts prove correct. The airplane is hijacked ...
Narrator (voice)
A documentary film taking up the long-living giant Baobab trees as its theme. It is shot by photographer Motohashi Seiichi, known as the director of Alexei and the Spring (Alexei to Izumi) and others. Set in Senegal in West Africa, where modernization in urban areas is advancing and the Baobab trees, which used to be worshipped, are now being logged, the work closely depicts life in the humble village of Touba Toul, where people continue to lead a traditional lifestyle. It is a brilliant film subtly featuring the coexistence of mankind and nature through the modest life of Modou, a 12-year old boy who is the second son of a big family.
Kohei Moroi
A woman is forced to choose between her unborn child or medical treatment for re-occuring breast cancer. Shizuku, a talented surgeon, gets pregnant. In the past ten years of her marriage, she hasn't expected a baby because of breast cancer when she was young. She is pleased for the good news with her husband Ryosuke. However, soon after that, she has a relapse of breast cancer. This is the final chance for 38-year-old Shizuku to have a baby. However, she won't be able to raise her baby after the birth. Should she give up the baby and concentrate on medical treatment? Or should she give birth to the baby even if that may shorten her life? Shizuku is afflicted with the ultimate decision. Her life is filled with difficulties, but in the end, there is a big hope remaining.
Shigenori Togo
The drama stars Beat Takeshi as General Hideki Tojo, who served as Prime Minister of Japan during World War II and was later executed as a war criminal. The story's theme is said to be a look at how the Pacific War began, focusing mostly on the three month period between the Imperial Conference (Gozen Kaigi) on September 6, 1941, and the attack on Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941.
Tenkotsu Tobita
At a crucial point in his business life, executive Gondo learns that his son has been kidnapped and that the ransom demanded is near the amount Gondo has raised for a critical business deal. Gondo is prepared to pay the ransom - that is, until he learns that the kidnappers have mistakenly abducted not Gondo's son, but the child of Gondo's chauffeur. Now Gondo must decide whether the other man's child is equally worth saving.
Yamaguchi Fumio
Tells the story of Yamaguchi Yoshiko, a Japanese woman born and raised in China during the Japanese occupation of Manchuria. She debuts as the Chinese singer and actress Li Xianglan (Ri Kouran in Japanese), in the hopes that her efforts will work towards the benefit of both Japan and China. Hiding her true nationality, however, she slowly discovers herself becoming a puppet of the Japanese military's propaganda efforts in Manchuria, starring in "national policy" films that humiliate the Chinese people. But billed as the "star of Greater East Asia," her popularity soars across borders to Japan, where she holds a concert that draws thousands to the Nihon Gekijou Theatre and leads to a riot that injures several people. Based on her autobiography, this is the story of her personal struggle amidst military strife between her two homelands.
Keiko's father
A love story about two step-siblings, Yota and Kaoru. Long ago, Yota's mother married Kaoru's jazz-playing father, effectively merging the two families. Unfortunately, Kaoru's father skipped town, and Yota's mother passed away, but not before imparting a dying wish to her young son to take care of Kaoru.
Drama con tintes fantásticos ambientado en la Segunda Guerra Mundial en el que un submarino que porta un arma secreta trata de evitar el plan de lanzar una tercera bomba atómica sobre Japón
Misawa Senemon
Heizo's cousin Senemon Misawa and his son Katsuzo visited Heizo's home. Heizo learns that Senemon has fallen in love with Katsutoshi, a woman who works at the Yamabukiya Tea House, and has asked her to marry him. Heizo decided to visit Yamabukiya, saying "I will try to find out if this woman is a bodhisattva or a demon." After meeting Katsutoshi Heizo, felt embarrassed and ordered Gorozo to inquire about her just in case. Gorozo, in turn, sends secret detective Rihachi to Yamabukiya with the task of keeping an eye on Katsutoshi...
Narrator (voice)
Master swordsman Akiyama Kohei’s simple life in retirement is jarred into violent sword action when he meets an elderly fencing instructor who may be the target of a group of thieves planning a major armed robbery. At the same time dojo master Daijiro saves the life of man who, although skilled in archery has an aversion to killing and a woman artist comes into town where she is in danger of being raped by one of the thieves. From the pen of noted author Ikenami Shotaro, creator of such classics as Bandit Ve. Samurai, Hunter In The Dark, The Last Samurai, and Hissatsu-The Professional Killers! Brilliant storytelling that leads to superb swordsmanship!
Narrator (voice)
The samurai Akiyama Daijiro is asked to help a young boy who tries to bring the man who murdered his father to justice. In the course of their quest they uncover a plot by one of the clan officials that could change the course of history.
Film about Sakamoto Ryōma. The focus is on Oryo, the maid who became Ryoma’s wife and lived with him for one year before his death.
Ohara Koji is no ordinary Rookie. He is the Hanshin Tigers' secret weapon. Who would have thought that after two major shoulder injuries, 32-year-old Ohara could become a national sensation?
Twenty-five years after Tajima, an unfairly treated office worker, filed a lawsuit for the company's collusion, he won the Supreme Court in reverse. Sugiura, who learned this from TV news, celebrates by himself. Twenty-five years ago, Sugiura, who was still a national newspaper reporter, had the history of interviewing Tajima and his wife Midori first and writing an article.
Jiro Tokiwa
While Kazuo Tanaka eagerly practices his greetings for the big wedding the next day, his first as a matchmaker, his second daughter Hitomi prepares for her travels with her secret lover. The eldest daughter Reiko, nine months pregnant, has left her cheating husband to enter a frenzied Tanaka household. On the wedding day, Kazuo learns his father has passed away. Afraid of ruining the wedding, he asks Reiko and Hitomi to deal with the crisis. Rushing home after the ceremony, Kazuo and Kanako are faced with various problems.
Takashi Kanzaki
Yuka came to work as an intern nurse at a hospital and she met Shunichi again. They were school friends, and she liked him. But, she found out that Shunichi had an osteosarcoma.
Japanese film directed by Masahiro Honda.
One night, as pub owner Sotaro is caring for his sick wife, Shizuko, she asks him to promise that if she dies, he will never remarry. Thinking she is just being dramatic, he promises and tells her to go to sleep. When he wakes the next morning, however, Shizuko is dead. Sotaro keeps his promise, until one day he meets Satoko. The two quickly fall in love, and agree to get married. Their first night together, however, is interrupted by Shizuko, who is angry over her husband's broken promise. Sotaro and Satoko must find some way of appeasing the spirit before she drives them from their home.
Second television special.
One day poison is discovered in the shogun's food. The brilliant swordsman Mondo sets out to save Japan's leader from certain death.
Yagyu Bizen
Ogami Ittō, un samurái que sirve al shogun como "Kogi Kaishaku-nin" (verdugo oficial) es el objetivo de una conspiración clan Yagyu para tomar su trabajo y reemplazarlo con un miembro de su propia familia. Cuando su esposa es asesinada y la evidencia parece demostrar que está conspirando contra el Shogun, el código Bushido requiere que cometa seppuku. En cambio, desafía las órdenes del Shogun y toma las armas con su hijo pequeño contra sus enemigos, convirtiéndose en un asesino para contratar.
A romantic tale from the team of Fujio F. Fujiko and director Yoshimitsu Morita. The two heroines are played by Shizuka Kudo and Misa Shimizu, and it co-stars Motoya Izumi, David Ito, Toshiaki Karasawa, Isao Hashizume, Kyoka Suzuki, et al. The soundtrack is packed with hit songs incouding Wham's "Last Christmas", Earth, Wind & Fire's "Let's Groove", Kome Kome Club's "Roman Hikou," Saki Kubota's "Ihoujin" among others.
Goro Ono
A human drama on the state of marriage today, following the battle between a mother and daughter over her marriage and humorous depictions of the people around them. When Mieko's husband passes away, she hopes to arrange a good marriage for her daughter Non, but things don't go as planned when Non reveals there's already a love interest in her life.
First television special.
The story centers around Mikage, a young woman who loses her parents when young. She grows up in a lonely household with her grandmother who dies when Mikage reaches adulthood. Grief-stricken, she finds solace in the kitchen. Yuichi, a friend of Mikage's deceased grandmother, invites her to live with him and his mother. Then Mikage discovers that Yuichi's mother is actually his cross-dressing father. On the other hand, Mikage realizes that the wealth of gadgetry in Yuichi's kitchen is lovingly detailed...
Romantic comedy about a school teacher.
Ji Chang wants to be the best archer in the world. He seeks out a master who is able, at a distance, to shoot a single leaf off a tree. Over several years, the apprentice studies with the master. Finally, after mastering the techniques, as well as his own ambition, he sets off for the mountains, home of a legendary master of archery...
Eichiro Asabuki
A woman named Fujiki Asuka arrives as an acquaintance of a sister in law for a day under the bar master Tamura who had guided Yakuza's escaping as a shoji. Tamura who lives on the second floor of the store for the time being the son who wants to work here. A few days later, Tamura finds a handgun from Yuko's baggage and holds a suspicion ....
Bank Sales Manager
Una mujer empieza a trabajar en una oficina de impuestos. Su primer caso será investigar a todo un especialista en evadir impuestos. La historia se complicará por la simpatía que le despierta el supuesto delincuente.
Un camionero y su compañero prueban la sopa de una viuda, y al ser de las peores que han probado nunca, la cocinera viuda les pide ayuda para mejorar en la elaboración de la sopa. Durante el proceso surgirá entre ellos el encariñamiento con la dulce viuda.
Aclamada comedia japonesa que emula el formato de western (alguien acude al rescate de una viuda que necesita ayuda) y con un toque curioso alrededor del disfrute de la comida. Una cinta que tuvo un notable éxito internacional en su día. El director Itami era un presentador de televisión reconvertido en realizador.
A drama depicting the conflict between a man that ran to an old lover suffering from advanced leukemia, his wife and child that were left behind, and the friendship that develops between his wife and his former lover.
While trying to search for her missing father, Atsuko Moriya (Noriko Watanabe) meets a group of outcasts that help her. Having only an encrypted disk in her possession and while being chased by unknown people, Atsuko tries to solve the mystery of her family origins...
Two high school girls get mixed up in murder while investigating the disappearance of a classmate.
Film distributed by ATG.
Aslan (voice)
Adaptación de "Las mil y una noches". La historia se centra en Aladino, quien ama y pierde a la hermosa esclava Miriam, y en sus aventuras cambiará de nombre, llamándose Simbad. Forma parte de la trilogía "Animerama", formada por "Las mil y una noches" (1969), "Cleopatra" (1970) y "Belladonna of Sadness" (1973). Ideada por Osamu Tezuka, padre del manga/anime, la trilogia se caracterizó por dos elementos: fueron pensadas para proyectarse en pantallas de cine -algo poco común para la época- y se trataba de animación para adultos, adelantándose a obras como "Fritz the Cat" de Ralph Bakshi.
Considered one of the finest late Naruses and a model of film biography, A Wanderer’s Notebook features remarkable performances by Hideko Takamine – Phillip Lopate calls it “probably her greatest performance” – and Kinuyo Tanaka as mother and daughter living from hand to mouth in Twenties Tokyo. Based on the life and career of Fumiko Hayashi, the novelist whose work Naruse adapted to the screen several times, A Wanderer’s Notebook traces her bitter struggle for literary recognition in the first half of the twentieth century – her affairs with feckless men, the jobs she took to survive (peddler, waitress, bar maid), and her arduous, often humiliating attempts to get published in a male-dominated culture.